Chapter Seven

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   After a while of standing there I finally heard footsteps coming fromm the right of me. Glancing over seeing Nikaido with a sleeping Ryuta in his arms. Once he got to me he passed me Ryuta before facing the water. "You need to finish the job your sister was doing for me," He stated. "What's the job?" I questioned softly. "Helping us take down S.W.O.R.D," He spoke glacning over at me. "I can't do that, these people are my family. This place is my home, I can't betray them like that," I sighed. "If you don't do it you'll die like the rest of them," He spat. "So you're going to go back on your promise. Go against everything you told me before. Remember it wasn't that long ago this place was your home too," I spoke eyeing him. "This was never home," He spat while glaring at me. "But it was Cain, this place was always your home. You just ran once you got offered a large sum of money. You allowed yourself to be corrupted by power and money. You betrayed your family for power and money. And now you're willing to kill them for the same reason. I'm different though, I won't betray my family. I'd rather die for them," I stated while glaring back at him. Before more could be said Ryuta woke up and looked up at me. "Auntie," He whispered. "I'm here," I stated placing him on his feet behind me. Pulling my phone from my back pocket while eyeing Nikaido as he reached in his jacket. "You'd rather die for them?" Nikaido chuckled while pulling out a gun pointing it at me. "Ryuta run! Don't stop!" I shouted while glaring at Nikaido. "But Auntie-" He started. "Run!" I screamed taking a swing at Nikaido.

   While I struggled with Nikaido I heard Ryuta run away causing some release to fill me. "I won't let you hurt my family," I seethed grabbing onto the gun. "Then die like them," He chuckled pulling the trigger. In that moment I felt the air leave my lungs as my body burned. I staggered backwards holding onto my stomach while glaring at Nikaido. "You bastard," I choked out while falling to the ground. "It's sad it came to this," He chuckled shooting me in the stomach two more times, before leaving. I laid there unable to move as pain radiated through my body. my eyes watered as I kept putting pressure on my wounds. "Ahhhh!" I cried out as more pain went through me. Thinking about my nephews and Hyuga I slowly forced myself to my feet. Slowly I started walking looking around as I tried to figure out who would be closer to where I was. As I kept walking I realized Cobra would be the closest, so that's where I decided to go. As I staggered along the way into the Sannoh District I came across Tetsu cleaning out front of his families bath house. Staggering towards him falling and hit a bag of cans creating a loud noise, causing a groan to leave my throat. Qucikly I heard footsteps run over to me, and Tetsu came into focus. "Suki can you hear me?" He questioned while looking at me. "Cobra," I whispered as more pain racked through me.

   "Why is there so much blood?" He questioned pulling out his phone. "Shot," I whispered. Nodding he called for an ambulence before running off coming back with towels to press down on my wounds. "Stay with me the ambulence is coming," He whispered before making another call. "Cobra! Suki was shot she's with me by the bath house, an ambulence it coming!" He panicked into the phone before hanging up. "Tetsu," I whispered. "Shh save your strength, Cobra's coming right now," He spoke while looking me over. "Suki!" Cobra yelled sliding down next to me helping keep pressure on my wounds. "Call...Hyuga...get the boys..." I choked out feeling myself grow weaker. "I will just stay with us," He spoke while looking me over. "Who did this?" Yamato questioned looking down at me. "Nikaido," I whispered while hearing the ambulence approaching. "Help is almost here," Tetsu assured. Slowly nodding while my eyes started to close. "Hey stay awake," Cobra spoke while gently shaking me. Opening my eyes more looking at the three around me as the ambulence pulled up. Quickly the three were pushed away from me while the paramedics worked on me, before getting me loaded up into the ambulence. "We'll meet you at the hospital!" Yamato called before the doors were closed. Glancing around letting the heaviness start taking over my body, before my eyes closed adn everything started fading from me.

Runaway: A HiGH&LOW FanFiction: Hyuga FocusWhere stories live. Discover now