Chapter 11: Pt. 1

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The next day was a day wrought with misery and gloom. Dark storm clouds drifted aimlessly over the densely populated area as moments of thunder crackled over the sky. Every so often a gust of wind would billow through the pack and an uproar of giggles from the school pups would follow. Pinecones littered the grounds which were thick with stalks of long grass and patches of dirt and rocks. Outside stalls were hastily packed and pups were dressed briskly and heavily for the upcoming storm.

Oscar sat in his living room in a small corner by a row of bookshelves. The window seat that he rested on brought back gray memories; ones of his mother sitting in her faded pink nightgown, her rounded lips pulled back in a warm smile as she'd sing a lullaby to Oscar, cradling him in her lithe arms to comfort him until the storm would pass. Oscar despised storms. He hated the rain and the roar of thunder. The flashes of lightning, aided by the crack of thunder served as a throbbing memory of his stepfather. Every hiss and boom the sky made caused Oscar to wince like the old, brown leather belt was lashing across his skin again.

He was waiting for the Alpha King and Luna Queen to arrive, though, in his mind, they were simply Jackson and Anvi. Being related to royalty gave him perks, and as second-in-command for all the wolf packs in North America, Oscar felt a sense of pride and a weight of responsibility even him out.

While waiting and occasionally glancing at his phone, Oscar recounted the information he had received from Samiya and Ananya the day before. This case was becoming more and more complicated, and Oscar was dreading the conclusion that it would take much longer than he had hoped to resolve. What was once a mere case of a human murder was now spiraling into a question of loyalty within his pack. Oscar wasn't certain that a mole was working on his land, but at that point, he wasn't sure what to believe was the truth anymore.

His phone buzzed with a message. It was Ananya.

Ananya: Heyyy! :D How are you today?

Oscar smiled. A streak of yellow split the sky as the downpour began, but he hardly recognized the beginning of the storm, as he was engrossed in replying to Ananya.

Oscar: Hello. I'm well. I have a meeting today with the Alpha King and Luna Queen, so I'll be unable to reach my phone for a while.

Ananya: Dang, that sucks :( but meetings are necessary ig...

Oscar: IG? What does that mean?

Ananya: 😂 It means I guess. Do u srsly not know that acronym

Oscar: No, I suppose not. Should I use acronyms?

Ananya: When ur talking with friends, then yeah!

Oscar: Are we friends then, Ananya?

Ananya: Why wouldn't we be? 😀

Oscar: Ah, okay. I was just clarifying.

Ananya: I swear u have patience to write an entire sentence w/periods

Oscar: It's how I usually text.

Ananya: That's lame 😂U need to be more chill

A laugh bubbled from Oscar's lips as he read her texts. Her name was by a row of ellipsis; she was typing something else, no doubt another row of emojis followed by teasing him for his cluelessness. Oscar resolved, therefore, to learn Ananya's texting language and use of various emojis. Perhaps being less uptight, as she wrote next, would help lighten their conversations and her teasing, though he found her amusement at his cordial behavior a source of enjoyment.

Ananya: oh, my aunt and uncle will be coming tmr. Ur gonna meet them w/me, right? 🥺

Oscar: 🙂Of course, I will. What time shall I meet with you? And where?

Ananya: AHHH u used an emoji again!!!!

Ananya: Let's meet at the train station. U know where it is, right?

Oscar: Yes...Yeah, I'll see you at eight am then?

Ananya: See ya, partner :D

Oscar smiled and reread their exchange. He felt proud of using a smiley face emoji and using the slang for 'yes'. He couldn't wait to tell Ananya the next day and see her face when she realized so. So engrossed he was by the pages of emojis that he didn't hear Cai enter the house, though the Beta's boots rubbed against the floor so that one would think he was dragging his nails down a chalkboard.

"Alpha." Cai bowed, his bushy hair drenched from the rain. "The Alpha King and Luna Queen have arrived."

Oscar dropped his phone on the couch. "Have they?" His smile widened into a fond beam. "Let me go meet them, then." He stood and straightened his clothes - a new white shirt and a pair of starched jeans - and strode past Cai toward the threshold of his large home.

Standing under the crystal and gold chandelier, their hands intertwined and hair soaked from the rain, Alpha King and Luna Queen Jackson and Anvi were a sight for sore eyes. They hadn't changed since Oscar had last seen them at the Alpha meetings, but he noticed that Anvi's dark hair had gotten longer, her face rounding with maturity, and Jackson seemed to have grown an inch or so taller than Oscar was. The couple turned upon hearing footsteps, and within seconds of entering the main room, Oscar found himself engulfed in Anvi's tight embrace.

"Oscar!" She exclaimed, squeezing him against her. "How are you? It's been so long!" She ruffled his dark hair and smiled. "You've grown so much. Last I saw you, you looked like a teenager who hadn't gone through puberty yet." 

Oscar rolled his eyes and returned her embrace. "You're one to talk. We're just about the same age," he teased her and tugged a strand of her hair in return. Although they were aunt and nephew, Oscar and Anvi's relationship mirrored that of a brother and sister, and when asked what their relation was, they'd always reply as such. "You certainly grew up." He pulled her cheek.

Anvi scowled and slapped his hand. "That's mean," she pouted. "You're taller than me now too. First Jackson, and now you." 

"I've always been taller than you, babe," Jackson chuckled, stepping beside his wife. He offered a hand to Oscar, smiling warmly. "Nice to see you again, Oscar. How's everything been?"

"Well...interesting, to say the least," Oscar replied, shaking Jackson's hand. The man who had been like an older brother to Oscar during Banastre's reign raised an inquisitive brow.

"Interesting? How so?"

"I'll explain." Oscar looked at Anvi again. "How's Asha?"

Anvi beamed. "She's doing well," she responded enthusiastically. "She's teething now so our nights have been a little rough, but her small fangs are adorable!"

"I'm glad." Oscar led Jackson and Anvi to the living room and closed the blinds as the downpour hardened. The rain beat the ground roughly while the thunder and lightning cackled above. A shiver passed through Oscar's spine, but he tried to keep his reaction discreet.

"So, what's the problem that's been happening here, Oscar?" Jackson asked once they were all settled.

Oscar relayed the issues to the Alpha King, including the potential mole in the pack and the human hostility. Anvi and Jackson listened patiently, frowning and nodding to what Oscar had to say. Conveniently, he decided to exclude the fact of Ananya being his mate.

"I was afraid that the humans wouldn't approve of an alliance, albeit temporary," Jackson said when Oscar was done. "This situation could grow out of hand fast if we don't find this killer. So far, at least, it doesn't seem that they've harmed anyone else."

"For now," Anvi added. She chewed on her lip. "This is kind of similar to the incident with Banastre years ago, isn't it?"

"Somewhat," Oscar agreed. "I've managed to create a solid partnership with the human working with me, but everyone else remains apprehensive on both sides. My wolves and the humans of Bourdier are not the kindest to each other, and I'm a bit worried that our shared animosity may interfere with the investigation."

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