Chapter 38: Pt. 1

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"Marge?" Stella stopped braiding flowers into Ananya's cascading onyx locks and stared at Kathie. "For Mayor? You must be joking, right?"

Kathie, who was chewing on a granola bar, shook her head. "Nope. I'm fucking serious. Marge's running for Mayor. She said if Oscar can reunite humans and wolves, then she can reunite humans with each other. Wouldn't that be great, though? We can live in Bourdier! Sayonara rat-infested apartments and air fresheners that smell like a fart!"

"That's if she wins, Kath," Ananya said with a gentle laugh. She shifted her body toward Kathie from the vanity she sat at. "It's only the beginning. It took months to repair the rift between werewolves and humans, and we're two different species. But the tenth district and residents of Bourdier are the same. The only thing is that not everyone can see that." She stared at her hands, which were covered with expensive silver rings and gold bangles, all things that Oscar had gifted her in light of their re-crowning ceremony. Her heart felt like it was permanently lodged in her chest. Through the open window, she could hear the crowd of Bourdier and the Yuen pack mingle amongst each other, chatting and enjoying themselves while they waited for the ceremony to begin. Ananya's stomach was tense, and she felt the beginning of a stomach ache surge in her gut.

"You look so beautiful, Ananya," Soley murmured, fixing the vanity mirror so that Ananya could see the long red gown that created a smooth outline of her body. There was a silver-studded pattern beginning from her waist down to her ankle, creating the silhouette of a flower and crescent. Her shoes were flat, which dismayed Kathie, who had hoped that Ananya would choose the pumps that the former treasured ("I can't walk in pumps, Kathie," Ananya had said in exasperation at Kathie's insistence.).

"You do," Stella said. "I can't believe you're going to be a Luna! You're so lucky."

"I don't know." Ananya laughed awkwardly. "I'm nervous. I don't know if I'm cut out to be Luna. I mean...I know I'm strong enough and smart enough...but..."

"It's just those jitterbugs that come before a big presentation," Stella assured her. "Look how beautiful you look." She directed Ananya's face toward the mirror, and Ananya focused on the beachy waves of her hair; the light gold eyeshadow above her panda eyes that highlighted her doe-like stare; the red paint that adorned her lips. She was unrecognizable, and for some reason, she felt both elated and depressed.

"I" She was unable to speak. " this me?" She leaned toward the mirror, her palms pressing on the soft fabric of her dress that made her legs feel like velvet. This can't be me...I look so...beautiful...

"Oscar's gonna faint when he sees you!" Stella and Kathie squealed. "Damn, you look incredible! I can't wait to see you on your wedding day if you look this amazing in a dress, Ananya!"

"Of course, Ananya looks gorgeous in anything," Kathie added flippantly. "But dresses suit you. No wonder you wear them so often. Oh, and nude makeup goes well on you. Ooh, I'm getting excited!" She clapped her hands.

Soley smiled. "Ignore them." She gave Ananya's head a motherly pat. "I think you look beautiful, though. What do you think?"


"Do you think that you look beautiful?"

"" Ananya's words came out in an almost ghost-like manner. The corners of her mouth turned higher and higher until she felt like she was beaming too widely. "I really do!"

"I'm glad." Soley helped her stand. "Are those shoes good for you? I think there'll be a chair on stage, but can you walk with these?"

"I can," Ananya assured her. She released Soley's shoulders and took a few steps around the room. She felt odd being in one of the guest rooms, but Oscar had so many that he told her he didn't mind which one she chose to occupy to prepare herself for the ceremony. He had apologized for not having a vanity in his bedroom and promised to have one put up despite Ananya's protests. Thinking of his insistence brought a smile and a sense of giddiness to her already fast-paced heart. I can't wait to see him. I wonder how he'll look in a suit...her cheeks flamed.

The doors creaked open, and in came a smug-looking Samiya and puffing January Bayor, both of whom were wearing dresses equally as fashionable as the other occupants of the room, though the only outlier was January Bayor, whose dress was similar to one that an office worker would wear.

"Before you say anything, this is the fanciest dress I had," she muttered with a scowl, marching around Samiya. "You led me on a wild goose chase! I swear we passed this door while looking for them!"

"Maybe." Samiya shrugged, stroking her belly with a flighty laugh. "To be completely honest, it was just fun to watch you deny getting that necklace from Karsten."

"What?" The other girls chorused.

"It's not from him!" January Bayor denied furiously with a scoff and flippant turn of her head. "It...why does it have to be from him? I could have bought it for myself!"

"Because we saw him carrying the box around for a week," Samiya pointed out. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about. You and Karsten are good friends, aren't you?"

"Well...yes..." January Bayor mumbled to herself. She crossed her arms and huffed. "Yeah, whatever. It was a gift from a friend."

Ananya smiled. She wobbled when she took her first step, then found her balance and walked toward Samiya, who gave her a quick look-over and hugged her.

"You look so cute!" She said, her cheeks flushed. "That dress fits perfectly on you."

"I'm a bit embarrassed by this part." Ananya gestured to the slit made for her leg. "It makes it breezy."

"I can imagine that. Well, we can hang out in the back of the crowd. There's no reason to stay in the front after the ceremony."

"I don't mind that. Have they finished preparing outside?"

"Yep. We're just waiting for Cai and Oscar. Are you guys ready?"

"We are. We were finishing helping Ananya," Kathie said. She stood from the bed and stretched her arms. "Damn, this suit is tight. I should have taken my jumper instead."

"The rainbow sparkly one?" Stella scoffed. "Oh please, spare me."

"Hey! I look awesome in that and you know it," Kathie growled.

"Sure, if that helps you sleep at night."

"Quit your squabbling, both of you," January Bayor snapped. Every gaze fell on her and she made an anxious sound in the back of her throat. "I have something to say."

"Don't you always have something to say?" Soley said quietly.

"I...yeah, I guess I do." January Bayor cleared her throat. "Can I say it?"

"You're asking permission to do something?" Kathie's eyebrows rose. "I'm impressed and scared. Who's dying?"

"Nobody." January Bayor scowled, and after a moment, she pulled a small, golden object from her black purse. "Ananya."

"Hm?" Ananya, who had been attempting to fold in the slit of her dress, looked at January Bayor. "Yeah?"


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