Chapter Five

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     Being left there alone with my thoughts broke a part of me. They were so jumbled up but also dark it scared a part of me. Emi was gone because Cain no Nikaido had killed her. Yet according to Haru Nikaido was her boss, which makes my thoughts that much darker. My sister who always told me to stay out of trouble, never get involved with gangs, never get involved with the evil side of society had done just that. She got involved with Nikaido, with Kuryu. She went and climbed in bed with the devil himself and thought she'd make it out alive. But now here I am trying to mourn her while taking care of the boys, Hyuga, and everything else happening in S.W.O.R.D. I'm falling onto the same path she had taken, so I'll probably fall on my sword too. How the hell did it end up like this? Being from Hope Hill in te Oya District, yet being friends with everyone in S.W.O.R.D, and falling in love with the youngest son of a former Kuryu family. Maybe my life was meant to take this path, even though I tried to stay away from as much of it as I could.

   Getting pulled from my thoughts as Hyuga came back into the room dragging a beat up Haru with him. "Talk to him," Hyuga huffed while pushing Haru towards me. Looking him up and down, taking in his busted lip, black eyes, and bloody knuckles before glancing over at Hyuga. Sighing and nodding I pointed to a chair next to my bed while staring at Haru. Sighing he took a seat and played with his sleeves while avoiding my gaze. "Hyuga give us the room please," I spoke while looking over at him. Getting a hum and nod in response as he left the room.  Glancing back over at Haru with a sigh leaving my mouth again. "You have to learn the world you live in now. I don't want you hurt but you're going to be in Oya. You have to fight for your life, fight for what you care about, fight for yourself, you have to fight. I'll get better at caring for you and your brothers, but you have to work with me too. We all have to fight in this life and world we live in. Kuryu isn't going to stop anytime soon, we're going to take them down. But you have to be able to protect yourself, protect your brothers, and everything you care about. I don't want you having to fight Kuryu head on like Hyuga and I, but I want you prepared enough to fight them if you have too," I stated while eyeing him. "I'm sorry for what I said it's just hard to handle with losing my mom and all the changes happeneing so quickly," He stated. "It's hard for all of us, but you have to grieve. You have to mourn and let it hurt, because it does hurt so let it. Let it hurt and take that hurt and use it for something useful. Use it as fuel for fighting, for staying alive, for staying safe. Use it as fuel, don't let the hurt break you to the point you can't do anything," I stated while reaching my hand towards him. "I feel alone though and I don't like how the hurt feels," He stated through tears. "You aren't alone, you're never alone. You have me, your brothers, Hyuga, people in S.W.O.R.D that care about you, and all the friends you'll be making in Oya. For the hurt it's no meant to feel good. It's meant to feel like shit because that's what hurt feels like. So, let it hurt get through the hurt, and use that hurt as fuel," I stated placing my hand on his head ruffling his hair some. "I'm sorry," He cried giving me a hug, wetting my shoulder with his tears. "It's okay," I whispered holding him close as he let out all his pain.

   "Hyuga," I called causing him to coming in from just outside the door. "Yes?" He questioned while looking at me. "Take Haru to get his wounds cleaned please," I spoke nudging Haru towards him. Getting a nod in return Hyuga guided Haru out the door. Sighing I let tears fall down my face as Seki came in with Murayama and the other two boys. "Why are you crying Auntie?" Ryuta questioned while looking up at me. "Because I miss Emi, it hurts. It's okay that it hurts though, it means that I'm grieving and proccessing her being gone," I whispered giving him a small smile through the tears. Nodding he came over and climbed up on the bed with me, reaching up and wiping my tears away. "Don't cry Auntie, Mommy wouldn't want you to cry," He whispers wiping more of the tears away. Nodding I pulled him in for a tight hug as I tried to stop my tears. "You're right she wouldn't want us crying," I whispered while looking over at Akio who was starting to cry. Opening one of my arms signalling him to join the hug with a small smile. Quickly he came over and joined the hug crying into my left shoulder while I mouthed a thank you to Murayama and Seki, before they left the room. "Everything is going to be okay," I whispered to the boys while holding them tightly.

Runaway: A HiGH&LOW FanFiction: Hyuga FocusWhere stories live. Discover now