Chapter Nine

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After about a week I was released from the hospital into a very chaotic house. Hyuga has not only been dealing with the S.W.O.R.D issues but also home schooling Akio and Ryuta for me, while Haru was still going to school. The two brothers never came to see me either, not believing anything Cobra had told them so here I am in the living room with Cobra, Yamato, Tetsu, and the two brothers who looked rather pissed to be here. "Who are you?" Hiroto questioned while eyeing me. "Family technically, but my names Suki. I was Emi's younger sister that you never got to meet," I spoke flashing them a smile. "You aren't family," He retorted. "Cobra how did you get them to come?" I questioned glancing over at him. "Masaki agreed and Hiroto followed," He stated simply. Nodding I sighed before looking at the two brothers. Pulling out the necklace I had around my neck getting both their attention once they recgonized it. "That's," Masaki started while pointing at it. "Takeru's necklace, yes I know. It was in the ruins as a collapsed building in Nameless City, I was mean to find it. It was as if it was placed there to ensure I'd find it," I spoke while eyeing the two.

   "Your brother is in danger, and I for one know Takeru never told either of you where he was going. Simply because you idiots would've followed him, but that's okay I did for a bit at least," I sighed while thinking about Takeru. "Where is he?" Hiroto questioned. "He's working for the head of one of the Kuryu families, he told me where he was going after he told Emi. He found out that the death of your parents was murder. So he's working in the family to take out the boss. I told him not to go, I begged him not to go. You two needed him to stay, Emi needed him to stay, his kids needed him to stay, I needed him to stay," I spoke gripping onto the necklace. As Hiroto was about to say something my ears twitched and the hairs on my neck stood up, causing me to get off the couch quicker than I should've. Quickly walking down the hall going into the boys room seeing a red laser coming through the window. Rushing forward I grabbed both the boys pulling them to the ground with me as bullets started spraying through the window. Shelding the boys from the glass with my body while I moved us out the door. Once in the hall and the bullets stopped I stood up taking the boys into the safe room while Tetsu and Yamato came towards us, and the other three ran out front.

  "Are you two okay?" I questioned looking over the boys for any wounds. "I'm scared," Akio whispered while Ryuta stared at me blankly. "Ryuta? Can you hear me? Are you okay?" I questioned again shaking him slightly. Getting no reply just him falling into me causing panick to take over me. "Ryuta! Hey what;s wrong? Ryuta answer me," I panicked while shaking him. My eyes began watering as I looked over his body seeing blood on his back. "Tetsu take Akio down the hall," I stated while laying Ryuta down. Getting up I rushed down the hall opening up the safe room signalling Tetsu and Akio to go inside, before I grabbed the first aid kit and a couple towels. Going back to Ryuta and Yamato who looked just as panicked as I did. Putting in the gloves from the kit before carefully pulling up his shirt seeing a bullet wound in the center of his back. more tears came to my eyes as I held a towel out to Yamato with shaky hands. Before I could do anything else the other three came rushing back in, and over to us. "Tell me you saw who the bastard was," I spoke between cries. "We didn't they got away to quickly," Cobra sighed. Nodding I pulled out a bandage putting it over the wound before gently lifting Ryuta up and taking him over to the infirmary we had.

  "Cobra I need you to call Hyuga and tell him to get his ass here now. Yamato, I need you to call Murayama and tell him to keep Haru by his side at all times. Masaki and Hiroto wash your hands and put gloves on I need your help with saving our Nephew," I barked the orders while laying Ryuta down on the table. With shaking hands I started pulling all the medical equipment I'd need before going back over to Ryuta where the two brothers stood sick looking. Taking a deep breath I pulled the bandage off before getting to work. "Hold this here and Masaki go outside you don't have the stomach for this," I spoke looking between the two brothers. Nodding he left the room while Hiroto held the clamp in place while I removed the bullet, before stitching up what needed to be stitched. As I was finishing up the operation more blood started coming out causing me to panic. "Cobra!" I shouted while trying to stop the bleeding. "What?" He questioned coming into the room. "Get my phone from my pocket and call the fouth number from the bottom on my contacts," I stated while still trying to stop the bleeding. Nodding he did what I asked, holding the phone to my ear as it rang.

  "Moshimoshi?" The voice answered. "Get your ass here now my nephew is dying," I hissed as more panic started to overtake me. "I'll be there in a moment," They answered before the line went dead. "Put the phone back in my pocket please," I spoke while my body started to shake. "Suki breath," Hiroto spoke while eyeing me. "I'm trying too," I stated while looking at all the blood he was losing. After a few more minutes the person I called finally came in taking over. Moving to the side going over to the cabinet pulling out a turnikit, and everything needed for a blood transfusion. Prepping my arm before stabbing the needle into my vein going over to Ryuta. "Give him my blood, we're the same blood type," I spoke while holding the other end out to the doctor. Nodding he finsihed stopping the bleeding before putting the needle in his arm. Standing there I watched him finsih the operation before he turned to me. "I can't let you give much blood, you're still recovering. But I also need to take him to the hospital, my hospital no ones going to ask questions don't worry," He spoke while eyeing me. "Okay," I whispered while looking at my nephew. "Don't worry I'll keep him alive," He whispered while squeezing my shoulder. "Thank you Shotaro-kun," I spoke flashing a small smile. Getting a nod in return before he took the needle out of my arm, and bandaged it. "That's all you can give, you need to rest, I'll take him to the hospital," He spoke while patching Ryuta's arm. Giving a nod I leaned into Hiroto who had moved next to me. As Shotaro was leaving Hyuga and the others came bursting through the front door. Hyuga looking at me getting a nod to singnal I was okay before following Ryuta. Sighing I looked over at Kato and Sakyo before my eyes drifted to Ukyo and the others in the room.

  "I'll kill whoever did this," I seethed clenching my left hand into a fist as my vision flashed red. "Hiroto, Masaki help your brother I'll handle this. Just don't die your nephew's need you," I spoke with a determined look.

Runaway: A HiGH&LOW FanFiction: Hyuga FocusWhere stories live. Discover now