Chapter 34: Pt. 3***

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"They're all admiring your beauty, my love," he teased. He kept walking, and soon, Ananya noticed that the bright green grass darkened and a chill swept over her back. An array of chirps and snaps met her ears.

Are we going...into the forest? She tried to raise her head, but the tightness in her neck muscles prevented her. Where in the world is he taking me?

After a few minutes of walking, Oscar set her on her feet and cupped her face, brushing her hair out of her eyes. "How beautiful," he whispered, leaning to leave a chaste kiss on her lips. "All of beautiful..."

"Flattery won't get you anywhere," Ananya muttered, failing to prevent herself from melting in his comforting arms. "Where are we, Oscar?" She tried turning her head to get a better look at her surroundings.

Oscar beamed proudly. "It's a small area just outside the pack; a grove, if you will. There's a waterfall not far from here - a small one, nothing too big. Look, there are all kinds of flowers here." He gestured to the rows of colorful flowers poking through the bushes and fallen logs. A swarm of buzzes and chirps sang around them.

"It's beautiful," Ananya gushed, treading carefully over the lumpy grass. "There are a lot of flowers that grow around here, aren't there?"

"Quite a bit," Oscar agreed. He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, his lips finding her shoulder. "But I didn't bring you here to smell the roses. We can do that some other time." He nipped her skin. "I want to have you as much as I possibly can before I have to go."

"Mhm? What do you mean?" Ananya turned, gripping his shirt. "You're won't get hurt, will you?" Worry flooded her eyes.

Oscar kissed her nose. "No, my love. I promise I'll do my best to stay safe. I'll come back to you, I promise, but I..." he sighed. "I feel as though I've neglected you, and I want to make up for that." He pressed wet kisses along her jaw, his fangs dragging over the softness of her neck. "I want to remind you that you belong to me. You're my mate, my Luna, Ananya. Nobody else's." His hands dove under her shirt and splayed on her belly. "Mine."

"Oscar...somebody will see us," Ananya laughed as his mouth tickled her. "Come on, if you wanted to do this, it could have at least been at your house."

"That would have taken too long. I want to have you now." Oscar pulled away, meeting her eyes. His tongue drew along his lips. "May I have you, Ananya? Right here, right now, can I make love to you?"

Ananya's chest burst like a thousand supernovas exploding in her system. She blushed to her toes, her fingers tingling, and she nodded with a sense of shyness that she was sure she didn't have before. "Quickly, you can," she agreed.


Oscar smiled wickedly. "Thank you, my darling." He kissed her, not bothering to fondle her mouth with his tongue. He brought his lips down her neck and dragged the side of her shirt down, taking her bra with him. His claws trawled along the bumps of her arms, sending coils of shivers springing in her stomach.

She inhaled sharply, but no words escaped. Her knees buckled, weak under the intense force of his kisses. He was a man with a mission and her desire for him was reaching its climax no matter how much she had tried to ignore it.

"Oscar..." she closed her eyes.

"Hm?" He stopped pulling her shirt and glanced at her. "Yes?"

Her throat bobbed with the force of her swallow. "Nothing...just...keep going..." she tugged his shirt as though to bring him back to his previous task.

He smirked. "As my lady wishes." His lips covered a faded bruise on her neck as his hand dove into her jeans. Ananya squeaked and pinched her legs together when she felt his fingers against her slit through her underwear. He moved faster than she had expected.

With care, Oscar expanded his pointed and pinky finger to poke the sides of her thighs, widening her legs so he could gain access to the place he wanted to feel the most. His half-lidded gaze fought to remain fixed on her expression, though every sound that came out of her mouth made his resolution crumble. The beast within him was growing hungry and his patience was thinning.

"May I?" Panting, he dragged his index finger over the thin lace rim of her underwear. "Ananya, may I?"

Ananya's head, which was tossed back against the tree bark in ecstasy, barely managed a nod. "Yes..." her back slid against the rough panels of the trunk.

It was less than a second before his fingers were teasing her, coaxing deep moans from the depths of her throat. His lips claimed every sound that she made and his kisses were incessant, never growing tired or unfulfilled. Oscar's thumb swirled around her throbbing clitoris and he relished in the dampness of her underwear. His other fingers circled the coarse pubic hair of her sex and a rumble of pleasure vibrated in his throat.

"She said...she said I should wax it..." Ananya managed through shaky breaths. Her toes curled in her shoes and she was clinging to Oscar for dear life. "I should shave it or..."

His eyes flashed. "Don't you dare." He gave a tug at a clump of her hair and let his fangs sink into the tattoo-like mark he'd left on her skin weeks ago. "Don't even think about it. I love this–all of this." Another finger went inside her and the dirt at her feet shifted with the jerk of her body.

Oscar laughed breathily against her skin. "Careful, darling." He licked her mark. "I'm right here, my love. Take it slowly. Easy now, darling. I'm not going anywhere."

"That's a...that's a lie..." she gasped. "You're going..."

"I know, but I'll be back. I'll come back to you, Ananya. I'll always come back to you. I'm not going to run again. I'm not going to let myself repeat history." He wrapped his arm around her back to soften the scraping of the trunk against her skin. He moved his fingers in and out of her, slowly at first, but then increasing his pace as her body tensed. When she came on his hand he smiled, a soft, careful smile that Ananya saw was undoubtedly filled with love.


"I love you, much," he mumbled. He buried his head into the trench that her neck and shoulders made. One by one, he removed his fingers from her and didn't care that she was half naked as he pulled her against him. "My Ananya..."

Ananya gazed at him, panting, her legs squeezing his hand. She kissed his stubbled jaw and implored to him with her large, doe-eyes. "Promise me, you'll make everything right; promise me, you'll bring everyone home safely; promise me...promise me that you'll get rid of June and Dafowick." There was extra venom in her tone when she spoke Dafowick's name.

Oscar nodded, his palm pressed against her wetness. "I promise," he assured her, kissing her cheek. "I'll make this right, once and for all."


So...we had a bit of fun at the end, but the tension's not gone yet! Dafowick and June are still at large! Will Oscar fulfill his promise and come home to Ananya? Will Ananya do something brash to make sure that Oscar returns?

I'm really thankful to everyone who's reading my story, both vocal and silent readers. I hope you all continue to support me and my work! 

 I hope you all continue to support me and my work! 

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