Chapter Six

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   After a few days in the hospital I was allowed to go home where Hyuga wasn't allowing me to do anything and neither was Haru. Hyuga has been taking care of the issues in S.W.O.R.D while also helping take care of me. Haru has been taking care of himself and his two little brothers, while also getting ready to start his new school. I found it sweet but I was bored I can't just sit and do nothing, but the moment I started doing something Hyuga or Haru would stop me, and make me relax on the couch. Like now I was standing in the kitchen starting to work on breakfast and lunches for the boys. "Go sit love I'll do it," Hyuga spoke coming into the kitchen taking over. "I can do things too," I huffed before walking away. Going down the hall peeking into the boys room seeing Haru helping Ryuta with his uniform while Akio was fixing his hair. Smiling I walked down and into mine and Hyuga's room going over to the closet grabbing my black button-down blouse, black ripped jeans, and my red leather jacket. Quickly changing into my outfit before walking into the bathroom grabbing a hair tie, putting my hair into a high pony-tail. Reaching over grabbing a little bit of makeup, doing some red eye shadow, simple eyeliner, and some lip gloss, before leaving the bathroom and room smiling.

   "Good morning boys," I spoke flashing them a smile as I walked into the dinning room and kitchen area. "Good morning," They spoke in unision causing me to smile. Pulling out my water bottle making myself an iced coffee before grabbing an apple and waving bye to everyone. Slipping into my shoes and grabbing my purse from it's spot before skipping out the door. I'm going to go to a district where I'll be allowed to do things, that way I can feel like I'm not just wasted space and air. Smiling up at the sky while skipping down the street towards Nameless City knowing they'd let me help take care of the people there. As I got closer to the city I stopped in at a store picking up food and drinks to pass out to everyone I could, and a sweet treat for all the kids. Paying for all the things I picked up heading out with the bags in hand, walking until I was at the edge of town. Looking up at the sky smiling before I started walking into the town feeling myself being followed. Stopping for a moment looking up at the rooftops seeing P and some of the other Rude Boys looking down at me. "P a little help," I called holding up the bags. Once he realized it was me he came down from the roof with the others helping me with the bags.

  "What brings you here?" He questioned while leading us further into town. "I wanted to do something and Hyuga and Haru won't let me do anything. It's driving me crazy, plus I wanted to bring food for everyone and a sweet treet for the kids," I spoke seeing some of the kids gathered together a little in front of us. Before he could say anything I skipped foward with the bag of candy and one of food towards the kids with a bright smile on my face. Stopping infront of them giving them each some food and candy before looking over at P as he got closer holding my hand out to the bag with waters in it. Smiling he reached in getting a water for each of the kids passing them around. We went on like this for a while, passing out food to everyone along with water and candy to any of the kids, until we were at a hideout where all the Rude Boys gathered to eat and have some water. Looking around at everyone smiling while I sipped my coffee.

   Whipping my head to the side as my ears twitched. Dropping my coffee and running out the door towards a small girl grabbing her and jumping out of the way just as one of the building collapsed. "Are you okay?" I questioned looking over the crying girl. "I'm okay," She spoke while hugging me tightly. Hugging her back while looking over at Smoky and the others that stoof there staring at me with thankful eyes. "Be careful now," I told the girl before she ran off to the other children. Sighing I looked over at the building catching a glimpse of something that peeked my intrest. Walking over towards it binding down pulling out a necklace that brought on a wave of flashbacks.

   "You can't just leave! Your brothers need you, your kids need you, my sister needs you, Takeru we all need you!" I yelled at the tall man. "I can't just do nothing I found out the truth about how my parents were murdered! I can't just stay and do nothing!" He yelled back at me. "You're going to get killed! Kuryu is going to kill you when they know that you are trying to take them out from the inside! It's a suicide mission!" I yelled through the tears that spilled from my eyes. "Suki I have to do this, please don't make this any harder than it already is," He spoke looking into my eyes. "How am I making it hard? I know why you want to do it why you think you have to do it. All I'm asking is that you don't. You have two kids now they need their father as much as they need there mother. Your brothers need you also, they don't even know about the kids but what do you think they'd say if they did, and found out you were doing this. They'd stop you, that's what I'm trying to do. Please Takeru don't do this, don't go down this path," I pleaded. "I'm sorry Suki but I-I have to leave," He spoke turning around and leaving. "Takeru!" I yelled after him as tears clouded my vision and he disappeared from my sight.

   "Why did youdrive him away!" Emi yelled at me through tears. "I didn't, I tried to stop him! Takeru said he had to do this, he wasn't listening to me! No matter what I said he wouldn't listened!" I yelled back as more tears left my eyes. "If he dies and my kids no longer have a dad it'll be your fault!" She yelled at me before slamming the door on me. I sat on the steps for a few moments crying while pulling at my hair. "You're a sight for sore eyes," A voice stated. Looking up seeing Cain standing there in a suit with a sad look in his eyes. "How did you find me Cain?" I questioned while wiping my eyes. "I tracked your phone, I wanted to talk to you," He stated while offering me his hand. Sighing I took it and followed him to his car down the street. Getting in and looking over at him with tears still slowly falling. "I've joined Kuryu and my name was changed to Nikaido, I thought I should tell you beacuse things will change now," He stated while staring straight ahead. "Don't die that's all I ask and don't kill anyone I care about. You know that if you kill or harm those I care about I won't hesitate to kill you myself," I remarked before getting ready to leave the car. "I promise I won't cause you any harm," He spoke causing me to stop. Looking over at him with a warning look before getting out of the car. "Goodbye Cain," I spoke closing the door and walking down the street.

  "Did you really think we wouldn't find a rat on the inside?" Nikaido seethed through the phone. "Nikaido you promised you wouldn't kill or harm anyone important to me," I seethed while gripping my phone tightly. "I won't be the one to pull the trigger. Imagine what Takeru would do seeing you standing behind the gun that'll take his life," He chuckled. "I won't do it, I'd never do it!" I spat as tears threatened to spill. "Tick tock Suki, tick tock," He chuckled before ending the call.

   "Suki?" My name was called pulling me out of the trance I was in. My hands shook as I held my ears while tears streamed from my eyes. "Suki?" The voice called again, while a hand was placed on my back. "Don't," I cried moving away and curling into myself. "Suki it's me, Takeshi. P and Smoky are here too with the other Rude Boys. You're safe I promise," He spoke moving closer to me. Opening my eyes and looking up at him with tears still leaving my eyes. "Takeshi?" I whispered while looking at him. Getting a nod in return while he bent down in front of me. Quickly I uncurled myself and hugged him, wrapping myself around him while I cried into his shoulder. Standing up he carried me with him away from the building,while the others followed behind us. Once inside the hideout he sat me down on a couch while sitting next to me rubbing my back still. "What does the necklace mean to you?" Smoky questioned. "It's Takeru's," I whispered while looking down at it. "Something bad is coming," I added still staring at the necklace. "What do you mean?" Takeshi questioned. "I don't know but this tells me something bad is coming, I can feel it in my gut," I whispered looking around at the others. Quickly drying my eyes before standing up and walking towards the door.

  "Where are you going?" P questioned coming towards me. "I need to go see Nikaido," I spoke looking back at the others. "That's a death trap," Takeshi spoke jumping up from the couch. "I'm the only one he'll talk to. I have to know what he's planning. I have to," I spoke just as my phone started ringing. "Moshimoshi?" I answered. "Meet me at the old spot in an hour, if you don't show well you won't see Ryuta again," Nikaido chuckled into the phone. "I'll be there," I whispered ending the call. "Who was that?" Smoky questioned. "Nikaido, he found Ryuta," I spoke before running out the door. Quickly I ran through the streets of town finally losing the Rude BOys that had followed me. Once away from them I slowed my pace and went to the bridge on the outskirts of the S.W.O.R.D District. Standing in the middle waiting for what was to come.

Runaway: A HiGH&LOW FanFiction: Hyuga FocusWhere stories live. Discover now