Chapter 26: Pt. 4

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This chapter contains some mature scenes. If you are uncomfortable with explicit sex, skip from the asterisks (***) to the next set.

Note: This mature scene continues for the next three chapters


"The guest rooms are on the third floor. Alpha Yuen's room is also there," Samiya explained. "He prefers to keep his office on the second floor, though." She gestured to a boarded-up door that they walked past. "That was the previous Alpha's office. Nobody is allowed inside. I don't think there's anything in there anyway."

"I see..." Ananya noticed a blank, faded space beside the boarded-up room. "Why does that part of the wall look...lighter?"

"That was where Alpha Banastre's portrait was," Samiya explained. "Alpha Yuen had it taken down when he came into power. You will find that every little remains from Alpha Banastre's reign. Alpha Yuen had it all thrown away or burnt."

"I see..." Ananya pursed her lips, and a gust of wind from the open window at the end of the hallway sent a shiver sliding down her spine. She held her arms and rubbed her fingers over the goosebumps that arose. "Samiya, can I ask you something?"


"Why do you call Oscar, 'Alpha Yuen?"

"That's his title."

"Yes, but Cai doesn't call him that. Karsten rarely does."

"They are his close friends. I only know him because I'm his Beta's wife. I'm not very close to him myself." Samiya's posture tensed. "Of course, I've known him for a while. He's older than I am. He...he's a good person, Ananya. I know he is, but no matter how many times I tell myself that...all I can think of is Banastre..." her fingers rolled into her palm.

Ananya cautiously approached her from behind. "Did he do something to you? Banastre, I mean."

Samiya nodded. "He did, not directly to me, but he did." Then, she smiled. "I'm working on it, though. I know he's a good man, even if he can't see that himself." Her hands fell on her belly and she stopped walking. "Here we are."

Ananya almost bumped into her, and with a gulp, she tilted her head to look at the large red oak door. Okay, Ananya, you got this! Don't listen to what Mausi says. Go blow his socks off! She hesitated, then knocked twice.

"Come in," Oscar's gravelly voice called, sounding irritated. Ananya's heart leaped and her tongue went dry. She glanced at Samiya, who only stared back at her, then slowly retreated until she was at the other end of the hallway and behind the elevator doors.

Oh no...Ananya sucked her stomach in and her organs tightened. Carefully, she wrapped her short fingers around the handle and opened the door. "Um..."

"Oh, Ananya, it's you." Oscar didn't look up from his work. She noticed that while he didn't look totally disheveled, his collar was pushed up and his tie was loosened. Sheets of paper littered his desk and the ground, and his desk lamp was crooked, turned in such a way that the bulb was showing its behind to anyone entering from the only door and the gold string was dangling at a funny angle.

" I bothering you?" Slowly, she shut the door behind herself. A draft of warm wind swirled around her legs and under her thin, short dress. She shivered and briefly wondered to herself if she should have shaved her arms and legs. A tinge covered her cheeks when she subsequently realized that her limbs weren't the only place she had unshaven skin, and she tightened her legs.

"Of course not. You could never bother me, da—!" Oscar began to say and casually, he looked up to meet her gaze. His sentence cut off upon noticing her entire frame and the pen he was holding clattered to the ground. "Holy shit!"

"Er..." Ananya laughed awkwardly. "This is...this is something Samiya gave to me. wanted me to try it on" she laughed again. Where's your confidence, Ananya?! "We went to her house to change and then came here. I guess I...I guess I missed you." Her blush deepened.

Oscar was quiet and with every second that passed he just stared at her without uttering a single word. With every second that passed, Ananya grew less confident and more anxious. When the grandfather clock beside Oscar's desk chimed, she backed against the door.

"I'll leave you to work, then," she said, trying to mask her disappointment though it tugged mercilessly at her heartstrings. "I should go clean my clothes anyway. Why did Samiya make me keep them in the closet? Geez, I'm dumb."

"Don't you dare!" In the briefest moment possible, Oscar was in front of her. He pinned her to the door, one hand slamming into the wood by her head, the other gripping her hips. He was panting and his glare was menacing and dangerous, but not angry. "Don't even think about leaving right now." He stroked his thumb over her protruding hip bone and sifted the thin fabric between his fingers. "Did you honestly think that I wouldn't be so fucking turned on by you in neglige? Hm? Did you think I'd just let you go?"

"Well, you were working and I thought I was distracting you...I mean, I did want to spend time with you but..." Ananya chuckled a little hesitantly. "Um..."


"Oh, you are distracting me, my love, but it's not unwanted." Oscar pressed his body onto hers. His hand slipped under the lingerie and stroked his thumb over the fabric of her panties that covered her hip. He kissed her, the hand by her head moving to grip her by the hair so he could kiss her deeply. The door banged with their sudden movement and Oscar explored her mouth with his tongue, their kisses wet and sloppy and demanding and passionate all at once.

"Ananya, you beguile me," Oscar rasped, his hand going up her stomach. He cupped her breast and ran his fingers over her taut nipple, pinching the sensitive skin teasingly. "You make me want to fuck you right here, right now..." he kissed her jaw and ran his tongue down her neck. "I want to make love to you, so much. I want to taste all of you, from the taste of your mouth to the juice of your pussy." He brought his lips back up to her earlobe and nipped her, his fangs dragging along the side of her head. "Will you let me, my darling? Hm? Can I taste you? Can I make you mine?"

Ananya's breathing was ragged, and his fingers were driving her wild. She nodded several times, pressing her hips against his, searching fervently for friction. "Taste me," she demanded, swallowing hard. "Make me yours, Alpha Oscar." Her eyes met his fiercely.

Oscar's lips twisted into an excited grin. "It would be my pleasure, my love," he said and sucked on her neck, just above her pulse, and pulled a whimper from her plump lips. He released her breast, only to drop his mouth to her nipple and flick his tongue over the puckered area. "Do you like this? Do you like it when I touch you like this?" Using his other hand, he massaged her right breast.

"Yes..." Ananya gripped his head, her back sliding against the door. "Oscar, I don't want to fall..." her legs shook.

" her legs shook

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