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Walking through dead bodies, crackling lights and sirens. The remaining subjects would look around at the computer screens. Finding a security camera, Newt would almost laugh.

"So they were watching us. The whole time." Newt said looking at 5 computer screens that were either broken or had lost signal. On the other hand, Thomas made his way to the middle section of computers, his brain leading him to his computer. A daunting bright blue button in the top corner of the screen, the only thing possible to press. As Thomas, pressed it a female popped up on the massive screen in the centre. Wearing only white, with a slick back bun. Blood red lipstick. Wrinkles that looked like they were engraved in her skin sat in her forehead.

"Hello." It said. "My name is Dr. Ava Paige. I'm director of Operation of the World Castrophe Killzone Department."

"Wicked." Paige whispered to herself stood right infront of the screen. Moving closer to the screen Thomas stood next to her keeping his attention on the woman talking. The other Gladers followed.

"If your watching this. It means you successfully completed the Maze Trials. I wish I was there in person to congratulate you but circumstances have seemed to prevent it." The lady said as sirens started to go off behind her. People rushing out their seats. The Dr stayed sat down and calm. "I'm sure you're all angry, tired, confused and frightened. I can only assure you that everything that happened to you. Everything we've done to you it was all done to a reason." Hearing this anger filled all of the Gladers one by one.  "You won't remember but the sun has scorched our world. Billions of lives lost to fire. Suffering to a global scale." A pause. "W Harry came never was even worse... We called it the flare. A deadly virus that attracts the brain. Violent, unpredictable, incurable. Or so we thought. In time a new generation emerged that could survive the virus. Suddenly, there was hope for a cure, but finding it would be a hard task. The young tested, sacrificed in harsh environments. To understand what makes them different. What makes you different. Unfortunately, your trials have only just begun as you'll no doubt discover not everyone agrees with our method." More people in the background ran, moving around. "Progress is slow. People scared." Then suddenly, guns fired. Glass broken. Men stormed in shooting everything in sight. The lady still did not move. "It maybe too late for us.But not for you. The outside world awaits."
A man turned to the camera, rapidly shooting the glass behind her. Scared. The lady grabbed a gun that looks like she had been holding for some time. The man was getting closer to destroying the glass between them. "Remember. Wicked Is Good."
Boom! Her temple met the gun as she held it to her head giving a faint smile before pulling the trigger. Looking away, Paige and Thomas looked over at the same lady dead on the floor. Curious Thomas walked over followed by the other Gladers. Standing over her body, a door opened. With light coming from the outside.

"Is it over?" Chuck asked as everyone looked at the small light like it was freedom.

"She said we're important. What are we supposed to do now?" Newt asked as all eyes fell on Thomas.

"I don't know." Thomas said looking at Chuck.

"Tommy." Paige said, the others looked at her, then at the direction she was looking at till they met a figure. Galy.

"Don't." Teresa said stopping Paige from walking any closer. "He's been stung."

"Paige." Thomas said pulling her back into the middle of the group. Standing in front he would look at Galy.

"We can't leave." Galy said. A gun in his hand as he breathed heavily, red eyes and a small cut on his head.

"Galy." Minho said trying to calm him down.

"We can't leave." Galy repeated. The gun shook in his hand.

"We did. We're out. We're free." Thomas started to lift his hands moving towards Thomas. Scared, Paige would tug gently at the back of his shirt. Thomas stopped moving feeling Paige's shaking cold hands.

"Free? Do you think we're free out there?" Galy asked chuckling like he was out of his mind. "No. There's no escape from this place." Lifting the gun up, all the Gladers would move back and quietly gasp. Fear flickered in Thomas' eyes.

"Galy you're not thinking straight. We can help you just put down the gun." Thomas's voice shook. Minho, looking dead in the eyes with Galy, wrapped his arm round a spear from another Glader.

"I belong to the maze. We all do." Galy said getting hysterical.

"Galy!" Thomas shouted as he covered his face. Quickly, Minho threw the spear into Galy's chest. Falling to the floor, Galy would spit out blood. Gasping for air, he would slowly die.

"Thomas..." Chuck would start to fell dizzy as he made eye contact with Thomas. Red started to stain Chuck's clothes near his chest.

"Chuck..." Paige would catch him as he fell. "Hey you're okay. Thomas take his head. Thomas!" Paige would fell as tears began to fall down her cheek. Applying pressure, Paige would hold the wound. "Look at me. You're going to be okay."

"Thomas. Thomas." Chuck would gasp to say his name. "Take this. At least you can give it to my parents."

"You can give it to them yourself remember." Thomas said.

"Take it." Chuck placed it in Thomas' hand gasping and shaking. "Take it... Thank you..." Chuck's eyes looked at Paige who was now trying to hold the wound together. "P-P-."

"Yeah I'm here. You're okay." Paige didn't stop trying to make the pain stop. Looking at Paige, Chuck's gasping would stop. The hint of hope went. He stopped breathing. Paige looked at this and shook her head. "Chuck! CHUCK!"

"Chuck wake up cmon. We made it! Chuck!" Thomas started to shake Chuck's lifeless body. "Chuck!" That's when the tears came. Paige let go of Chuck and kneeled over his body. Hysterically, crying. Shaking him Thomas started crying even more. "Wake up! Chuck!" The other Gladers started crying. Minho looked at Paige and helped her up. "No! No! Chuck!" Paige would fight back to get back to the boy's body. Until, the thin light would become open, and men ran in directing the Gladers out. Minho grabbed Paige and pulled her out away from the young, sweet, innocent, caring, child.
"Thomas..." Teresa would yell running out. The men grabbed Thomas but he pushed them away crawling back to Chuck. Until finally, the men grabbed Thomas and dragged him out away from the young, youngest, innocent, sweet, funny, caring boy.

Finally, Thomas's looked around at the outside world he hadn't seen in forever. Sand. Mountains of sand that went on forever. Half weak, Thomas was pushed into a helicopter with the rest of the Gladers. Taking off the Gladers would look around panting. Paige however, stared off into the floor. Chuck should be here. Chuck would love the plane. Thomas looked out the window, seeing the place the others once called home. The Glade. Home for years. Overhead it looked simple to get out. But we all know thats not true. Sitting next to Paige, Thomas would look at her. Staring off, still crying Thomas' hand found hers interlocking. At that moment, Paige and Thomas made a promise. They wouldn't lose anyone else. They were sure of that. Definitely not each other. Looking at Thomas, making eye contact the two would know what the other was thinking.

"You guys alright? Don't worry you're safe now." The man said not knowing what that one sentence would cause. Tired, Paige would put her head back. If only it was me and not Chuck.
"Everything is going to change.". The man said like he had said this over and over again.

"The Maze Trials were a complete success. Thomas continues to surprise and impress. And for now, they seem to have taken the bait. Although Paige, might be on to us. It's too soon to say but they could be the key to everything. So let's move on. It's time now to begin phase 2." Ava Paige would announce smirking



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