Chapter Eleven

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     Running into the hospital and down the hall towards Ryuta's room, hearing his nurse calling after me. My feet stopping once I got to his room, going into the room seeing a white sheet pulled up over his body, all the machines disconnected from him. "Ryuta," I whispered feeling my body grow heavy, as I slowly moved towards him. "Suki," A man said next to me. Glancing over seeing his doctor giving me a sad look. "We did everything we could to save him, but we couldn't. I'm sorry for your loss," He whispered tears glossing his eyes. "Thank you doctor," I whispered as I turned my attention back to Ryuta. Going over to him before collapsing onto the floor next to his bed breaking into sobs. "Ryuta I'm sorry I failed you," I sobbed while my body grew cold. As I sat on the floor my phone rang breaking through the sound of my sobs. Pulling it out looking at the caller ID Fujio it read. Sighing I pulled myself together as quickly as I could before answering the call. "Moshimoshi?" I questioned softly. "Suki-chan can you please take these two idiots back," Fujio whined from the other end. Chuckling I shook my head before replying "They need to come home for a few days, you need to come with them," I whispered. "Why? Has something happened?" He questioned, his tone turning serious. "Fujio I'm going to tell you in person with the other two, just promise to get here by tomorrow morning. The boys have enough money to pay for the trip for the three off you," I whispered softly. "We'll be there, I promise," He stated before the call went dead.

   Dropping my hand, shoving the phone back in my pocket before dragging myself to my feet, and out of the room. "Is there any paperwork I need to sign or fill out?" I questioned the nurse. Nodding she handed me some papers along with a pen giving me a sad look. "Thank you," I spoke taking the things going to the side to fill everything out. Once I was done I went back to the nurse handing over all the papers before glancing back at Ryuta's body. "Can we have the funeral home pick him up later?" I questioned softly. "Yes, he'll be transfered down to the morge, they can pick him up from there," She spoke. Nodding I gave a small smile before leaving the hospital. Walking down the street back towards the meeting knowing it had to still be taking place. The sadness that was washing through me was quickly being replaced by rage as I thought about who ordered the shooting, and who really killed Ryuta. Walking back into the meeting with rage filled eyes and tear stained cheeks.

   "Suki you're back already," Hyuga spoke catching everyones attention. "I am," I whispered giving a small smile. "How is Ryuta?" Yamato questioned while eyeing me. "Ryuta, they couldn't save him," I whispered making my hands into fist. The room fell into a tense silence causing me to sigh. "When we take on Kuryu Nikaido is mine, if anyone else touches him I'll kill you," I seethed, the taste of his name bitter. "Why Nikaido?" Murayama questioned. "He ordered the shooting," I spoke as Nikaido's face flashed through my head. "We won't touch him, we'll help get you close to him," Cobra assured giving me a look. Nodding I looked around the room seeing all the looks twisted with sadness and anger. "Fujio, Haru, and Akio will be back by morning so I can break the news to them, and so they can attend the funeral, you all should attenend as well. Ryuta would want you all there," I spoke before turning away from everyone.

   Taking a deep breath before glancing back at the others. "If any of you decide to not go against Kuryu and to not agree with this aliance, consider yourself a traitor to S.W.O.R.D and I'll no longer consider you in my life anymore. If any of you walk away then you walk away from S.W.O.R.D and from my life. If you leave I'll make it my personal mission to run you out of this area and make sure you never come back," I spoke glancing at everyone before looking directly at Hyuga. "That goes for you too Hyuga, you turn your back on this I'll leave you and run you out of here," I stated before walking towards the door. "I'm going to the brothers, finish the meeting, I'll be back later," I called over before leaving. Once I was out the doors again I ran down the street getting back home rather quickly. Going in and into mine and Hyuga's room. Pulling out my black turtle neck knit sweater, red leather jacket, black ripped jeans, black leather gloves, and my black face mask. Quickly I changed into my outfit, getting my phone stuffing it in my pocket, grabbing my solid black helmet along with my keys before making my way to the front. Slipping into my combat boots before leaving the house and getting on my motorcycle taking off towards Little Asia.

   After a little while of driving I parked next to the brothers bikes, sighing before getting of my bike and making my way up to there apartment. Taking off my helmet before knocking on the door. "Masaki did you order something again!" Hiroto yelled from inside causing me to chuckle. "You two really are exactly how Takeru would describe to Emi and I," I chuckled once he opened the door. "Suki? What brings you here?" He questioned while staring at me. "Can I come in first?" I questioned with a raised brow. "Yeah," He stated while moving to the side. Giving a small smile before walking inside, slipping my shoes off before going to sit on the couch. Glancing at the TV and then Masaki before sighing. "I need to talk to you both so Masaki stop being a horny bastard for a moment," I chuckled causing Hiroto to turn the TV off. "Oi! I was watching that!" Masaki shouted pouting at at Hiroto. "Suki is here to talk," Hiroto spoke pointing over to me. Masaki glanced over at me before glancing back at Hiroto who gave him a stern look.

  "What do you need to talk about?" Hiroto questioned taking a sip of his beer. "Ryuta and Takeru," I whispered while playing with my hands. The air around us becoming tense at the mention of the two. "Has something happened to Ryuta?" Masaki questioned. "Is our brother back?" Hiroto questioned. "I know who ordered the shooting and who carried it out," I started before sighing. "Ryuta he didn't make it, I got the news tonight, they killed him," I whispered looking up at the two with glossy eyes. "The people that were ordered to carry it out is the same Kuryu family that Takeru went to work for. I'm scared that now that this has happened Takeru will act sooner that he had planned, cause now it's not just the family that murdered his parents, it's the family that murdered his son and played a part in murdering the love of his life," I stated at tears fell from my eyes, and my hands shook. "We'll take care of it, just keep Haru and Akio safe," Masaki spoke placing a hand on my shoulder. "The funeral will be in a couple days you both need to be there, Ryuta would want you there," I whispered while trying to dry my eyes.

  "We'll be there," Hiroto assured. Nodding I stood up taking a deep breath before walking towards the door, being stopped by my arm being grabbed. Turning around seeing Hiroto and Masaki both standing there with sad yet determined looks. "Stay, you can't drive in this state. You'll get yourself killed," Hiroto stated. Nodding I dropped my head as more tears left my eyes. I felt arms wrap around me as I fully broke down the weight of Ryuta actually being gone fully hitting me. "We'll avenge Ryuta and Emi while also getting Takeru back," Hiroto spoke. "We'll fix this," Masaki assured. "He was only seven," I cried holding onto the brothers tighter.

Runaway: A HiGH&LOW FanFiction: Hyuga FocusWhere stories live. Discover now