Chapter 16: Pt. 1

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"I can't believe this," Oscar repeated for the fifth time that day. He sat in the early morning sun, his coffee cooling and reheating itself with the rays. "I just...I can't believe it."

Cai, who was subject to Oscar's musings since the night before, groaned. "I know. I don't think your sentiment will be changing anytime soon. Can you shut up now? I'm trying to take a nap before shit hits the fan."

"I don't want to believe it!" Oscar stood, the chair rocking roughly behind him as his body weight was lifted. "I-I can't! I mean..." he ran his fingers through his hair, pulling the light black strands. "Egon? Egon! Come on, Cai! Can you see that boy as a killer? He's hardly a man!"

"Banastre has been killing since he was in diapers," Cai mentioned dryly. "Sky's the limit with this pack."

"You're not helping." The Alpha shot him a dirty glare. "Cai, be serious!"

"I am being serious." Cai yawned. "Oscar, you've been at this all night. Even Ananya got tired of your crap and went home. Just calm down and sit. Finish your breakfast and then we'll deal with this - holy shit I sound like a parent."

"You'll be one in a few weeks," Oscar grumbled. "I feel sorry for that kid of yours."

"Fuck off." Cai took Oscar's cup and sipped languidly from it. "So, what are you going to do about him, then?"

"I have to arrest him," Oscar said. "I mean, the evidence is in the palm of my hand. I can't just ignore it. That would be obstructing justice." He sighed. "It's just...Egon? I'm sorry, I can't see him doing such a thing."

"Well, he was always a pretty flighty boy," Cai mused. "When he and his parents first joined our pack, we didn't know much about him. Quite frankly, we still don't know much about Egon's past. He's been a good kid, though. We've never had problems with him and he excelled in school."

"I always thought that he'd intern with Samiya," Oscar said. "When he joined the army I was shocked. I almost didn't want to sign his application request."

"Then why did you?"

"Who am I to prevent him? Egon may be flighty, but he's sharp-witted and incredible with a knife." Oscar paused. "A you think the wounds could have been caused by a knife?"

"Maybe. Knives can recreate claw marks, but then we would have found some leftovers, wouldn't we?"

"I guess so. I suppose we won't find any more evidence until we arrest him today." Oscar fell on the chair with a heavy sigh. "Ugh, I don't want to do this."

"You're the Alpha. It's your job." Cai frowned. "I get that you've always had an affinity with Egon, but think of all the people who were killed. Think of the people who could be killed next. For all we know, Ananya could be a victim."

"Don't even say that!" Oscar's temper flared. He whirled on Cai, baring his fangs. "Don't you ever fucking say that! I won't let anything happen to Ananya."

Cai shrugged. "Face reality, Alpha. Anything can happen as long as she's outside of the pack, and you can't do anything about it because she doesn't know about your mate bond. For all she knows, you both are just partners, maybe even friends."

Oscar clenched his jaw. He didn't want to admit that Cai was right, but his Beta was making more and more sense as he spoke. "When this is over, I'm going to tell her everything. Even if she doesn't reciprocate my feelings, at least she'll know the risks. She..." he hesitated. "She can move away. She can go somewhere safer."

"Or, she can have feelings for you as well and you can both go dancing off to La La Land, but that's just my theory," Cai muttered. "Whatever the case, let's just get this over with. Cathy's gonna throw a fit, you know."

"What mother wouldn't? We're arresting her baby boy," Oscar sighed. "At least, we will. We just have to wait for Officer Bayor, Karsten, and Ananya to arrive."

"Remind me again, why are we waiting for humans?"

"Because this is a joint operation. After this I have to have a meeting with Mayor Dafowick to draft a statement for the Yuen Pack and Bourdier."

"Oh, isn't that fun." Cai threw his head back with a long, fatigued exhale. "I suppose my only form of amusement today will be watching Karsten and Bayor fight. That's always fun."

"Honestly, Cai, be more mature," Oscar muttered, even though he also smiled at the memory of Officer Bayor and Karsten arguing with one another. Their size difference only served to amplify the humor in the situation.

"Did someone mention that wretched woman's name?" Karsten, dressed in his military gear, strode up the porch steps of Oscar's house and scowled. "God, I hate her guts. She thinks she's so high and mighty for being a human police officer. She doesn't know the outside world."

"Maybe she'll meet a wolf who'll give her what she supposedly deserves," Cai drawled. He smirked. "Can you imagine that? Bayor left to the mercy of another wolf? She would either be fucked or killed."

Karsten stopped walking, and his expression darkened. "She...would. That woman doesn't know when to shut her damn trap." He shook his head, albeit slowly. "Yes, I suppose someone else would one day put her in her place. Someone...rougher and less welcoming of humans than we are...yes..." As he spoke, his throat tightened, and both Cai and Oscar noticed the essence of his wolf beginning to overtake him. "Fuck that. That's not going to happen on my watch, though that stubborn woman would probably ignore whatever I told her. No matter. I'd find a way." He mumbled to himself as he poured himself a cup of coffee.

"He's got it bad," Cai murmured in Oscar's ear. "Wanna bet how long it will take for him to accept their bond?"

"They have a bond?" Oscar blinked. "Since when?"

Cai groaned. "You're both useless. I wanna go back to my wife," he complained.

"Oh, stop bragging. We get it. You're in a happy marriage with your wife. You have it all, Cai," Karsten growled. "No need to rub it into our faces."

"Rub it in? Gosh, was I doing that?" Cai smirked. "I didn't realize how lonely your lives were."

"Why you..." Karsten's fist shook.

"Alright, enough, both of you." Oscar quickly took command of the situation, placing a placating hand on both Karsten and Cai's shoulders. "We have other fish to fry at the moment. I can't have two of my best wolves arguing, especially in front of the humans that will be coming."

"Fine, fine." Karsten nodded. "Hey, can you believe that it's Egon though? That boy's weaker than a goldfish. He's smart, sure, but is he strong enough to kill someone? Not to mention two people at once."

"Looks can be deceiving, Karsten," Oscar sighed. "Even I was taken aback at the revelation. But we have evidence. His ID was found there. Even if he's not the killer, we still have to arrest him."

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