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"Has he said anything?" Minho said in between panting and breathing normally.

"No." The girl responded.

"Alby you alright?" Newt asked getting down to his eye level looking at her as a wave of concerned rushed over him.

"Alby... We might have just found a way out the maze. We could be getting out of here." Thomas said kneeling down in front of him. Alby's eyes stared right away like Thomas wasn't there.

"We can't... They won't let us leave." Alby finally spoke.

"Who's they?" Paige asked standing behind Thomas crossing her arms. Hearing her voice, Alby turned to look at Paige then at Thomas then back at Paige.

"Why did you come here? Why are you putting us through this?" Alby asked.

"Alby..." Newt hushed. "What do you remember?"

"I remember. Them. Paige, Thomas Teresa. I saw their face." Alby said. The new girl was named Teresa, but Thomas had never seen her in his life before nor Paige.

"Alby what are you talking about?" Minho asked.

"We can't leave. I remember." Alby said tears forming in his eyes. "You were always there favourite Paige. And Thomas. Why did you do this?" As noise picked up outside and shouting echoed around, Alby held his head in his hands rocking back at forth. As soon as Paige heard this, she ran outside to see what was wrong. Following her was Thomas and Minho, closely followed by Frypan and Newt.

"Hey! Galy what's going on." Minho asked.

"It's the doors they aren't closing." Galy shouted back leading a group into the forests to hide.

"Aren't closing?" Paige repeated before running to the maze doors that were normally closed by now. Looking out into the dark maze, the Gladers face dropped knowing what this meant. Then, a loud bang from behind, like in unison all the Gladers turned to see another maze door opening. Another to the side, then the other one. Now all four doors were opened. The Gladers were blocked in.

"Chuck. Go with Winston. Go to the council hall. Start barricading the doors." Paige said looking at Chuck then Winston.

"Got it. Come on Chuck." Winston said running off with the little young boy.

"Minho. Grab every weapon you can find." Thomas said making direct eye contact with him.

"Get the others and tell them to go to the forest and go hide now!" Galy ordered.

"Are you stupid! There Grievers! Anything they see living will be taken. You go to the woods you die! We stay together! Get Alby! Get to the council hall. Got it?" Paige said looking at Galy sternly.

"Yeah. Yeah got it." Galy said almost like a puppet.

"Go!" Paige yelled as the Gladers started to run to the council hall.

"We're going to get Alby." Thomas said grabbing Paige's hand.

"And us?" Newt asked looking at Teresa.

"Get to the hall. Help Chuck and Winston." Thomas shouted.

"And if you don't make it?" Newt asked.

"Just save the others." Paige shouted almost racing with Thomas. Newt looked at Teresa and saw the fear in her eyes.

"Come on." Newt said hearing a screech from inside the maze.

Almost braking the door, Thomas barged into the med bay hut to see Alby sat still. Paige ran in after Thomas sweating.

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