Part III

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𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟑- 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐞

The roars of the engine echoed as Jorge picked up the speed, Brenda in the passenger seat holding on for dear life.

"Okay we got their attention Thomas." Brenda said over the radio.

"Keep them busy." Thomas said. His voice had gotten deeper, and he had grown up a little. He was taller, had more muscles and knew more of what was going on. Driving in the buggie was Vince, he didn't like this plan but Thomas did. So did the girl in the back. Paige looked up at the train infront of them and smirked. She had grown up too, her hair was slightly blonde at the front, she had gotten just a little taller. She was wearing black jeans well fitten by some boots on her feet. Along with one of her jackets that looked like she could do anything in. It was puffy, but not to puffy. In the back of her jeans a gun, just incase. Thomas looked at Paige and smiled.

"No getting hurt okay?" Thomas asked. Paige nodded smiling. The two had grown closer, a lot, I mean they shared a lot of things, both had hateful ideas against Ava Paige and Paige's father Janson. Both wanted Minho back, and didn't want to lose anyone else. Paige still blamed herself for all the deaths, all the friends she could have staved. She was never good enough. But Thomas didn't think that, she was good enough, she had saved him plenty of times. These thoughts went both ways.

"Okay you too. Get ready." Vince said pulling closer and closer to the car.

"Okay boys." Paige said climbing through the car and onto the front of it. Thomas looked on the edge of his seat his heart pounding. Paige held onto the end of the car tightly, leaning over trying to connect a hook to the train. Another try, she had to do it this time.

"Got it!" Paige yelled over the train. "Come on."
Smiling, Thomas got up and climbed onto the top of the car, finding his balance he jumped into the train with Paige. Both of the teenagers looked at Vince who started to lose control of the buggie as he got closer to jumping.

"You gotta jump Vince!" Paige yelled.

"Jump!" Thomas yelled putting his hand out. Without hesitation, Vince jumped just scrapping the tracks with his legs.

"Okay come on. It's not long before Wicked find out where here." Paige said climbing up the ladder onto the top of the train. Thomas followed her.

"Crazy sons of bitches." Vince muttered to himself climbing up.

"Just young." Paige said smirking looking back at him.

"Okay. We cut it off here. He had to be in here. Group A, B and C are in here." Thomas said looking at the letters in top.

"What group are you in?" Vince asked breathing heavily.

"A. Dipshit." Paige yelled. "Thomas go. I'll cover you."

"Don't let me die." Thomas said climbing down to where two carriages meet.

"As if." Paige said smiling looking down. Chuck. She let him die. Alby. She let him die. Winston. She let him die. Ben. She let him die. Galy. She let him die. How many more? She never was going to be able to save her friends. But she had to save Thomas and Minho. Gunshots from ahead. Paige grabbed her gun and started shouting. But she couldn't. All she saw was Chuck. His lifeless body on the floor. Her jumper covered in his blood. On his body. Tears fell from her eyes.

"Paige!" Vince shouted shooting for her as he pushed her to the side. She looked at Vince then to her side seeing Alby looking at her smiling. Panic set in. A panic attack. She didn't know where she was.

"I'm so- I'm sorry." Paige whispered trying to catch her breath looking at Alby. Then suddenly, the train stopped cutting off from the others.

"Thomas! There's something wrong with Paige!"
Vince shouted as Thomas climbed up after signalling Newt and the others to come over and start burning off the metal.

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