Chapter 18: Pt. 2

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 "They may be rattled at first, but they'll learn to love just like I have," she assured him. "I'll admit, I was intimidated by you too at first. But you proved to be a kind and charismatic wolf. You're nothing like the stories I've heard."

"Stories...yes." He grimaced. No doubt, she was speaking of the tales Banastre had left behind. His legacy was a looming shadow in Oscar's life. "I hope to quell their doubts."

"You will. I'm sure of that. Just be sure to smile," she teased.

He rolled his eyes. "I'll keep that in mind. Er..." he hesitated. "Speaking of becoming one...I know we've only just recently gotten together, but I'd like to introduce you to my pack as their Luna. It's an important event within our kind...but it doesn't have to be now! We can ease you in whenever you'd like!"

"I don't mind. I know I'm not the most reliable person, and at times I can be a liability..."

"Don't you dare say that." Oscar's voice deepened. "You're not a liability, Ananya. You're my mate. You're my Luna. I don't want to hear you talking about being a liability."

"I'm a crippled human with a rare genetic disease. I'm a liability, Oscar," Ananya repeated plainly, unfazed by his threat. "It doesn't bother me. I've accepted my differences, and if your pack can accept me for being a crippled human, then I'd be more than happy to be introduced as their Luna."

Oscar sighed. "I'm not happy with the terminology, darling," he said. "But I agree. I'd like for them to get to know you; to get used to you and for you to get used to them. Perhaps you can help set up for our upcoming celebration? The Harvest Moon is approaching and it takes us weeks to prepare. I'm sure it would help cement your devotion to being their Luna and make them more at ease with you. I promise I won't let anything harm you."

"I'm down with that!" Ananya laughed. "I love decorating! Just text me the date and time and I'll be there." She paused. "Darling, eh?" She teased him.

He blushed. "I'm sorry, it just slipped out of my mouth. I don't want to make you uncomfortable and move fast."

"No, no, I don't mind it. It's sweet." She hesitated. "Speaking of you like to go on another one? I'm not sure our lunch at Dhrys's cafe counted."

"Of course. I'd be more than happy to go on a date with you." He noticed Cai slip into the office and knock lighting on the doorframe, signaling to him that the pack had been collected. "Er, I have to go make an announcement to my pack now. Perhaps we could discuss this later? I'll text you?" He waited for her response with a bated breath.

"Sure! Good luck. I'll talk to you later." Ananya hung up with a tinkling laugh, one that kept Oscar paralyzed for a moment with a stupid grin on his face.

Cai rolled his eyes. "Welcome to being in love," he snickered. "Come on. Everyone's waiting for you outside. Don't fuck it up, Alpha."

Oscar glared at him. "Why would I? I've done these kinds of things for ten years. Giving a public announcement isn't anything new."

"I was talking about your relationship with Ananya." Cai stopped. "Don't fuck it up. Samiya needs a friend before the baby comes to go shopping with."


Cai flushed. "Baby shopping," he muttered. "I may have restricted Samiya's movements throughout her pregnancy."

Oscar sighed. "I'll see what she says." He hid his smirk behind his hand and walked out of the room. "Somebody's being overprotective."

"When your mate is pregnant, then we'll see if you're still laughing," his Beta scowled. "I don't know how she does it, honestly. A woman's body is amazing."

"A woman on her own is amazing," Oscar said. "We should connect you to a pregnancy simulator. I'd like to see the color drain from your face as you twist and convulse in agony." He chuckled. "That would be amusing."

"You're a sadist," Cai growled. "Samiya said the same thing."

"I can't blame her."

Together they bantered in this way as they walked outside. The pack had gathered, murmuring casually amongst one another. They grew quiet when Oscar took to the podium.

"As you may all have heard, we've captured our killer," Oscar said, cutting straight to the chase. An audible sigh of relief spread through the crowd, but it did little to ease his anxiety. "Unfortunately, one of our own had been brainwashed by some sort and took part in these atrocities. Rest assured, they have been dealt with, and their punishment will be handed swiftly. We are still working to understand the reason behind these killings. I will not be naming who this person is, but if you know, then please refrain from spreading gossip." He glared pointedly at a group of young men turning to each other. They blushed and looked away. "This could not have been done without the assistance of the human government, specifically the officials of Bourdier." He noticed a look of unease spread across the crowd. "I understand your trepidation. Humans and werewolves do not have the kindest history, but from this day forward, we will be working to improve our relations."

"Why do we have to do that?!" A wolf shouted. "They hunted us! They killed our people!"

"That may be so, but we also did the same to them long ago," Oscar argued. "It's time we stop this silliness and become allies with one another. It will strengthen our power and our influence. I know many of you are uneasy, and I am unsure how this will work, but under the Alpha King's command, it is what we will begin to do. I will not tolerate any misbehavior on our part."

"It's not fair!" Another wolf shouted angrily. "Do we have to be friends with them? They look down upon us, Alpha! They treat us like animals!"

Oscar sighed. "I understand, but Mayor Dafowick has promised to work on improving the mindset of his people. Everyone." He clenched his jaw. "My mate - your Luna - is a human."

A widespread gasp arose. Heads swerved and voices rose.

"A human?!" Some shouted. "A human as our Luna?!"

"I'd never accept that! She'd work as a traitor!" Others yelled.

"It's that crippled girl, I'd bet!" A few seethed. "What kind of Luna would she be? She wouldn't be able to protect us!"

"ENOUGH!" Oscar bellowed. His wolf rose and a hush quickly strangled the crowd. Eyes widened and feet shuffled back as Oscar's fury took control. "Is this what my pack has become? A bunch of low-life, judgemental wolves who are nothing more than superficial, discriminatory beings? Is this what the Moon Goddess has taught us? To hate one another? To judge others based on their physical appearance?!" He scowled, his fangs protruding. "That girl's name is Ananya, and she is indeed my mate. She is your Luna, and she will be given the respect she deserves. Without her help, we'd still be living in fear, with a real traitor amongst us." His gaze narrowed, settling dangerously on the men who'd loudly voiced their displeasure. They flinched, scuttling back. Some of them whispered 'Banastre', but Oscar ignored them. "Ananya will be your Luna. We will become allies with the humans. Anyone who speaks against me or attacks a human will be severely punished. End. Of. Story." 


Oscar and Ananya's bond deepens, but the pack isn't thrilled to have a human as their Luna. Will they come to respect Ananya? 

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