Chapter 5: Pt. 2

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 The moment they were gone, Oscar's senses returned. Shame filled him like the wispy stream of a dying river and he clenched his hands. Again, you did it again, he scolded himself. Don't give in. Don't be like him...anything but him...

"Oscar." Cai put a hand on his shoulder. "You should be careful. We're not in our territory. The humans can use this as an act of terrorism."

"Not to mention the hypocrisy of the situation," Karsten added. "Since you had told me moments ago not to act on their foolish actions."

"I know...I apologize," Oscar murmured. "I let my anger get the best of me. It won't happen again." I won't let it happen again.

"Well, that's good to hear," a new voice said. The three wolves turned to see a tall, stoic-looking woman approaching them. Behind her was a tiny, shriveled-up man (who, despite his outward appearance, had the face of a child) and a young woman. Oscar hardly noticed the woman, though, as she seemed to blend in the shadow of the taller man.

"And you would be?" Karsten questioned gruffly.

The woman studied him with a reproachful stare. "Officer January Bayor, head commander of the Bourdier Police Department," she said. "This is Mr. Anthony Willis, Mayor Dafowick's secretary. I believe you had spoken to him over the phone?"

"Me?" Karsten blinked, and to both Oscar and Cai's surprise, a spot of color appeared on his pale cheeks. "Oh, no." He gestured to Oscar. "He is the Alpha, Officer."

January Bayor turned to Oscar, looking up at the towering, well-built man who stood before her. "It's a pleasure to meet you," she muttered, though her tone alluded otherwise. "So, you spoke to Mr. Willis, then."

Oscar nodded, slipping into his professional side. "Yes, Officer Bayor," he said, then nodded at Mr. Willis. "And the pleasure is all mine."

"Indeed," January Bayor said with a tick in her eye. She cleared her throat. "Anyway, Mr. Willis is Mayor Dafowick's secretary." She stepped to the side, allowing Oscar a partial view of the young woman behind her. "This is Ananya Kaushikh. She is the recruit that Mr. Willis mentioned to you on the phone. Unfortunately, an issue in our neighboring city has left us with no detectives at our disposal. So, this case will be including her as well."

"I see," Oscar mused. He squinted, unable to see Ananya very well. "Could you come a little closer, Miss? I can't quite see you." He found it odd because he was usually very perceptive, but the woman was nearly invisible in Anthony Willis' shadow.

"Oh, sure!" Ananya took a step over the gravel, clasping her hands together to maintain her balance. She entered the beam of light, her dark hair illuminated by the brightness of the sky, and Oscar's eyes widened.

"She's..." Karsten struggled to find the appropriate words. "Erm...she's the only girl you have? You don't have anyone"

Cai slapped his shoulder. "Karsten!" He hissed.

"What? I have every right to be concerned. We could be endangering an innocent girl."

"Sir, I understand you have concerns," Ananya spoke softly and Oscar's heart twinged at the raspy pitch of her voice. She had a nasal sound to her speech but it was diffused by the rasp of her tongue. "I'm aware that I'm not an able-bodied individual and I have my restraints, but I'm just as capable as any other recruit in this city and I'm determined to help you in your situation to protect our people."

"Your people, that is," January Bayor interjected icily and Ananya rolled her eyes. "Do you still have concerns with my recruit, General?"

"Plenty," Karsten wasn't backing down. "We have no room for such a liability."

"Were you not raised with manners?!" January Bayor snapped. "Who calls people a liability?"

"What? Is your human heart so weak that it can't handle the truth," Karsten retorted calmly.

Ananya bit her lip, stepping away from their growing argument. She glanced at the ground, and then her eyes met Oscar's searching gaze. He ensnared her in his hold, locking their gazes, and when her mouth parted he thought that he was going to drop to his knees. Everything about this woman made his knees weak. The powerful Oscar Yuen wasn't one to grovel, but he knew in the depths of his chest that if Ananya Kaushikh told him to kneel he would do so in a heartbeat. He was more confused than ever.

The quarrel was growing but Oscar heard none of it, his gaze fixated on the goddess before him. He was vaguely aware of Karsten and January Bayor's voices, as well as the cautious mix of Anthony Willis and Cai, but all he could look at was Ananya Kaushikh. She held his stare, allowing him to fall deeper into the warm almond color of her eyes. Her face was round and supple with the skin under her jaw; her nose was round and her lips in a crooked bow shape. Her body intrigued Oscar; her back had a slight curve to it, scoliosis, he assumed, and her arms hung limply at her sides, never straightening past what he guessed to be a 110-degree angle. He noticed a wobble in her legs as she stood and was aware of the short stature of her height. Despite this, though, he found himself attracted to the young woman, wondering aimlessly about how she would taste. She wasn't very soft anywhere but her face, but Oscar's fingertips burned with the temptation to run his hands over the small bumps on her caramel skin.

The scuffle of feet brought Oscar back to his senses. He snapped his stare away from Ananya and grabbed Karsten by his collar, stopping him from lunging at January Bayor.

"Alpha!" Karsten screeched. "Put me down!"

"When you stop acting like a toddler, I will," Oscar growled. "These humans have been kind enough to help us, and I see no issue in having Miss. Kaushikh join us in our hunt."

"But sir..."

"I will protect her and remain at her side whenever danger is near," Oscar promised, matching January Bayor's calculative glare. "If what you say is true, and Miss. Kaushikh will be an asset to us, then I won't accept no for an answer." He dropped Karsten. "Apologize."

Karsten scowled. "What? To her? I don't need to apologize for anything!"

"Your pride blinds you," January Bayor taunted. "How pitiful of a soldier much less a wolf."

Karsten growled. "You're on the path to becoming my next meal," he snarled, baring his teeth at her.

January Bayor laughed. "Is that so? Have I upset the poor puppy?"

"I don't need an apology." Ananya's chirpy voice cut through their squabble. "I understand your trepidation and you didn't offend me. You're not the first person to view me as a liability. I'll prove myself to you."

Oscar frowned. "Are you sure, Miss? The actions of my wolf were uncalled for..."

Ananya turned and beamed at him. "I'm sure, Alpha," she said. "And it's wonderful to meet you!" Her eyes widened. "Do you have fluffy ears? Do your eyes glow? Are babies in your pack puppies or human babies? Do they make cute sounds? How fast can you run? Is it true that you have heat? What's an Alpha equivalent to?"

Oscar blinked. "Huh..." he responded dumbly, struggling to keep up with Ananya's barrage of questions.

"Kaushikh, enough," January commanded, silencing Ananya. The girl's smile didn't fade, though. "Come with me." She turned and strode up the steps to the doors of City Hall. "I'll bring you to the Mayor's office for your meeting."


Hey guys!

So Ananya and Oscar have finally met, and also Oscar and January Bayor. What do you think of all these relationships? What do you think of January Bayor and Ananya? 

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