Winston & The Storm

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Hearing a bird, Thomas would wake up looking over at Paige first. Who was still asleep tucked into his jacket.

"Guys come on." Thomas woke up already feeling the warmth of the sun. "We have to go."
Waking up, growling and groans from Winston would echo in the others minds as all eyes fell on Winston. He was spitting out black substances, when he fell back onto his back, he revealed the wound that Frypan had patched up.

"It's growing." Winston said knowing. "You'rere going to have to leave me here."

"No." Paige immediately said. "Come on help him up."

"Paige..." Winston whispered. "I'm not going to make it." Tears appeared in everyone's eyes even Luca's and Aris's. "Please." Winston said reaching out for the gun. "Don't make me turn into one of them." Fulfilling his wish, Newt grabbed the gun from under a jacket and gave it directly to Winston.

"Goodbye Winston." Newt whispered turning away grabbing his back. Winston nodded smiling he had the gun. Minho was next. He looked up and down at Winston.

"Go..." Winston said slowly. Minho nodded getting up before anyone could see him cry. He walked behind Newt, Luca and Aris who had already started to walk. Frypan stayed by Winston's side until Winston begged him to go.

"Fry. Go." Winston said.

"Goodbye mate." Frypan smiled at his friend one last time before getting up and walking. Just Paige and Thomas now.

"I'm sorry Winston." Thomas said grabbing his bag and walking off. Winston smiled knowing he didn't want to say goodbye either. Paige stood looking at Winston.

"It's okay..." Winston said dying.

"I'm sorry Win." Paige said grabbing her bag. Teresa had already gone without saying goodbye. What a bitch.

"Paige..." Winston said before she went.

"Take care of them for me." Winston said.

"I will Winston. You know I will." Paige smiled through the tears. "Goodbye Winston..." Winston smiled through the pain as Paige started to walk onto the sand dune, the others infront of her. Soon after they were a distance away. BANG. All the Gladers fell silent. No one moved. Memories of the Glade and Winston flashed in all of their minds, especially Fry's. 8. 8/50 left. But from Group A (Paige's Maze) it was 6/50. Walking on, it was silent throughout the walk. Knowing he had to do it, Luca broke the silence, walking next to Thomas behind the group a bit.

"What's the deal with you and my sister?" Luca asked. Thomas looked at him.

"I just want her to live." Thomas replied.

"You want all of us to live. But more specifically her." Luca said.

"She's different." Thomas said.

"Meaning." Luca added.

"If she died. I wouldn't know what to do with myself. If anyone touched her, I wouldn't be able to control myself." Thomas said. "No ones ever had that much control over me."

"Good to know." Luca said patting Thomas on the back. At least if something happened to him, Thomas was there for his sister. "Promise me. If something happens to one of us. The other will protect her no matter what."

"I promise." Thomas said nodding. Smiling Luca looked back at his sister walking ahead, so did Thomas. Knowing they were talking, Paige felt safe knowing her to almost "bodyguards" were on the same good terms as each other.


In the middle of nowhere, on the cold, hard, sandy desert floor the Gladers slept. But little did they know a storm was approaching. Lightning struck the ground behind them as Thomas woke up. His eyes met light in the distance them the daunting lights crowding over them.

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