The Great War

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"Come on!" Paige yelled her voice filled with rage towards her father. Outside, war, Great War, blood shed war, Wicked vs the Rebellion. The Rebellion that Paige had triggered. Making direct contact with her father's gut, her fist became red from the punch. Falling backwards, her father would only come back stronger. Pushing Paige against a wall.

"I'm going to kill you!" Janson screamed.

"Don't you have to get the cure first?!" Paige said pushing her fingers into his eyes. Wincing in pain Janson let go of his daughter giving enough time for Paige to be free of Janson and to look for her next chance. As Janson held his eyes in pain, Paige swiped his legs with her legs making him fall hard on the ground.

"You're not going to kill me. Not another person part of my mother's family." Paige said but before she could finish her sentence she began to become dizzy and losing consciousness. Falling against a wall making her way slowly away from Janson, she would stop.

"No. I'm going to kill you the way I killed your mother." Janson said. Paige's eyesight blurred looking up at her father holding a gun to her head.

"No!" Paige screamed pushing him away with her feet. Despite nearly fainting, she still fought, giving enough time for Minho to get the kids out. Every hit, every attack, Paige got worse. Until everything stopped. The fight had moved into a room that looked over a large square pool of water. Every bang of Paige's body that Janson slammed made the glass completely shatter. Leaving a large drop to the water. Blood fell from Paige's eye brow, lip, forehead and cheeks. Everywhere she felt weak, bruises had already come to surface, cuts from being thrown against stuff. Paige had enough. She was tired of everything. Janson should just finish her off and free her from all this pain. Trying to catch her breath, Janson once again pulled the gun at Paige.

"Say hi to your mum for me." Janson said before shooting Paige's shoulder.

"No!" Thomas yelled running into the room grabbing Janson and throwing him against the wall. Turning to his girl, he looked at her and immediately grabbed her carrying her out.

"Tommy." Paige said weak wincing from her shoulder.

"You're okay." Thomas said running down corridors. "Hold on."

"Thomas!" Janson said running after them.

"Tommy. Finish him." Paige said nodding as blood poured from her shoulder. Thomas had been crying, hard crying. Paige looked at his face as he put her down softly.

"Who died?" Paige asked.

"I'll tell you when we are alive." Thomas said looking at her breathing heavily. "Give me your gun."

"Tommy." Paige said weak. "Please go. Save the others."

"Not without you." Thomas said turning to shoot at Janson.

"Thomas! Please! Tommy." Paige said. Instantly Thomas got flashbacks.

"No. I'm not leaving you like I left him." Thomas said as he began to shoot at Janson. Losing loads of blood, the consciousness left Paige, the last thing she saw was Thomas fighting her father. Then hands picking her up.


"You shot her!" Thomas shouted elbowing Janson in the stomach to let him free from his headlock.

"She dies." Janson said holding his stomach.

"There is no cure!" Thomas said. "Just stop hurting her! She's done nothing to you."

"She stole everything from me." Janson said running at Thomas.


On the other hand, Luca and Minho placed Paige down in the large Wicked plane Jorge had taken from the Wicked guards with the help of the others. Kids from every age sat on the side watching at the hero who had saved them.

"What's wrong with her?" Frypan asked rushing over.

"She's lost too much blood." Luca said looking at his sisters blood on his hands.

"You have to do something. You have to save her!" Minho shouted looking at Vince and Harriet on the plane.

"Where's Thomas?" Galy asked.

"He's still there. Fighting Janson." Luca said. "Just save my sister."

"Get us to the main building if he makes it to the roof we can save him." Brenda said looking at Jorge who was already doing it.

"Save her!" Luca shouted as the door shut. Paige led there still unconscious but with some sort of heartbeat.


"Teresa." Thomas said. Burning flames and the sound of crashing buildings around them.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry Thomas." Teresa said holding Thomas in her arms. Thomas had been shot badly in the stomach by Janson, thankfully the Cranks locked up in the labs had ate Janson alive after his attempt to kill both Paige and Thomas. Finally, the same Wicked plane that held all the immunes and those willing to help the Rebellion. The door opened everyone apart Paige and the children put their hands out to help Thomas and Teresa.

"Come on Thomas." Teresa said using all strength to pull the teenage boy up. It was a struggle but she could do it.

"Come on Teresa! Throw him!" Minho shouted. Teresa nodded despite being weak herself.

"Jorge get closer!" Brenda yelled.

"If I get any closer the whole plan will blow up!" Jorge yelled.

"Just get closer!" Luca yelled nearly falling of the plane himself for Thomas.

"Throw him!" Vince said. Teresa was ready this time. With all her strength, Teresa threw Thomas into the plane, over the large gap between the building and the large drop. Pulling Thomas on to the ship quickly, Minho and the others put their hands out for Teresa. Despite everything Teresa had done to Minho, he still wanted to help her.

"Jump Teresa." Minho shouted. "Jump!" But it was too late, the building fell. Along with all of Wicked. Along with Teresa.

"No!" Minho yelled. During this, Thomas crawled his way next to Paige. Seeing her, he fell onto his back, noticing Paige unconscious. He fell unconscious too. As long as Paige was next to him, he was okay.

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