Chapter Eight

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   I woke up to light shinning in my eyes, a pain radiating through me, the sounds of people crying, and my hand being held tightly. "Fuck," I whispered looking up at the ceiling. "Suki?" A voice questioned next to me. Looking next to me seeing Kato staring at me, Hyuga holding my hand while sleeping with his head on the bed, and the boys sleeping on the couch. "Kato," I whispered flashing him a small smile. "Hyuga wake up," He spoke shaking Hyuga. "Touch me again and I'll kill you," He seethed. "Even if I touch you," I whispered while looking down at him. "Suki!" He exclaimed jumping up looking at me. "The one and only," I spoke giving a small smile. "Kato get the doctor," He snapped causing Kato to run out the door, and the boys to wake up. "Auntie!" They exclaimed coming over and hugging me. "Sorry for scaring you, I didn't mean too," I spoke while eyeing them. "It's okay Ryuta explained what happened. He ran to Oya and found me in the middle of a fight," Haru spoke sratching the back of his neck. "Are the others in the waiting room?" I questioned while eyeing Hyuga. "Yeah they are," He stated softly. "Have them come see me," I whispered with a small smile. Nodding he stood up and left the room while the boys went and sat on the couch.

  Glancing at the foor as the doctor walked in looking at me with a smile. "Glad to see you awake. How are you feeling?" He guestioned. "Like I was thrown from the 20th floor of a building, shattered every bone in my body, and didn't die," I stated while eyeing him. "Well that's to be expect it's time for your pain meds again. However I want to go over a few things first," He spoke while looking at me and then at the boys. "Kato take the boys to get something to eat," I stated getting a nod in return. Once the boys were gone with Kato the doctor looked back at me. "You are very lucky to be alive right now. You lost a lot of blood and the bullets luckily didn't do to much damage. Recovery is about three to six months. You need to be very careful, no do anything but resting and recovering for the first three weeks. You can start slowly doing more by the fourth week but you  still need to rest plenty. Again you could've died," He spoke while eyeing me. "I understand doctor, I'll rest and take it easy. When do I get to leave?" I spoke while eyeing him. "You can leave in a few days, and you'll need to come for a checkup after the second week of recovery. You can't shower for a week and once you do shower the stitches will just wash away in the water," He spoke before walking towards the door. "Thank you doctor," I spoke before he left the room.

   Sighing I laid there playing with my hands before I heard multiple footsteps coming towards my room. Looking over at the door seeing a group of my friends come into the room. "It's good to see you awake," Cobra spoke coming over to me. "Sorry to scare you three," I stated looking at Tetsu, Cobra, and Yamato. "Don't do that next time," Tetsu spoke lightly hitting my arm. "It was either that or I bled out on the bridge alone," I chuckled causing me to wince a bit. "Ah that hurt," I spoke holding my stomach. "Just rest, it's good to see you awake but don't push yourself," Yamato spoke while patting my shoulder. "You scared all my kids," Murayama spoke up while eyeing me from the door. "I know I know I'm sorry," I spoke holding my hands up. "Did anyone tell Smoky and Rude Boys?" I questioned looking around the room. "After you left they got attacked again by Kuryu and Mighty Warriors," Rocky spoke coming into the room. "Amamiya are back, they were there when it happened," Cobra stated. "I knew this was going to happen, my gut is never wrong," I whispered feeling myself tense up. "Stop talking about that it's stressing her out," Hyuga snapped. "Hyuga," I snapped looking over at him. Causing him to sigh and turn back towards the window.

  "If they were attacked then that means the rest of us are going to be attacked also. Kuryu is launching their plan, and Nikaido plays a big role in it. That's why he's showing up so much, before he shot me he asked me to finish the job my sister was doing," I spoke eyeing everyone in the room. "What was the job?" Murayama questioned. "Take down S.W.O.R.D. I told him I wouldn't destroy or betray my family. I find it hard to believe that Emi would do that either," I sighed while thinking about it. "The necklace I had in my hand where is it?" I questioned looking at Tetsu. "This one?" Hyuga spoke holding it up. "Yeah that one," I spoke holding my hand open. He dropped it in my hand causing me to look at it closely before panick took over my brain. "Get Masaki and Hiroto here now, I know what Nikaido had on my sister to make her betray the people here," I spoke looking over at Cobra. Nodding he quickly left with Yamato and Tetsu while the others stared at me. "What did he have on her?" Murayama questioned. "Takeru's safety but I also have the sick feeling there's something else," I spoke while looking over at Hyuga. "You mean," He spoke realizing what I meant. "Yeah, I have a feeling that Ryuta might be his son," I spoke while my eyes started to water. "How could that be though?" Rocky questioned. "Anything is possible if you're threatening Takeru's safety. He was the love of her life, she would've done anything to keep him safe," I stated while swallowing the lump in my throat.

   "He isn't Ryuta's dad," Haru spoke coming into the room. "Haru," I whispered turning my attention to him. "I found this when I went back to the house to get something for Ryuta," He spoke handing me a piece of paper. Scrunching my eyebrows while opening the paper up seeing the results of a test done. "He's Takeru's son," I whispered looking up at Haru. "Mom did a lot for Nikaido but she never had his child," He spoke while sitting next to me. "Don't go back to that house anymore I don't trust what Nikaido is going to do also Ryuta will start being home schooled same with Akio until things are safe. He can't do anything to you if you stay with the Oya kids, they can't take on that amount of blood on their hands," I spoke while eyeing him. "Just don't get shot again," He spoke while holding my hand. "I won't Haru, but I will protect everyone. Just I have a recovery period of three to six months and I can't do anything for three weeks," I spoke while looking at him. "Leave this to us just focus on recovery and the boys," Hyuga spoke placing a soft kiss on my head. "I will don't worry, but when I'm recovered I'm kicking Nikaido's ass," I huffed while looking around the room.

   Something still felt off, there was something else coming and I had know idea until it was far too late. 

Runaway: A HiGH&LOW FanFiction: Hyuga FocusWhere stories live. Discover now