Chapter 15: Pt. 1

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"They're dead, all right." Karsten assessed the bodies critically, then stood and brushed the dirt from his jeans. "Looks to me like our serial killer has struck again. It's the same MO."

"Does anyone recognize these two?" Oscar, who was standing contemplatively behind Ananya, questioned with authority. "Are they college students?"

"They are," Stella spoke up. "They go to the main campus that Javon and...and Ai-Lee did." She threw a cautionary glance at Ananya. "I don't know the guy, but I know the girl. She's Melinda Harris. She's a biology major and a cheerleader."

"Another biology major..." Oscar frowned. "That's three of them in a row."

"Maybe they were testing on something that the killer didn't approve of? Like an idea or a new experiment?" Ananya suggested. Her body was shaking, and she wasn't sure if it was from the crisp summer wind or the sight of two mutilated bodies decomposing before her.

Oscar put his hands on her shoulders, gently squeezing them. "That's a good hunch. Karsten, I want you to go find Officer Bayor and get her team on this. Find out everything you can. Bring our wolves as well."

"Both?" A perplexed look fell on Karsten's face. "Alpha, I'm not sure that's a good idea."

"We don't have time to debate this," Oscar said. "They're going to have to put their grudges aside if we want to find this killer soon. Go, now."

Karsten hesitated, but then bowed his consent and shifted, scampering into the forest. Once he was engulfed by the darkness, Oscar turned to the group remaining.

"All of you, go back to your homes. Turn in for the night. Tell no one of what conspired. Try to get as many people to leave the party as you can. We don't want to attract more attention." He paused. "That day that Javon and Ai-Lee died...was there an event going on?"

Ananya shrugged. "I'm not sure. I'd have to ask around at work."

"Ask them tomorrow at work if you can. I'd like to know if parties play a part in this story as well," Oscar said. A few wolves helped guide the crowd out of the grove, but Soley and Stella stopped before Ananya when she beckoned them.

"I have to stay," she said. "But if I don't get back soon, my aunt will get suspicious, and I doubt Kathie can keep her busy for long. What should I do?"

"Is that really a question?" Soley snorted. "The two options are to go back to your snooty aunt or stay with the hot Alpha."

Stella knocked her elbow into Soley's stomach. "That's what you're thinking about? Seriously? We just saw two dead bodies!"

Soley shrugged. "I work in a hospital, okay? I bring food to dead bodies...well, I mean, they were alive when I was bringing them the food..." she hummed.

Ananya scowled. "Just please, tell me what I should do?!"

"Handle this. We'll worry about your aunt," Stella told her. "Technically, this new murder is part of your job description, so you can't go anyway."

"But I'm also off the clock."

"Do you want to stay here or not?"

"...Yes. Okay, fine." Ananya nodded. "Please, at least get me an hour or two. And don't mention anything about me being here, okay?"

"We won't," Soley assured her and pushed Stella away, leaving Ananya with Oscar in the grove by herself. At least, that's what she thought, until she saw Dhrys standing by.

"Dhrys?" She frowned. "What are you still doing here?"

He grinned, flashing his sharp incisors. "I've got a job to do, kiddo," he said, lumbering over to Oscar. "Whatcha got for me, Alpha?"

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