Chapter 11: Pt. 2

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"I'd say to focus on the problem at hand. Find this killer before anyone else is injured. I know the man in charge of running Bourdier - Lance Dafowick - he's an amicable sort of man. I don't think he'd mind much if you put a few wolves on patrol for the area." Jackson stroked his jaw thoughtfully. "Oscar, I know this may be more for you to do, but I think it's high time we werewolves put our disdain against humans aside and work to become closer allies. This truce we have won't work for long, and it's not fair to keep our pups from befriending human children all because of our history."

"Plus, a lot of wolves are finding their mates in humans," Anvi added softly. "I know many who have been disowned or killed for being in an interspecies relationship." She wrung her wrists. "Of course, this doesn't just go for you. All Alphas and Lunas should work to begin mending relationships with humans."

The mention of having a human mate made Oscar's spine straighten, and he quickly nodded his consent to Anvi and Jackson's proposal. "I agree," he said. "We should work on correcting our attitudes and being less of an enemy and more of a friend."

"Try and weave that in while you're working on this case," Jackson said. "The last thing we need is another war breaking loose between our kinds." He sighed. "I hate to use this incident as a reason, but I think it would only get worse if we don't do anything about it. Not to mention that - and I'm sure of this - some humans believe we instigated the murder."

"They do. A lot of them," Oscar said, thinking back to January Bayor and her icy glare. He moved around on his seat and nabbed his tongue with his teeth. "I'll try and work on that as well. Bourdier is a small town anyway."

"Yes. It's a good test place," Jackson agreed. "Remind me again, who are you working with from City Hall? Which detective?"

"Their detectives are indisposed at the moment," Oscar explained slowly. "But I'm working with a recruit. Her name's Ananya Kaushikh."

"Fellow Indian, hm?" Anvi murmured to herself with a small smile. "How old is she?"

"I'm not sure. Probably around twenty-four or twenty-five."

"I see." Anvi studied his face. " is she with you?"

Oscar's breath caught in his throat. "She's...fine," he managed to say, struggling to keep his voice intact. "She's very nice...I don't think she's intimidated by our kind..."

"I see..." Anvi said again, her pale brown eyes still surveying his expression. Her lip kicked up in a small, amused smirk. "Do you like her?"

Thunder crashed and lightning screeched, highlighting Oscar's side profile. The young Alpha's eyes were wide and he struggled to make a coherent sentence for the five seconds between the thunder and lighting. His throat bobbed when he swallowed.

"I...she's very kind and beautiful," he muttered. "She's...different, but I find her a source of comfort. She's by no means boring. No matter what, she always seems to bring a ray of sunshine wherever she goes." He felt his voice drift as he spoke. "Her face is like the emojis she sends me. She has the big doe eyes of the pleading yellow face and the wide, expansive smile of the smiley yellow face."

Anvi shook her head fondly. "You're still learning emojis, I see," she laughed to herself. 

"Sounds like this girl has smitten you, Oscar," Jackson said, grinning. "Is she your mate?"

And before he could stop himself, before he could make up a small, silly lie and hope that he had mastered his poker face, Oscar allowed for his lips to part and he nodded. "Yes." He mirrored Jackson's grin. "She's...she's my mate."

"I'm happy for you," Jackson said, expecting Oscar's response, and he patted the younger man's knee.

Anvi bounced on the couch, reaching over the coffee table to squeeze Oscar's hands. "Oh, that's wonderful!" She said, "You have to bring her one day for us to meet. Of course, it's not easy to assimilate into a pack, especially as a human. I know many friends who've had their own share of problems. If you need anything, just say so." She struggled to suppress a squeal. "Oh, I'm so excited for you, Oscar!"

Oscar offered a placid smile. "I've recently come to terms with the fact," he said. "But I don't plan to do anything yet. Right now, I have my pack's safety and the safety of the humans to concern myself with."

Anvi and Jackson paused in their celebrations, and the couple exchanged nervous glances.

"Oscar..." Jackson began carefully. "I understand that you're putting everyone's safety and feelings first...that's what an Alpha should do, but..."

"But what about yourself?" Anvi finished. "An Alpha can't lead if he's battling a storm inside himself. It'll tear you apart."

"I don't have a choice. As Alpha, my pack comes first," he said. His hands hung between his legs and clenched. "You're right. There is a war waging inside me. It's taking every fiber of my being not to claim Ananya, but doing so would cause multiple problems. I already have enough on my plate as it is..."

"And we're adding more," Jackson mused. He pursed his lips thoughtfully. "Of course, I'll be having other Alphas and Lunas working on plans to reconcile with their human neighbors. I may bring it up to the regional meeting we'll be having soon. You'll be joining us, right?"

"I have to," Oscar said a little miserably. And I have to bring my mate. Oh, shit, what has my life become? He ran a weary hand over his face. "I-I'll be there." He forced a smile. "I'm hoping to have this case wrapped up by then, and once it's resolved, we can begin our integration plan. We'd have to invite the humans though, wouldn't we?"

"We would, which is why I'm trying to get to all the wolves going to the meeting beforehand," Jackson said. Oscar noticed the subtle way that the Alpha King was holding his mate, his thumb brushing the side of her stomach. "Keep up the good work, Oscar, and please, let us know if you need any assistance. We'd be more than happy to offer our help."

"I'll keep that in mind," Oscar said and stood. He shook hands with Jackson and hugged Anvi. As he began to pull away, though, her hold around him tightened.

"Oscar, please, don't do what he did," she whispered, and Oscar stiffened. "Don't overwork yourself. Don't become crazy or mad. Please, let yourself be happy. Please, let yourself live a little."

Oscar gulped. A slash of thunder and lightning tore through the sky and his skin burned. Not the belt. Not the blood. He closed his eyes and grimaced. "I...I'll keep that in mind," he forced out himself, unsure, though, if he believed it. 


Anvi and Jackson have made their cameo, and they're overjoyed to know that Oscar has found someone, but our dear Alpha is still in denial. What will make him come to his senses? 

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