Chapter Ten

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  After that day I had sent Haru and Akio to live with Fujio in the countryside with his family, I knew for the time being they'd be safe out there, plus I gave them plenty of money for whatever they'd need. Ryuta was still in the hospital, he's not getting any better but also not getting any worse, even though he's in a coma now. I'm currently in the midst of getting information about what happened that day. So here I sat in FUNK JUNGLE talking with the Mighty Warriors.

"So why do you think we know who did it or that we'd tell you?" Ice posed while sipping his scotch. "I know you work for them and Jesse works for Doubt which works for Kuryu, so you all work for them in some way. I don't care how much they're paying you no amount of money is worth staying silent when a seven year old is fighting for his life in the hospital from a gunshot wound, he got while playing in his room," I spoke while eyeing everyone. "If you don't want to help don't, but if he dies his blood will also be on your hands, and I'll come after you all," I sighed while standing up and turning around. Looking down at the crowd while sipping on my drink giving them a moment to think. Scanning the crowd catching my eyes lingering on an exchange in the back causing me to stiffen as I saw the drugs that were exchanged. "Really, spearding Redrum out in the open," I sighed eyeing the pair. "Redrum?" Ice questioned from beside me. "The drug Kuryu was making and selling through other means, one of them being Doubt. It kills easily, and makes the people on it not feel anything, they become nearly unstoppable while high on it. It's used for a number of things though, sick twisted things. I never thought it'd be allowed here, even if you work for the people behind it. This place seemed like a safe haven away from it all," I spoke taking a sip from my drink, before looking over at Ice.

  "People can be free to be themselves here, they can do what they want," He replied while eyeing me. "Hope it doesn't bite you in the ass then," I spoke turning and sitting my glass on the table. "You don't seem to want to help which is fine, just keep in mind what I said," I spoke while eyeing them before taking my leave. Making my way through the crowded club passing by one of the men that had taken the drugs giving him a smirk as I went to leave. Feeling my arm caught and pulled back causing me to collide with the guys chest. Taking a step back and looking at him with digust, while he had a suggestive look on his face. "Can I help you?" I questioned while eyeing him. "Why don't you keep me company, I want to show you a good time," He spoke while pulling me back towards him. "No thank you, please let me go," I spoke giving him a fake smile. "Come on don't be like that. You're definitely worth my time," He spoke while raking his eyes over my body, causing a chill to run through me. "Don't look at me like that. Now let me go," I spoke going back to a disgusted look. His face flashed with anger and lust as his grip on my arm tightened causing me to wince a bit.

  Glancing up towards where I had just come from giving Ice a look before mothing 'sorry'. Quickly I brought my knee up into the mans groin before getting out of his grip and pinning his arm behind his back, putting him on the ground. "Next time listen while I'm being nice," I huffed letting him go before leaving the club, with eyes glued to me, and the sounds of the pained man fading behind me. Once I was outside I went to the smoking area on the side of the building, leaning against the wall. Arms crossed over my chest, one foot on the wall, while my eyes were closed and my head leaned against it. Listening to the music blasting in the club while also paying attention to my surroundings. "It took you long enough," I spoke feeling someone stand next to me.

   "I had no choice but to follow after you after the stunt you pulled, but also Sarah wanted me to come talk to you," Ice spoke. Sighing I opened my eyes and pushed off the wall, tirning to face Ice. "What do you want to talk about?" I questioned softly. "This is who ordered the shooting and who carried it out. We might work for Kuryu but we aren't heartless enough to have a childs attempted murder on our hands," He spoke while handing me a paper. Taking I glanced down feeling my blood start boiling as I read the first name Nikaido. "Thank you for this and sorry for the stunt I pulled, it won't happened again," I spoke before taking my leave. Quickly I jogged down the street towards where the S.W.O.R.D meeting was taking place. Slipping in undetected sticking to the shadows while everyone yelled at Cobra and each other. Sighing I piniched the bridge of my nose before looking back at everyone shaking my head.

"Oi dumbasses shut up!" I yelled walking out from my spot catching everyones attention. "Suki?" Cobra questioned while staring at me. "We're making an alliance rather you like it or not, we're going against Kuryu like Cobra said. Now shut up and listen to him," I huffed taking my seat next to Hyuga. "Thank you Suki," Cobra spoke before turning his attention back to the group. Sighed I watched him talk before glaring at the others that started to protest more. "SHUT UP AND LISTEN TO HIM!" I screamed while standing up glaring at everyone. "Going against Kuryu is a death sentence," Dan huffed. "Then leave if it's an issue, but if you leave you're abandoning Hoodlum Squad. If any of you leave you're abandoning S.W.O.R.D and your respective gang. Kuryu is an issue for everyone in S.W.O.R.D, so hush up and buckle up. We're all on this hellish mission together rather you like it or not," I spoke while clutching the paper in my hand.

  Before more could be said my phone rang causing me to jump slightly at the sound of it. "Moshimoshi?" I answered. "Hello this is Ryuta's doctor can you please come to the hospital?" The doctor spoke from the other end. "Yes," I stated ending the call. Glancing around as my eyes grew glossy feeling a pit form in my stomach as I braced myself for the bad news that could come. "Who was that?" Murayama questioned pulling me from my trance. "Ryuta's doctor, they need me at the hospital," I spoke while shoving my phone in my pocket. "If you leave instead of fighting you're abandoning the little boy that Kuryu shot and put in the hospital," I spoke before running out the door.

Runaway: A HiGH&LOW FanFiction: Hyuga FocusWhere stories live. Discover now