Chapter 24: Pt. 2

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 "Maybe." Just as quickly as it had appeared, the daring sparkle in her dark brown eyes disappeared and she took her bag from the couch. "I'll see you soon, Kath! Come on, Oscar!" She opened the door and a hot gust of wind slammed into her, slinking into the small apartment.

Oscar followed her with a chuckle, leading her to his narrow car. She sat in the back seat since the front seats were lower and therefore harder for her to climb into. Ananya wasn't sure if it was her nerves talking or just the sheer excitement of seeing Oscar again, but she found herself prattling throughout the entire ride. Oscar didn't complain, however, and she spoke of the wolves she was looking forward to seeing, the decorations lit up at night, and the ceremony itself that would take place once they'd arrived.

"It's a relatively small event," Oscar told her as he pulled into the parking lot. "We just have to put the garlands on an idol of the Moon Goddess." He stepped out of the vehicle and strode to the side where Ananya sat. He watched her open the door and took her hand, holding her as she slid out. "Usually, I'd do it on my own or with Cai, so I'm delighted that this time I'll have my mate by my side." He kissed her cheek and let his face fall into the flowery depths of her hair. "You don't know how lucky I feel to have met you."

She laughed, lightly gripping his clothes with her fingers. "I think you'll find that the feeling is mutual," she said. "I'm the happiest that I think I've ever been, Oscar, and I have you to thank for that." She sighed. "I love you."

"And I you, my sweetheart." He released her only to hold her by the waist this time. Their mouths connected, and although they'd kissed several times, each time felt different. Maybe it was the direction their mouths met? Maybe it was the taste on their lips, reminiscent of their previous meal? Maybe it was the adrenaline and epinephrine that heightened their senses? Whatever it was, Oscar and Ananya found kissing to be addictive and a necessity within their interactions.

"Yo, Oscar!" Cai's shout broke them from their reverie. The Beta, dressed in a similar suit to his Alpha, approached the couple with his wife waddling beside him. "Ananya, hi! Are you guys coming? The ceremony's about to begin."

"Is it?" Oscar regarded the moon, which had begun to reach its peak through the gray curtains skimming the sky. "Right. Coming." He offered Ananya his arm. "Shall we?"

She smiled. "We shall." She took his arm and walked beside him on the damp grass. She was grateful to have worn her sneakers, as the uneven terrain slowed her down significantly. The gentle white light drifting from the sky drizzled over the plain jewelry pieces and made a flimsy glowing trail on the ground.

"Oh, before I forget." Oscar stopped and reached into his pocket. "I have a gift for you."

"For me?" Ananya took the wrapped box gingerly. Her throat felt dry. "Oscar, I don't need a gift."

"A gift isn't something you need. It's something you deserve." He grinned. "You don't have to open it right now."

"Are you kidding?" She beamed. "Of course, I'm going to open it right now!" She tore the ribbon and gift wrap aside and pulled the gold clasp of the box open. The lid flipped and revealed a small, purple pin in the shape of a crooked crescent. The border was encrusted with diamonds and the center had a dark violet gem positioned at just the right angle so that when a ray of light bounced on it, its reflection would create the fuzzy silhouette of a moon.

"Oscar, is this..." Ananya felt overwhelmed by the heat and she could feel her cheeks flush. She stepped back, holding the box tightly. "This is..."

"My pack's crest." Oscar nodded, and when Ananya looked at him again she saw that he wasn't alone. The entire pack had crowded behind him, silent and attentive. They had their attention on nothing else but her, making her feel both uneasy and astonished.

"Why are you giving this to me?" She frowned. "I love it, don't get me wrong, but isn't this just for werewolves...?"

"You're our Luna." Karsten appeared from the group, and with him came the three children Ananya had met during the preparations that had taken place weeks ago. Collectively, they carried a dark purple sash in their arms. "Human or not, this pin is made for our Luna. You've proven yourself to be one of us, and for that, we feel like you deserve this."

"Luna, Luna!" The pups rushed to Ananya. The shortest took the sash in his small arms and climbed above the other two to create a tower tall enough to reach Ananya's chest. He put his arms out and offered the sash to her. "For you."

"For me?" Ananya smiled. "Thank you!" She took the sash from him and placed a kiss on his cheek. "What..." the fabric unraveled, revealing the flower garland she had begun making weeks ago. She noticed the blue moon petals glow dimly, but the mismatched petals - the pieces of other, smaller flowers - seemed to shine the brightest.

"As Luna, it's your job with the Alpha to bestow these upon the idol of the Moon Goddess," one of the wolves, an elderly, dark-skinned man, said and stepped forward with a kind smile. "Human or wolf, able-bodied or disabled, you have become a part of us from this day forward. Please, accept us and take care of us." He bowed, and with him, hundreds of wolves followed.

Ananya gaped at the rows of men, women, and children that came down like dominoes. "But...why all of a sudden? What did I do to deserve this?" She was blushing madly and her brain was scorching. 

"A few weeks ago, you jumped under a pile of heavy wood, risking your life to save our pups," Oscar explained with a proud smile. "It may not seem like much to you, but to us, it's proof that you're willing to save one of our kind at the cost of yourself. Now, if you wish, you are one of us. Our Luna." His voice then lowered, only so she could hear. "My Luna." 


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