Chapter Fifteen

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I must've fallen asleep cause when I woke up I was lying in a bed with a weight over my side. Looking behind me seeing Nikaido lying there shirtless with his arm draped over me. Looking down at my clothes seeing I was in one of his shirts causing my face to flush red.
"You woke up?" He rasped in my ear as he pulled me closer to him. "Mmmm yeah," I whispered glancing over my shoulder at him. Lying there for a moment in silence before turning over facing him. His dark eyes looking into mine as he gently held my face.
"I can't believe I finally have you here in my bed where you belong," He whispered bringing his face closer to mine. "I know this is wrong but I don't want to be right, not currently," I whispered just before pressing our lips together.
Feeling him smile into the kiss and he pulled me closer. Keeping our lips connected as he flipped us over so that he was hovering over me. My hands moving to his neck as my fingers reached up tangling into his hair. Letting out a whine as he pulled away as we caught our breath.
My eyes looking into his seeing his twisting with lust and love. "We should've done this sooner," He mused before connecting our lips again. Pants were heard from us as the kisses grew sloppy and desperate. Quickly being trailed from my lips down to my neck as he worked on the sensitive skin.
Soft moans escaped me as his hands worked on getting the shirt off of me. Quickly tossing it to the side as my hands ran up his body. His eyes boring down into mine before they slowly racked over my body. "You're where you belong now. Remember they don't want you," He whispered before going back to kissing down my body.
My chest raising and falling as my back arched. His hands holding me down as he pulled my panties off with his teeth. "I'll show you how well I can love you," He whispered while pulling his boxers off. My eyes staying glued on him as he crawled over me.
Bringing his lips back to mine, my hands clutching his back as he slipped in me. My soft moan being swallowed in the desperate kisses. My nails digging into his back as he started thrusting. Pulling away from the kiss hiding my face in his shoulder as moans escaped me.
His grunts sounding in my ear only causing me to moan more. "Fuck," I panted earning a breathy chuckle from him. "Hold on a little longer baby," He panted. "I-I'm close," I stuttered holding onto him tighter. Nodding I kept holding him close we both kept chasing our release.
"Fuck," He grunted shooting his warm liquid into me. Moments later my back arched as my head was thrown back, a loud moan leaving me as my release ripped through me. Panting heavily clasping against the bed as he laid next to me, pulling me into him.
We laid there for a few moments in silence holding each other while catching our breath. "You did great baby," He praised giving me a gentle kiss. "Are there marks on me?" I questioned while eyeing him. "Not noticeable ones," He whispered lightly running his fingers up and down my back.
Giving a nod and smile before leaning up, sucking on the bottom part of his neck. Pulling away only after I heard him grunt as his fingers dug into my side. Looking at the mark I left on him giving him a smile getting a devious look in return.
Quickly he had my head turned to the side sucking on my neck in the same area. A soft moan escaped me only pushing him to do more. After a few moments he pulled away giving me a satisfied smile. "Now people can know who you belong to," He mused before collapsing back on the bed.
"How late is it?" I questioned softly. Reaching over he grabbed his phone holding it up to his face. "22:00," He spoke before putting it back on the nightstand. "Can we make cookies?" I suddenly questioned earning a chuckle from him.
"So after we have sex you want to do some baking?" He mused cocking an eyebrow at me. "Yes," I spoke giving him a small pout. Chuckling he gave a nod while sitting us up. Getting out of bed going into the bathroom coming back over to me with a towel. "Lay back," He whispered.
Nodding I did as he said feeling him gently clean me up with the towel before pulling me up. Landing against his chest with how quick he pulled me up, causing him to tightly wrap an arm around me. Looking up at him seeing him smiling down at me as he pressed a gentle kiss to my lips.
"Let's get dressed," He spoke stepping away. Nodding I watched him pull his boxers back on before putting on some sweats. Coming over to me helping me into my panties before handing me my bra. Quickly I put it on as he helped me into a pair of his sweats.
"What about a shirt?" I questioned as he started pulling me from the room. "The apron will be your shirt," He spoke pulling me from the room. Going down the hall as he started turning lights on. Slowly the hall and from of the house were illuminated.
Smiling I made my way into the kitchen with him following behind me. "What kind are we making?" He questioned pulling out two aprons. "Chocolate chip," I spoke giving a smile. "Anything else?" He questioned putting the apron on me. "Snickerdoodle," I spoke with a wide smile.
Chuckling he ruffled my hair before putting on his own apron. Standing there I watched as he started pulling different things from the cabinets, spreading everything out along the counters. Once he was done pulling things out I stepped forward quickly getting to work.
Working on mixing all the ingredients as he hugged me from behind, resting his chin on my head. "Preheat the oven please," I spoke. Hearing him hum a reply while moving away from me. Smiling I started shaping the cookies and putting them on the cookie sheets.
After a bit of time all the cookies were on their respective cookie sheets. Stepping back I watched as Nikaido put the chocolate chip cookies in the over first. "I'll take care of the oven, I don't want you getting burnt," He spoke while eyeing me. "Okay," I spoke flashing a smile before starting to clean everything up.
"Let me," He spoke gently pushing me to the side while taking over. Smiling I stepped back leaning against the island watching him meticulously clean up. Moving forward wrapping my arms around his waist resting my head on his back while letting out a breath.
"What's wrong?" He questioned softly. "Just thinking," I sighed stepping away. Taking off the apron putting it on the island, before washing up. Quickly making my way over to the living room sitting down on the couch.
"You're feeling guilty for cheating even though he doesn't want you, aren't you?" He spoke sitting next to me. "Yeah. I mean I knew it was wrong but in that moment I didn't want to be right. But now I realize how messed up it was to do that. If we were going to start something I should've been single when it started," I spoke turning to him.
"Baby don't worry he doesn't have to know," He spoke gently rubbing my cheek. Sighing I leaned into him as his arm wrapped around me. "I don't know anymore. I don't know who to believe anymore or what to believe. I'm lost and I hate it," I sighed. "You can believe me. Everything I said is true. I never meant to hurt anyone or kill anyone. I just wanted to scare you so you would come. I needed you to come back to me," He spoke tightening his grip on my waist.
"But don't I owe it to the kids to go back?" I questioned. "They're abandoning you. They're leaving you after everything you've done for them to go to the man that was never there for them. They're leaving the person that has taken care of them more than anyone has. They deserve nothing when they're abandoning you for the man that abandoned them," He spoke giving me a small smile.
Sighing I dropped my head. "Maybe they're leaving cause I wasn't good enough. Even though I'm their Aunt I tried to care for them like a mother. Maybe it wasn't enough. Maybe I'm just not good at being a mother," I spoke.
"That's not true baby. I saw how you cared for them, all that you did for them. You're amazing at caring for others and you'd be an amazing mother. They're just ungrateful that's all. Don't let them get to you like that," He spoke gently rubbing my back. Before more could be said the timer on the oven went off.
Sighing he got up quickly taking the cookies out before putting in the next batch. Setting up the cooling racks before he carefully transferred the cookies over. I kept my eyes on him as he brought over a fresh cookie with him. Taking a bite out of it before passing the rest over to me.
"You're good at baking baby," He praised causing me to smile as I took a bite. My smile growing only bigger as I tasted the cookie. "You're cute," He chuckled sitting back next to me. Leaning over taking another bite of the cookie while keeping eye contact with me.
      "You know I have to go back right? Even if I want to be here I have to make things right or well end things right, plus collect my things," I spoke causing his face to drop slightly. "Last time you went back to him you never came back till now. I waited so long for you, you were suppose to be mine from the start," He stated.
       "We had something when you went by Cain. But then you left and changed. The change didn't sit right with me and I forced my feelings away. You don't know how hard it was for me to do that. I ended up going to Hyuga after your men hurt me while you weren't around. Hyuga was the one that saved me and took care of me. Cause of what your men did, but I'm guessing they never told you. So to you it looked like I betrayed you and just left. I didn't just leave though. I held out hope and in the end I got beaten nearly to death for it," I explained while eyeing him.
       "What are you talking about?" He questioned scrunching his eyebrows together. "Your men beat me nearly to death when they had come to Nameless City. I was there visiting the kids and while trying to protect some they grabbed me. They beat me so bad while the Rude Boys fought with the others. Not to mention them having to fight off Doubt as well," I explained. "I-I never knew," He stuttered staring into my eyes.
      "They almost killed me that day. I honestly don't know how I got away but I did. And when I did Hyuga found me and took care of me. He nursed me back to health for days. Because of that we became close and fell in love. Or at least I thought it was love," I sighed.
      Without warning he held the side of face while smashing his lips against mine. "I love you, and always have," He whispered pulling away. "Let me just stay here a few days and see how things go," I spoke pressing a gentle kiss to his lips. Humming a reply he got up heading into the kitchen as the timer went off.
    Again I sat there watching him as he took them out, putting them on the cooking racks. Walking back over to me with a cookie in hand he had already taken a bite out of. Passing it over to me as he took his seat again. Pulling me into his side as I sat there munching away. "Just make sure to come back to me," He whispered pressing a kiss to my temple.
      "What do I do if he wants to sleep with me?" I questioned glancing up at him. "Let him, because it'll be the last time he'll ever get to feel you," He spoke glancing down at me. Feeling my face heat I quickly hid it in his shoulder, causing him to chuckle as his arms wrapped around me.
       "But he doesn't get to feel you until I get to a few more times," He spoke quickly picking me up. Letting out a squeak as I clung to him. After a few minutes I felt the bed under me causing me to pull back. Seeing him hovering over me. "It's time for round two," He mused before kissing me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23 ⏰

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