Chapter 4

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    I woke up to bright lights flooding my vision and a head of blonde hair leaning over me. As my eyes focused Yasushi's face came into focus. "What happened?" I questioned softly. "I followed you cause I was going to talk to you and you fainted outside the school. So I called an ambulence to get you to the hospital and I wasn't sure who else to call for you," He spoke while scratching his neck. "Thank you Yasushi-kun," I whispered. Slowly I pulled my phone from my pocket tossing it to Yasushi. "Call Murayama, he'll have someone get Hyuga for me," I spoke. Nodding he quickly called Murayama before handing the phone back to me. "I'll stay with you till he gets here," He spoke sitting next to me. "Sorry again about earlier Yasushi-kun," I spoke while trying to reach the water next to me. "Here," He spokehanding it to me. "Thank you," I spoke before sipping on it. "Also it's okay, like you said we got off on the wrong foot," He spoke with a smirk. "You aren't allowed to welcome Haru neither is your friend, you're both beyond crazy," I chuckled while eyeing him. "We won't touch him don't worry, I can tell how much he means to you after hearing all that you said. Oya will give him the lesson he needs but we also keep our own safe," He spoke with eyeing me.

  Before more could be said the Oya kids from earlier came running into my room with Murayama leading the way. "I'm fine calm down," I spoke while looking at them, noticing Furuya missing. "You sent the most hot headed one among you to get Hyuga," I quickly deadpanned. "He's also the fastest," Seki stated with a smile. Sighing I looked over to Yasushi who seemed uncomfortable giving him a small nod before he went to leave. "Yasushi-kun," I called over. "What?" He questioned staring at me. "Put your number in my phone, we can stay in contact then," I spoke nodding to my phone next to me. Nodding he quickly put his number in before leaving without a word. "Why did you faint?" Fujio questioned softly. "She hasn't eaten for three days," Hyuga spoke walking into the room with the boys. Ryuta running up climbing on the bed hugging me while crying into my shoulder. Akio following suit while Haru stood there staring at me with glossy eyes. "Come here," I spoke opening my arms. Quickly he came over joining the hug crying with his brothers while I comforted them. "I fainted nothing else happened, I promise I'm okay," I spoke softly.

    "Why aren't you eating?!" Haru exclaimed stepping back to look at me. "I've not been hungry and I've been busy," I spoke while eyeing him. "You have to eat, we can't lose you too. We just lost our mom we can't lose the only person we have left," He stated through tears. "Haru, I'll eat just I've not been hungry. It's hard to eat when you're grieving and stressed," I sighed as tears came to my eyes. "You don't even show what's gone on with you. It's like you don't care she died!" He exclaimed with fist clenched to his side. "Haru," I started. "Don't, I don't need to hear an excuse," He scoffed before storming out of the room. "Haru!" I yelled after him. Tears falling from my eyes faster than before causing the others to give me sad looks. "Time for that lesson," Todoroki huffed leaving the room followed by Shibaman and Tsuji. "Fujio, go with them please," I sighed while wiping my tears away. Nodding he left with Tsukasa and Jamuo while Seki took the two boys from me, and Furuya followed after the others. Sighing I played with my hands as Hyuga slid into the bed pulling me into his arms. "I'll go get you food," Murayama spoke before leaving the room.

  "Love what happened?" Hyuga questioned softly. "I haven't eaten or slept for three days," I whispered. "Love I know you're having a hard time but you need to take care of yourself so you can take care of the kids. They need you, I need you, we need you love," He spoke holding me tightly.  "I know, I'm sorry," I mumbled while holding onto him. "We'll get throught this, it'll just take some time," Hyuga reassured, placing a kiss on my head. Nodding I just laid in his arms trying to push all the thoughts and feels down, I need to be strong I can't let them show right now. After a little longer of silence Murayama came back into the room holding a bag of food, and an angry look in his eyes. "Here's your food," He spoke sitting it in front of me. "Why are you angry?" I questioned softly. "Haru," He stated simply. "Hyuga can you," I sighed while looking at the food bag. Nodding he got up following Murayama out of the room leaving me alone with my thoughts.

Runaway: A HiGH&LOW FanFiction: Hyuga FocusWhere stories live. Discover now