Chapter 39: Pt. 2

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"You won't be alone. You know that if you need help, you can always come and ask me. I don't know if I can help you with your work in Bourdier, but as your mate, it's my job to help you assimilate into your role as Luna, and even then I won't abandon you." He offered her a lopsided smile. "We're in this together, Ananya. Don't worry."

"That's easy to say, but I appreciate your help," Ananya said. She studied the pancakes as they cooked in the pan. "

"I know it sounds like it's a lot of work, but you get used to it after a while. Besides, I don't work all the time. It's strenuous at times, yes, because I'm at a higher status than other Alphas, but I still find time to relax, let out steam, and do things I enjoy." He shot her a coy wink. "As I'm sure you saw last night."

Ananya blushed. "You can be so naughty at times," she said, waving her spatula.

"It's one of the things I excel at, my darling." Oscar paused. "Wait, is your uncle still here?"

Ananya smirked. She considered frightening him by lying and saying that Aman was still in the house (and therefore could have heard him) but she decided against it. "No, he left a while ago. He said thank you. Can he come back again?"

"Of course, darling. He can come here anytime he pleases." Oscar stood and took the plate from her shaky hand. "Here. It's a bit heavy, isn't it?"

"A bit." Ananya piled a few pancakes onto the plate. "Do you want syrup?"

"No, thank you." He kissed her. "I love you."

"I love you too." She blushed, and when she sat next to him, it dawned on her the mundaneness of their interactions that morning. It was normal that she almost forgot that her boyfriend was a werewolf, or that she was the Luna of an enormous pack.

"Darling?" Oscar nudged her shoulder. "Is everything okay?"

"Hm? Oh, yes, everything's...everything's great." Ananya leaned on his shoulder, and he smiled. It was calm, and she enjoyed it. She knew it wouldn't last forever - that was a given - but she wanted to savor every moment they had together before their responsibilities tore them apart.

Evidently, as she would come to realize, their tranquility wouldn't last long.

"It happened! It happened!" Cai's distant voice grew louder when the entrance doors slammed open. "It happened!"

"Wonderful," Oscar grumbled. "Cai, what are you doing yelling this early in the morning?"

"Okay, firstly, it's almost noon," Cai said, bouncing into the kitchen. "Secondly, they're here! They're finally here! I'm so fucking excited!"

"Who's here, Cai?" Ananya tried to follow him as he jumped around the room. "Who is it?"

"The pups!" Cai exclaimed, his cheeks flushed a dark red. "Samiya's given birth!"


Ananya and Oscar rushed to follow Cai to the hospital, where the nurses were bustling and smiling, bowing to the couple as they trailed after Cai. Ananya could smell the plaster and dust coming from the back rooms, where construction was still ongoing.

Samiya's room was the last in the fifth hallway, which served as the maternity ward, and was also the biggest ward in the hospital. She sat upright on the bed, covered with only a scruffy hospital gown. In her arms were two, whimpering balls of pink, their faces scrunched and their eyes fluttering.

"Aww, they're so adorable!" Ananya squealed, pushing past Cai to the pups. Quickly, she sanitized her hands and took one of their small fingers; she gasped. "He's so tiny..."

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