Chapter Fourteen

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      I sprung up right in bed breathing heavily holding my chest as I looked around in a panic. "Darling are you okay?" Hyuga questioned coming over to me with a tray of food. "I had a dream more like a nightmare that Ryuta died, I came clean to everyone about mine and Emi's connection to Ryu, and that Nikaido also stabbed me to death," I spoke while looking at him.     
       "You've been having nightmares ever since Emi passed. You were in a coma at one point but you came out of it. Ryuta is still alive and you're safe. Everyone is safe and there's some people here that have been waiting to see you," He spoke while sitting the food in front of me.
        "Have them come in," I spoke giving a soft smile. "Eat first," He spoke giving me a soft smile. Nodding I put my hands together saying thank you for the food before picking up my gyoza, taking a bite. "This is so good!" I exclaimed flashing a bright smile.
      "The boys helped me make them along with helping make the sushi and the seaweed salad, also Haru made the Takoyaki," He smiled while watching me eat. "You guys made so much," I spoke looking at all the food. "We wanted you to have enough, we know you're having a hard time so we wanted to make all your favorite foods to cheer you up," He spoke while patting my leg.
       "Thank you," I spoke taking another bite of food. "Anything for you darling," He spoke placing a soft kiss on my forehead. Once I was done eating I looked at him with a bright smile. "You eat like a kid," He chuckled before leaning foward kissing me, dragging his tongue along my lower lip. I sat there shocked for a moment before kissing him back. "You had sauce still on your lip, I thought I should get it off for you," He spoke while smirking. "Maybe I left it there on purpose," I chuckled while eyeing him.
   "I'll take this and go get the guest," He spoke picking up the tray and leaving the room. Smiling I got up and quickly changed into one of Hyuga's baggy red hoodies, and then a pair of my black cargo pants, tying my hair up into a messy bun, before sitting back on the bed. After a moment of waiting the door opened again revealing the three boys with Masaki and Hiroto.
       The five of them came in with smiles, the boys rushing over to me. "I'm so happy to see you're all okay and in one piece," I spoke pulling them in for a hug. "We're glad to see you too," Haru spoke taking a step back along with the other two. "We have one more person that wants to see you," Masaki spoke causing a confused look to find my face. Looking towards the door as it opened again revealing Takeru in all his glory.
         In an instant I was up and jumping into his arms. "Takeru you're here," I cried holding onto him tightly. "I'm here," He spoke wrapping his arms tightly around me. After a moment had passed he put me down taking a step back.
         Glaring up at him before sending a punch to his gut causing him to double over. "That's for leaving," I huffed only getting a nod from him, as he clutched his gut. "Wouldn't expect any less from you," He spoke straightening his posture.
           Hyuga quickly came over to me pulling me into his side in a protective manner causing Takeru to smirk. "She's basically my sister I won't hurt her," He spoke causing Hyuga to relax slightly. "Don't hit daddy!" Ryuta exclaimed standing in front of Takeru, glaring up at me.
           "I- you're on his side now," I deadpanned staring at the boy. "Of course he is. You know how Ryuta was with mom," Haru spoke causing me to nod. Sighing I shook my head before walking passed everyone. Going towards the living room with the others trailing behind me.
          "When did we move in here?" I questioned turning around to face Hyuga. "You don't remember?" He questioned voice laced with concern. Slowly shaking my head taking in the looks the others gave me. "Should I?" I questioned a bit confused. "You moved in the day mom died, we all did," Akio spoke stepping towards me.
            "That doesn't seem right though. I don't remember," I spoke dropping my head. Feeling the air around grow thick with tension causing me to look up forcing a smile. "I'm sure it's nothing just a slip from all the nightmares," I assured sitting on a couch.
          "You're going to the doctors after they leave," Hyuga spoke cashing me to sigh. The boys sat around the table, while Takeru, Masaki, and Hiroto sat across from me on the other couch. Hyuga taking his seat next to me before looking at Takeru then the boys. "Boys go to your room while we talk please," Takeru spoke.
          Instantly they got up walking to their room without complaint causing my mouth to drop open. "They never listen that easily for me," I huffed folding my arms over my chest. "I'm their dad that's why they listen better," Takeru stated.
       "And I could've been their mom but you fucked my sister instead," I huffed earning a snicker from Masaki and Hiroto. Takeru just smirked at me while Hyuga gave me an offended look. "Thankfully it was Emi though cause I found someone better," I spoke placing a kiss on his cheek.
          "Sometimes I wonder why I missed you," Takeru chuckled while eyeing me. "Anyways Takeru wanted to tell you something," Masaki spoke putting the conversation back on track. Nodding my eyes settled back onto Takeru letting him know I was paying attention.
         "I wanted to say sorry for leaving, for not being here to protect and save Emi. For not being here for you when you needed me. I also want to say thank you though. Thank you for always helping to take care of the kids. Keeping them going on the right path, and being there for Emi when I wasn't. In saying that though since I am back now, I want to take the kids with me," He spoke while eyeing me.
         "The hell you're taking them," I snapped causing the four men to give me shocked looks. "Suki," Hyuga spoke causing me to turn towards him. "Don't give me that look. They were put under my custody after Emi died and he wasn't around. He doesn't just get to take them back," I huffed standing up.
        "Suki please just listen to me," Takeru spoke also standing. "No you listen. You were barely around when the kids were growing up. Haru and Akio barely got to know you. But you weren't even around at all for Ryuta and he's 7 Takeru. Then you disappeared for a year where no one could find you. Not to mention you never told your brothers you even had kids. I know you're their father but who's been the one helping to raise them," I spoke eyeing him.
        "That's why I'm asking for a chance to be their dad. I'm not in danger now, I can be there for them. Be their dad without putting them in harms way. I'm just asking for a chance Suki," He spoke giving me a pleading look. "Do what you want," I huffed storming out of the house.
      "Suki!" I heard the men call after me. Quickly I ran from the house, down a few streets until I just stopped. Sighing I walked towards a park no one ever went to. Taking a deep breath as I walked in sitting down on the swing.
         "You look pathetic," A voice spoke causing my head to snap to the side. "Go away Nikaido," I huffed. Chuckling he came over to me causing me to stand up. "Relax I just want to talk," He spoke holding up his hands. Sighing I sat back down looking at my feet.
         "If you feel like you're losing everything you can just come with me. I can help you take it all back," He spoke standing behind me. Sighing as he gently pushed me on the swing. "I can't cause that'd be turning against everyone important to me," I spoke.
         "But you aren't important to them. Takeru is taking the kids from you. They don't want to be with you anyways. Hyuga doesn't want them there and only looks at you with pity in his eyes. Come with me and I can take care of you. Love you like I wanted before Emi got in the way," He spoke.
        "You killed my sister asshole," I huffed. "She jumped in front of the gun. I was firing at the wall as a warning so you'd show up. She jumped in front," He spoke stopping the swing.
       Walking around standing in front of me before kneeling down to my level. "I never meant to hurt her. I only wanted to scare you so you'd come to me. Using her as bait was the only way. Using the boys as bait was the only way you'd come. I had to have you come," He spoke holding my face.
      Looking into his eyes before breaking down. Everything in me was breaking my heart, my mind, and my soul. I didn't know what to believe anymore. Who to believe anymore. Tightly his arms wrapped around me pulling me into him as he picked me up.
       I kept sobbing into his shoulder as he held me flat against him. "Everything's going to be okay," He whispered as we got into a car. Staying in place I let my tears keep flowing soaking his shirt as we took off.

Runaway: A HiGH&LOW FanFiction: Hyuga FocusWhere stories live. Discover now