Chapter 38: Pt. 6***

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She observed him, drinking the cute, boyish ruffle of his usually combed hair and the wrinkles of his refined clothes. At that moment, he looked normal, so much so that she wanted to laugh at the irony. Here he was, a powerful Alpha, and he was underneath her, relinquishing his control to her. Ananya wasn't sure how to react.

Step by step, Ananya, she told herself. I have this chance. She met his gaze. "Can you lift me higher?"

Wordlessly, he nodded, and the hands on her hips brought her up so that their faces were matched. Ananya, holding onto the headboard, brought her head down, pausing momentarily when their foreheads bumped.

"Easy," he whispered, his grip on her waist tightening. "Don't rush. Think about what you want. I'm not going anywhere." He spread his legs, allowing her body to fit easier atop his, and Ananya took a moment to collect her bearings before she brought herself down again. She stretched the tight muscles of her shoulders and kissed his mouth, her weight plummeting. Her fingers slipped from the edge of the headboard, and when Oscar felt the heaviness of gravity fall upon his mouth, he arched his body, lifting himself from the bed so that her body would be supported by his chest. should I do this...? Ananya broke their kiss and rolled onto her side. Maybe it's no, Ananya, there is a way! Determined, she swung her legs over the bed and slid to her feet.

"Ananya?" Oscar sat up and watched her walk in front of him. She shimmied out of her dress so that she was only in her undergarments. "Shit..." his hand rose to touch her, but she grabbed his wrist.

"No touching," she said softly. "Not yet."

"Huh?" His voice cracked. "What are you..." The arch of his eyebrow grew higher.

"I'm trying something else," she replied, using her fingertips to push his body into a slant. She brought her hand to the base of his shirt and lifted it until it was folded up to his neck. "Take this off...please."

Oscar smiled. "As you wish." In one swift motion, he had the shirt on the ground. "Now what?"

"Kiss me," she ordered, her hands on her slim hips. Again, Oscar complied, bringing their lips into a searing kiss. His tongue touched her lower lip, and she pushed him away.

"Not yet." She giggled. She dragged her fingers along his jaw. "Not yet..." her hand dipped, tracing the taut lines of muscle drawn over his chest. Her gaze was locked on Oscar's, whose eyes had become so dark that she couldn't see even a glimmer of curiosity anymore. He gripped her wrist when her hand brushed the waistband of his pants.

"You're playing a dangerous game, darling," he growled, panting.

Ananya smirked. "You said that I could take what I wanted." She leaned her knees against the edge of the bed and kissed him, her tongue slipping through his lips, controlling his mouth. She stroked over his chest; over the muscle lines once again, then the pale scars over his heart. She pressed her palm over the heavy thumping that she felt, sighing into his kiss.

"You're tempting me..." Oscar snarled, holding his breath when Ananya's kisses went down his neck. She left a small bite on his jaw and loosened his belt.

"Isn't that the point?" She teased. She stepped back to observe him, surprised to find his skin flushed a deep pink. His narrow eyes were wide and his breathing was heavy. Using one hand, he covered his mouth, and the other pressed into the bed, supporting his weight. He turned his head.

"Are you shy?" She gigged. "How cute, Oscar."

"Don't tease me."

"I've never seen you so embarrassed."Is it odd that I find it so endearing? She pursed her lips. "Take your pants off."

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