Chapter 26: Pt. 5***

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also...I'm not a pro at writing spice scenes, but it's a work on progress 😅


"I won't let you." He stood suddenly and grabbed her by the hips. He lifted her into his arms, his hands stroking up her thin thighs, then curling her legs around his waist. "You're so beautiful."

She giggled. "And you're quite handsome," she said and pressed herself against his cock, which was pushing through his jeans. She kissed him and bit on his bottom lip. "What about you? What would you like me to do?" She dragged her lips on his neck and her heart leapt when he moaned.

"Just be yourself," he commanded breathlessly, fumbling out of the room, holding her with one arm while tugging his tie with the other. He all but ran up the steps to his bedroom, holding her head once he'd freed his neck from his tie. "You're such a tease," he growled when she pulled her mouth from the small red mark she'd made on his neck.

She grinned. "That's what I'm known for," she said, and she didn't get a good look at his bedroom before she was pressed into the softest mattress she'd ever felt (does he have a bed made of clouds?) and his body fell atop hers. Oscar was careful to hold his weight so as not to cause any discomfort to her. He sat up momentarily to peel his shirt off.

Ananya's eyes widened. "Wow...Oscar..." she reached up, trying to touch him. He leaned forward and took her wrist, pressing her palm over his heart.

"I'm yours to touch," he whispered and pressed a butterfly kiss on her collarbone. He helped her touch him and dragged her hand over his skin. Her fingers were particularly intrigued by the thin pink lines scattered around his body, and she marveled at how beautiful of a pattern they made.

"They're like mine," she whispered and glanced at her free arm, which sat loosely at her side. Oscar brought her hand onto her chest and touched the light brown incision on her elbow, then the one on her neck, her cheek, and her thighs. He reached for the lace straps of the negligee and tugged it down her shoulders. He then swept his arm under her hips and let the gown slide to the ground.

"Does it hurt," he asked when he kissed her collarbone. "when I touch you?"

"No. It feels good." Ananya tightened her legs around his hips. "You feel good." She swallowed hard and a shaky gasp left her swollen lips. Something burned and throbbed between her legs, and she wasn't quite sure what it was.

"I won't hurt you," he promised. "I'll be gentle." He moved her hands from over her chest and nuzzled the deep curves of her breasts. His fingers danced along the soft concave of her belly and when he reached the head of her panties, he stopped, and imploringly, he gazed at her. "May I?"

Ananya's breath hitched. "Er, well..." she blushed. "I didn't shave..." She hadn't shaved for a long time, not since leaving her old house in Newton. Rutuparna was strict about bodily hair, especially on women.

It's disgusting! She would tell Ananya. Absolutely revolting for a woman to have hair on her body! This is why men don't like you. And when Ananya would acquiesce to Rutuparna's demands, she'd be forced to spend the next three hours listening to the laments of her aunt (and a few insults thrown in the mix).

"So?" Oscar blinked.

"So...I have hair down there!" She hissed. "Doesn't that bother you? I mean, you're as clear as a newborn!"

Oscar laughed. "I'm not a fan of hair on my body, but I don't mind it on you," he said. "It's part of your body. I love everything about you and your body." Slowly, he began dragging her panties down and stopped when they reached her knees. With glowing eyes, he leaned back on his knees and observed her body with care and precision.

Ananya found herself keeping still under Oscar's study. Her heart was thrumming rhythmically in her ears and she felt powerful when she realized just how enthralled he was by her. Her body was warm and shaking with need. Because she was lying on her back, she couldn't do much, though.

Finally, he leaned forward again and kissed her mouth. "I'm excited," he murmured against her lips. "I want to do so much with you, but I don't want to hurt you."

"Hurt me? You wouldn't hurt me," Ananya said. Some of her power faded. Does he think I'm fragile? Is he afraid that I'm going to break? Mausi had said that before...maybe she was right. Ananya hated that she was thinking about her aunt during one of the most memorable moments of her life, but Oscar's trepidation annoyed her. "I'll be fine."

He frowned. "I'm not trying to patronize you or make you feel bad, my darling." He nuzzled his nose against her neck. "I just want to make sure that I understand your body completely, and if I hurt you in any way, I want you to tell me. Promise me that you won't stay quiet."

"As long as you promise not to treat me like a porcelain doll," Ananya retorted, still slightly irritated. Her vexation thawed when he peppered kisses along her neck, his jeans stroking her dampening slit. She moaned. "I don't want you to be too careful. I...I want to enjoy this."

"And you will," he assured her. "I'll make sure of that. If it's not good the first time, I'll do it again. I'll keep making love to you until you're satisfied."

"And if I'm never satisfied?" Ananya raised a challenging brow.

Oscar smirked. "That would be a problem," he mused. "I'd have to fuck you forever. Would you be fine with that?"

"I'd be more than okay." She wiggled her hips against his. "Just...don't doubt me, okay? I know for the most part I can only stay on my back...I can't sit up to touch you and I don't think I can stay on my knees for too long..."

"We'll figure something out. We'll take it slow today," Oscar told her. "But I'm excited and intrigued to experiment with you. I never got much of a chance to do so before. Who knows? We may find positions that you didn't know you could do."

"Maybe." She giggled. "That would be fun, I think."

"It will, but for now, let's focus on what we have going on here." He brought his fingers to her slit and dragged his index finger in slow circles around her slick entrance. "You're quite wet, aren't you? I wonder if you're tight too."


He inserted his finger into her, rubbing her clit as he paid attention to her mouth with his. He kissed her deeply, swallowing her moans as he continued his movements on her soaked core.

"Fuck, you're tight," he growled. "But you're so perfect too..." he inserted another finger and a cry shot out of Ananya's lips. Her eyes rolled and she tried to move closer to him so that his fingers would go deeper inside her.

 Her eyes rolled and she tried to move closer to him so that his fingers would go deeper inside her

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