Chapter 34: Pt. 1

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"Humph." Ananya sat cross-armed on a stump, pouting in front of a group of pups as they rolled on the dirt and played with one another. Behind them, Samiya tittered about, aiding injured humans and wolves by rewrapping their wounds and giving them medicine.

"I can't believe they still haven't cleared up some room in the hospital yet," Samiya muttered, wiping her brow. "Honestly, we need to create an extension in that place. That or a new wing. Everything is bunched together so we hardly have any storage space. Then again, we never expected such an influx of humans. Even our medicine isn't adequate for their needs."

"What's the difference?" Ananya asked, still moping and chewing her cheek. "Is the medicine weaker or stronger than required?"

"For your body, it's too strong," Samiya explained. "And it has chemicals that could be fatal. Right now, we're getting imports from a nearby pack, but they take a while to get here, and we can't risk losing anybody in the process."

"Can't they fly medicine in?"

"The nearest helicopter pad is right outside Bourdier. It'd alert June and Dafowick, and I doubt they have the borders open to other packs." Samiya sat beside Ananya. "The military is planning an assault today. Since June's pack isn't very big, we're hoping that we can take them down by the end of today."

"That would be ideal. What's my job, again?"

"Just make sure everyone remains calm, and nobody leaves the pack," Samiya said. "It sounds easy, but managing thousands of wolves and humans is challenging. I'm in charge of a couple hundred at the hospital and it always gives me a headache." She laughed, but when Ananya didn't laugh with her, she stopped. "What's wrong?"

"Hm? Nothing." Ananya turned her face.

Samiya rolled her eyes. "Liar," she teased and touched Ananya's arm. "Come on, what is it? You've had an annoyed expression the whole day. Even the pups have noticed." She gestured to the small balls of fur that rolled questioningly around Ananya's feet. Some of them pawed her jeans with a small whimper.

Ananya smiled. "Sorry, guys." She bent and ruffled their furry heads. "How can you tell I'm annoyed, though? How do you know it's not just my face?"

Samiya gave her an unimpressed look. "I'll humor you," she decided. "Your eyebrows are crossed and all of the skin is virtually gone from your lip since you've been chewing it all day. Your stomach is pulled in because you're not breathing all the way and you keep spacing out every time I talk to you. Not to mention you keep making huffs and grunts."

Ananya blushed. "Right...sorry." She grabbed a bouncing yellow ball before it passed her and handed it back to the pups. "Careful. Don't let it get too far," she warned them gently. "Samiya, do you think I'm weak?"

"Literally or figuratively?"


"Literally, you're not as strong as the average human," Samiya said. "Figuratively, no, you're not weak. Your mentality is much stronger than the Alpha's is, at least. Why?"

Ananya toed the grass. She caught the ball again and tossed it to the pups. "I just...I feel like I was snubbed."


"Everyone got an important job, and I have to stay in the pack like a housewife," she mumbled. She glanced at Samiya and her eyes widened. "I-I don't mean to downplay the work that goes into your job. I...I just...I want to help, you know? Like, join the fight!"

Samiya smiled. "I know," she said. "But fighting isn't always physical. Sometimes, fighting is making sure that you're protecting what you already have." She paused. "It's funny, you know because staying in the pack and looking after others is a job that all wolves want. A lot of us have to fight, and even the Luna fights a lot, but got the dream job." She chuckled and nudged Ananya's arm. "Enjoy it while it lasts."

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