Chapter 23: Pt. 1

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"I don't understand this." January Bayor, for the first time in a long time, sat on Ananya's flimsy mattress in her casual attire. She was eyeing the young, dark-haired girl as she rummaged through her small closet, pulling out items and returning them to their hangers. "Why are you getting so worked up over an outfit?"

"Outfits are always important," Kathie, who was pacing by the door, said, raising her finger in an educated manner, one that suggested she was lecturing January Bayor. "The way you dress tells a person what kind of being you are. For example, you're always in your police costume, which is why everyone fears you and why you're always alone."

"I beg to differ." January Bayor crossed her arms. "I'm an approachable person, in or out of my uniform."

"It explains why you don't have a partner in the office," Kathie quipped. "Anyway, didn't you notice today that there were at least three men here who watched you walk down the street? Of course, you didn't, because all you were paying attention to was that blasted phone of yours." She stepped into the room and fell on the bed with a sigh. "You're dressed like one of us, and although I'd say that the flower prints are a bit too exotic, you've created an air of normality around you. People don't see you as Officer Bayor, first in command and certified statue. They see you as a regular, attractive person."

"I can't tell if you're mocking me or complimenting me," January Bayor mused, a scowl crossing her permanently twisted features. Her face was hardened with years of working in the police force, but her expression - when drawn away from Kathie and landing on Ananya - softened ever so slightly. It was nearly imperceptible unless one was right in front of her, which Kathie had done. The blue-haired girl crouched before January Bayor and was able to notice the subtle fade of the officer's insomnia-induced stress lines.

"Take it however you'd like. You're smart enough to figure that out." Kathie jumped to her feet and yawned. "So, Ana, tell me about this party you're going to."

"It's not really a party. It's more like...a ceremony, I guess." Ananya, who had been listening to their exchange with silent amusement, turned her head slightly to acknowledge Kathie. "Oscar wasn't specific with what I should wear. Apparently, it's to celebrate the Harvest Moon, when the Moon Goddess blesses the wolves' with a plentiful feast for the year." She shrugged. "It sounds nice, doesn't it? Sort of like Thanksgiving."

"It sounds too common, if you ask me," January Bayor said with a snort. "I'm still hesitant about allowing you to go, Ananya. You're heading into enemy territory"

"I've been to the Yuen pack on my own before," Ananya said. "The wolves there have been nothing but kind toward me."

"They trapped you under a wooden plank."

"It fell on me. Maybe they were a little hesitant at first, but they've become very warm and welcoming toward me now. I'm happy to have earned their trust." She smiled. "Why don't you come with me? Then you'll see for yourself that they're not bad people."

"I'll pass." January Bayor crossed one leg over the other and scrutinized the outfit that Ananya was holding. "Are you planning on wearing a dress or something more comfortable?"

"What's wrong with a dress?" Kathie interjected. "It's a ceremony, after all. Shouldn't she look fashionable?"

"Looking nice should come second to being comfortable." The police captain stood and strode to the closet, peeling the sparkling dress out of Ananya's delicate hands and setting it back on the rack. "Why not wear a pair of jeans and a blouse? Or a simple shirt, like me? Those wolves won't care. They wander around naked."

"They're only naked when they've shifted back into their human form," Ananya said with a laugh. "And besides, I don't think jeans are suitable for this kind of event. I don't want to look too laid back."

"Exactly." Kathie nudged January Bayor aside with her hip and stood next to Ananya, humming as she ran her speculative haze over the small assortment of clothes that she had to work with. "Don't listen to her, Ananya. She has no taste in fashion." She thrust her hands through the curtain of shirts and dresses, searching fruitlessly for an object that would suit her lavish taste. "You don't have any sexy dresses? No lingerie?"

"How disgusting," January Bayor muttered.

"Disgusting?" Kathie scowled. "Lingerie is the ultimate form of character display for a woman. By showing our bodies decked in intricate designs and lace, it proves that we're confident in our skin. I would lend you some of mine, Ananya, but I don't think they'd fit on you."

"It's okay." Ananya rubbed her chin. "Lace clothes aren't really my favorite anyway. They chafe my skin." She pulled out a plain white dress and observed it. "Do you think this and leggings will look nice?"

"It will, but won't it be too simple?" Kathie touched the hem

"Simple is good. You don't need to suck up to those bastards. Especially Karsten." January Bayor scowled and glared at the window. "He's such an asshole."

"I think it's just his way of trying to get along with you," Ananya said. "He seems to like you, and you're both in the military, so you have some common ground."

"Eh. He just likes to make fun of me. He doesn't know how hard I worked to become first officer." January Bayor ground her teeth. "He teases me. He pulls my ponytail. He always has something snippy to say to me. And the worst part is, anything I say makes him laugh! It's like I'm his jester. That damned wolf - I hate them all!"

"Mm...sounds to me that Karsten likes you," Kathie said with a teasing lift to her voice. "Those are all things guys do when they're attracted to you. Or girls." She shrugged and tossed a thin pair of black leggings onto Ananya's bed. "Sadly, I haven't experienced that yet. Perhaps one day. I'm more attracted to vampires, though. Too bad Dhrys isn't a girl."

"Tell him that." Ananya laughed. "The dress is fine then?"

"Yes, it should be--!"

"Karsten DOES NOT like me!" January Bayor interrupted with a shrill cry. She stood abruptly and marched toward Kathie, standing face to face with the freckled woman. "Don't you dare imply such a horrendous thought ever again! I would never, ever date a werewolf, end of story."

"You're very prejudiced against them when they've done nothing wrong," Kathie commented dryly, unperturbed by the raise of January Bayor's voice. "Our animosity toward them is - quite frankly - unfounded, because for the last decade or so they've been nothing but courteous about our boundaries."

"It's all a ruse. Yuen's just like his stepfather, trust me. He's just biding his time. And Ananya, he's using you as bait, mark my words." January Bayor glowered at the young woman, who stared back at her impassively.

"Officer, your beliefs are unfounded," she said calmly. "I trust Oscar with my life because he's proven that he'll always support and protect me. It's not just because he's my mate--!"

"There's no such thing as mates!" January Bayor's color turned a dark shade of red. Blood rushed to her cheeks and if possible there would be smoke puffing from her ears. "They don't exist, and they certainly don't form between humans and werewolves! Get your heads back in the game! Ananya, what kind of detective could you possibly be if you trust everyone so easily!?" Her fists shook. "This whole place mad! Demented! You people in the tenth district, go ahead and trust those wolves! Go ahead and be with them. But when they turn their backs to you and slaughter your family, then you'll be sorry." Fuming, she stormed out of the house, her footsteps shaking the floor as she did so. Ananya and Kathie watched her go, both quiet, and they didn't speak until the door had been thrown with a BANG.

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