Chapter Twelve

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    Here I stood with everyone watching as Ryuta's coffin was lowered into the ground, tears flowing down everyones face but my own. These past few days I've cried so much that I can't cry anymore. Glancing around I gave everyone small sad smiles as they left one by one to head to the temple, where Hyuga said we could all gather. "Let's go," Hyuga whispered squeezing my arm. "Give me a moment, I'll meet you at the temple," I whispered givng him a reassuring smile. Nodding he left with the boys giving me a small smile as he left. Sighing I looked back at the grave feeling a lump form in my throat as my eyes burned. "Take care of your mom for us, we'll met again Ryuta-chan," I whispered before taking a step back.

   Looking around the area noticing a man standing further back under an umbrella. Take in his posture and the structure of his body quickly realizing who it was, Takeru. After a moment I went towards him causing him to start leaving as well. "Takeru," I whispered to myself as I followed him. "Takeru!" I called picking up my pace. Following him down a path and a around a corner where he finally stopped and dropped the umbrella. Turning to look at me giving me a small sad smile. "It really is you," I whispered looking up at him. "I had to come, he was my son after all," He spoke while eyeing me. "Your boss killed him," I deadpanned while eyeing him. "And I didn't know about it, I was on another job when it happened," He whispered taking a step towards me.

   "Why did you leave? Everything went to hell once you left Takeru. Emi worked for Nikaido, she was killed by him and your boss helped, as well as killed your youngest son. Nikaido has had your boss targetting Haru and Akio, plus Nikaido has been trying to kill me ever since also. Not to mention I was the one that had to tell your brothers about your sons, my sister, and myself. The day they got to meet them was also the day that Ryuta was shot," I spoke while eyeing him. "You know I had to leave," He spoke stepping forward again. "I get why you left I just don't know why you willingly left your family for revenge," I whispered dropping my head. "I'm sorry okay, I'll fix this," He assured. "You can't fix this Takeru, Emi and Ryuta are dead. And the way you act you mine as well be too," I spoke going to turn away from him.

   "I said I was sorry," He spoke grabbing my arm and pulling me towards him. "Sorry doesn't fix the damage," I whispered while glancing up at him. Sighing he pulled me into a hug holding me as I allowed myself to break down again. "I swear to god Takeru if you die I'll bring you back and kill you myself," I whispered through the tears. "Wouldn't expect any less from you," He chuckled while wiping my tears away. "I need to get to the temple, someone will come looking if I don't get going," I spoke pulling away from the hug. "I'll see you again Suki," He whispered giving me a smile. Nodding I stepped away giving him a small smile. "Stay safe Takeru," I whispered before leaving. "You too Suki," He called after me. Raising up my hand waving as I kept walking away as my reply to him.

  After a bit of walking I was finally at the temple. Taking a deep breath and drying my eyes before walking in, all eyes turning to me as I walked down the path. Getting stopped by Haru and Akio colliding their bodies into mine, my clothes becoming wet with their tears, while I rubbed circles on thier backs. "Everything will be okay in time, the people that did this will pay the price, I promise you both that," I whispered while looking around. My eyes connecting with Hyuga who was walking over with a sad look covering his face.As he stopped in front of us he wrapped his arms around us giving us some comfort. After a few moments the hug broke and the boys went to sit with the other Oya kids while I went and sat with Hyuga and the other leaders plus the brothers.

   "You act like something more is wrong," Masaki blurted out earning a slap to the back of the head from Hiroto. "Hiroto-kun don't hit Masaki-kun, he's right after all," I spoke giving a small smile. "Drop the formalities it sounds weird coming from you," Hiroto spoke while eyeing me. Nodding I gave another smile while eyeing the two brothers. "Takeru was there," I spoke while taking my seat. "Was where?" Hiroto questioned. "The funeral, I didn't notice him until after everyone left. He was standing back under an umbrella away from everyone so he wasn't noticed. I talked to him and he promised to not die and that he'd come back after getting his revenge, but I think you two will need to help him and bring him back in one piece," I whsipered while eyeing them. "Everything is about to get messy," I spoke looking around the table.

  Before more could be said I noticed everything grow tense. Sighing I looked around seeing the cause for the tension. Seeing Ice and the others of Mighty Warriors standing there at the entrance dressed in all black and a basket of fruits and flowers in his hands. "How dare you show up here!" Hiroto snapped getting up going towards them. "Hiroto enough!" I snapped following after him. Getting between Ice and Hiroto pushing them apart. "Go sit," I spoke looking at Hiroto before turning my attention back to Ice and them. "We're sorry for your loss," Ice spoke holding out the things to me. "Thank you," I spoke taking the fruit and flowers. Giving them all a small smile before my eyes locked with Ryu who shifted uncomfortably in the back. Passing the fruit and flowers over to Tetsu who was sat closest to me before walking over to Ryu. I gave him a look before punching him square in the face causing a gasp to cut through the tention. "That's for not getting rid of the person that killed Ryuta sooner," I spoke taking a step back. Getting a nod in return as he wiped blood from his lip before slightly bowing his head. "I'll get rid of him, he's in my spot afterall," He remarked while looking at me. Nodding I pulled out a cloth handing it to him before walking back to my seat, taking the fruit and flowers along the way.

   "You guys can stay and have some food if you want, no fights will happen, and if they do then those fighting will have to deal with Hyuga and I," I spoke before taking my seat. "Thank you," Ice spoke while they walked in taking seats at the empty table towards the back. Giving a small smile I turned the attention to the food that had been placed on my plate slowly eating while everyone went back to their own food. After a little bit of eating and telling stories about Ryuta we were now having the last drink of the night. "I'll be right back," I spoke going inside the temple and down the hall. Grabbing my extra pair of clothes quickly changing before going back to the others. "Why did you change?" Hiroto questioned softly when I came back out. "A bad feeling has settled into my gut, something is about to happen," I whispered back.

Runaway: A HiGH&LOW FanFiction: Hyuga FocusWhere stories live. Discover now