December 10th

322 19 1

"Are you finally ready now?" Harry calls for the third time while Louis puts on clothes borrowed from Harry after his shower (unfortunately alone).

"Wait a minute, baby," he calls back with a grin, also for the third time.

He ruffles his hair one last time, which is freshly blow-dried that it falls loosely and doesn't stay quite as laid down as Louis would have liked, but he doesn't want to waste any more time in the bathroom when Harry is waiting so desperately for him. Harry has been jittery and full of joy all morning and can hardly wait to pick up his little brother and sister together.

Louis finally opens the door and a short, very unmanly squeak escapes him when he finds Harry right in front of him, looking at him with wide eyes.

"Harry," Louis breathes, and in the next moment finds himself pulled close to him.

A nose immediately nuzzles into his freshly washed hair, fingers find their way under the sweater and almost tickle him with too-gentle touches on his lower back, all while Harry loudly inhales Louis' scent.

"You smell like my shampoo and you're wearing my clothes," Harry suddenly whispers against his ear, runs the tip of his nose along the shell of it and presses himself even closer to Louis. "You've never looked sexier."

His husky voice and the close physical contact immediately shoots into Louis' cock, which twitches at the thought of more and goosebumps break out all over his body.

"You're possessive," Louis jokes, trying to distract himself from his arousal and hoping that Harry will let go of him. Otherwise he can't guarantee anything and he has promised his mother that he will definitely show up today and allow the rest of the family to go on a snow hike.

But Harry kisses slowly from his ear down his neck and Louis shudders. He's so weak and Harry just so goddamn sexy also all over him.

"Harry," Louis warns but throws his head back to give Harry more access, who pulls his sweater down slightly with his index finger and kisses along his collarbone. Louis' cock is already semi-hard and pressing uncomfortably against his jeans, even though they are actually a bit too big for him.

"What's the matter, petal?" Harry murmurs, kissing his way back up his neck and suddenly hovering his mouth over Louis'.

"You're starting something we can't finish," Louis whispers, pressing his groin slightly against Harry. And oh— yes, Harry definitely feels the same way.

"It's too bad, isn't it?" Harry replies just as quietly and in the next moment kisses Louis so hard that their teeth meet. He's completely absorbed by the play of Harry's tongue as well as by two large hands that slide over his back and finally grab hard into his flesh, holding him tight.

It takes every effort Louis can muster to pull away from Harry and when he finally does, they both blink at each other with lust blown pupils and gasp for breath.

"Fuck," Louis finally clears his throat, more than obviously adjusting himself over his pants. There's nothing to hide anyway. Both of them sensed what was going on in the lower parts of their bodies and denying it is pointless.

"Sorry. Got carried away," Harry swallows and grins mischievously.

"I noticed," Louis smiles back. "Soon, baby. But now we have two three-year-olds to supervise and I would prefer to do it without a boner."

Harry chuckles quietly and stares down at Louis unabashedly. Laughing softly, he punches Harry in his chest and pushes past him into the hallway, Harry close on his heels. As he bends down to grab his shoes, a hand is suddenly on Louis's bum and he jumps up in shock.

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