Chapter 1: Pt 2

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The woman's face twisted with rage. Her cold eyes followed Oscar as the older man took another languid sip of his drink. She watched his throat move as the liquid slid down his throat, and thought to herself how pleasurable it would be to suck and bite his spotless skin. For the few seconds that she had touched him, the woman was in awe of his physique and wished to have the hard planes of his stomach pressed against her naked body, but alas, her daydreams were shattered when the Alpha continued to glare at her, waiting for her to leave.

With an angry huff, she smoothed her dress down and procured her strongest glare, leveling it at her superior. "What a pity," she hissed, her nails digging into the sides of her arms. "And here I thought you'd be just like your father."

Oscar's gaze swiveled sharply to her. "What did you say?" He growled and slammed the cup on the table. The woman flinched, taking a step back, and Oscar rose to his full height. A domineering, intimidating figure, Oscar was not one to infuriate, and the woman had just made that realization when she gawked up at his shrewd eyes and emotionless expression.

"I...I..." she struggled to find her words. Just moments before, she was confident that she'd have a good fuck that night, but as the man with an incurable amount of power loomed before her, she faltered.

"Never, ever, mention that bastard's name in my presence," Oscar snarled. "I have been lenient with you, but I'm beginning to lose my patience now. That man is a traitor and his name deserves no place on your lips, so either you delete that name from your vocabulary—with the promise never to speak of him again—and prance back to the dancefloor, or I'll have you escorted out of my club indefinitely. The choice, madame, is yours."

The woman blinked once. Then, she blinked twice. Then, upon blinking thrice, she staggered down the steps of the platform and rushed into the crowd, presumably to find her friends and leave. Oscar had no doubt he'd see her in a few months, glaring at him with her dark eyes from the other end of the table at their yearly Alpha meetings, but he decided that he could handle her disdain. He felt no pleasure in yelling at her. By far, she was a bright and welcoming member of an allied pack, but the mention of the man who had made his entire life a living hell snapped the patience of Oscar's wolf.

He looked down at his shaking hand and clenched it tighter. A moment of horror fell upon him when he thought that his fist had meant to physically berate the woman, but a calming breath and a side of alcohol soothed his frayed nerves. No, he'd never hit a woman. He'd never become the man he had lived with. Oscar promised himself such. Slowly, he unclasped his hand and let it wrap around the glass. His knees hit the edge of the couch and he let himself fall unceremoniously on the cloud-like seats. A low, shaking breath escaped him and he took another swig of the alcohol. I will not become him. I will not become him. He repeated the phrase like a prayer only he believed in.

"Oscar!" A new voice—bright and heavy with familiarity— called the young man's name. There was a slur to the voice, as though the person had italicized Oscar's name when calling out to him.

Oscar cast a lazy eye over to the stumbling figure that approached him. "Yeah?" His thin eyebrow arched curiously.

The man stumbled and collapsed at Oscar's feet, but not so that he could revere the power of his Alpha. Bushy, curly locks of brown hair tumbled over his forest-colored stare, one that was glazed over with the influence of alcohol. His chest convulsed and he rose, wiping his mouth. A sporty grin fell over his hazy face. "Hey! Why'd you yell at that girl?" He questioned in a daze.

Oscar sighed. "Sit," he said, pulling the man to the couch. It didn't take a lot of inspection on Oscar's part to recognize the drunkard as his affable but often incompetent Beta, Cai. He put a napkin gently on Cai's bruised lips and wiped the extra sticky juice away. "You know we put a limit on alcohol for you for a reason. Samiya will be pissed."

"I know," Cai slurred. "But I'll make it up to'll see...I love her so damn much..." If it were possible, Oscar was sure that he'd see cartoonish hearts pulsating from Cai's eyes. "Now...the girl...why..."

"I'm not in the mood, Cai," Oscar grumbled, and he had a feeling that he knew who had let the girl into his private space. "I don't have time to relax and you know it."

"You need to..." Cai murmured. "You're always so tense..." He slapped Oscar's broad shoulders. "See? Tense?"

Oscar shook his head. "Let's go home for the night," he started to say, then stopped, for the man under him fell into a fit of coughing that forced Oscar to bend lower and tap harshly on his back. Drops of alcohol, weakened and turned pale with Cai's bodily fluids, shot out of the Beta's mouth and his retching continued for a few minutes longer.

"Please tell me that you ate before coming here," Oscar murmured, again, mostly to himself, but Cai's fragile hearing heard him easily over the pulsating music.

"I forgot," the younger man muttered and coughed again. He struggled to his feet and leaned on Oscar's side for support as though he were severely injured. "Let's go now, please."

"Yes. You need rest." Oscar supported his friend and loosened the tight grip his tie had around his neck. A few steps down and they were in the midst of hot sex and musky, breathless words that circulated the animated club. It took all of Oscar's willpower not to tear a limb that grabbed his clothes, but the moment that he recalled his vicious stepfather committing the act before his teenage self, Oscar's fury dwindled.

They made it outside when Cai finally threw up on the ground, holding his stomach as the contents of his night spilled onto the concrete sidewalk. Oscar watched him with a disgusted curl of his lip, however, he patted his friend's back for support. Idly, he observed the obscene acts and violent language flying around the city where his club was stationed. His mind was restless and unhappy, but then a voice pushed the wall he had put up to block any intrusive thoughts from upsetting him further.

Alpha, Alpha! The panicked voice of one of his pack members shot through Oscar's skull. Alpha, can you hear me? Open your link!

What is it? Oscar had very little patience left within him. What's happened?

Murder, the wolf responded. There's been a murder!


Hey everyone!

Part Two is out! It seems Oscar didn't like the woman's behavior toward him. Our little boy has certainly grown LOL. What happened at the pack? What do you think of Oscar so far? Of his Beta, Cai? 

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