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Another day, not a normal one though.

"Dad." Teresa said waking up Thomas.

"Yeah. Yeah." Thomas said rubbing his eyes sitting up.

"Come on it's time to train." Teresa smirked. Teresa was very excited about training. She loved the thought of protecting her loved ones and fighting. Just like her father.

"Okay. Go. I'll meet you there." Thomas smiled as Teresa nodded and walked off towards a shack. Looking next to him slept Paige, as beautiful as always. "Morning." Thomas gave Paige a kiss on the cheek waking her up.

"Morning Tommy." Paige said smiling seeing Thomas' face the first thing in the morning.

"Come on we have to train the kids just like they asked." Thomas said getting up.

"Just one second." Paige said pulling Thomas back down next to him.

"Okay fine. One second." Thomas said putting his arm round Paige cuddling her. Feeling his warm arm over her she smiled feeling safe. "I love you Paige. You know that right."

"Every second of every day." Paige smiled. "I love you too Tommy since the first time I saw you in the maze."

"I forget sometimes about the maze." Thomas said. "All that trauma."

"Yeah but it all worked out in the end." Paige smiled turning to face her husband. "We survived."

"Now we have to make sure Newt survived." Thomas said smiling. "Come on let's go."


"Now." Newt said as he started to clap with his sister Teresa by his side. Walking towards them Paige and Thomas laughed.

"Took your time." Teresa said throwing both of them a large stick.

"Okay. Today we are going to do fighting. Actual fighting Newt." Thomas said smiling looking at his family. "Me and your mother will show you how it's done. First against each other then against one of us."

"Please go ahead." Paige said letting Thomas go on the stand before. Thomas looked at her and smirked walking in front.

"Come on mum!" Newt shouted.

"Beat her dad!" Teresa shouted back.

"Ready Tommy." Paige said.

"Back to the good old days." Thomas smiled. The fight went on for ages. Thomas hit. Paige hit. Thomas hit. Paige hit. But at the end, they both ended up on the floor.

"You never could beat me could you." Paige said watching Thomas get up breathing heavily. Helping Paige get up Thomas smiled. Thomas was a gentlemen. 'In a world of boys he's a gentleman' that was what Thomas was to Paige amongst other things.

"Okay. We get it. We get it." Luca said walking over clapping slowly. "I want to test Newt and Teresa."

"Okay fine." Paige said getting down the steps with Thomas. "You'rere going to get injured brother."

"Yeah right." Luca took the stick of Thomas and smirked walking up.

"Newt. You first." Thomas smiled as Paige gave him her stick.

"Give him hell." Paige smirked. Newt smirked back like a mirror.

"Come on Newt. Let's do this." Luca smiled. Newt walked up the stairs eyeing Uncle Luca. "You ready?"

"I am my mother's son." Newt said smiling. "You know that right?" Watching closely Paige smiled proud of her son.

"Fight." Thomas shouted as the nephew and Uncle started to fight.


"Paige. We can't." Vince said at the fire pit.

"Who's the one that saved your ass and got you here multiple times?" Paige asked looking straight at Vince. Thomas chuckled and smiled at Vince proud along with Luca and Minho.

"Paige. I'm trying to think of others." Vince replied sighing.

"And I'm thinking about my friend." Paige said. "Whilst we're here arguing like spoilt children. My best friend is out there alone. Hurt. Scared."

"Come on Vince." Minho sighed.

"No." Vince said. "I'm not putting all these kids in danger."

"Fine." Paige said walking off.

"She's going to go to find Newt isn't she?" Vince asked.

"Yep." Thomas smirked drinking his beer. Brenda watched Paige walk away and decided to walk after her.


"So whats the plan?" Brenda asked as she watched Paige pack her bag with food and clothes.

"Leave. Tonight." Paige said looking at Brenda. Silence. Paige stopped what she was doing and looked at Brenda.

"Oh you already know I'm coming." Brenda said walking behind her to her bed as she also started packing.

"What's going on?" Teresa asked sitting down on her hammock swaying slightly.

"We're going to the Last City. Or whats left of it." Brenda shouted from her bed.

"Okay. Then I'm coming." Teresa jumped up and started packing her bags.

"No you're staying with your father." Paige said putting the bag round her shoulder.

"You already know dad's not letting you go alone." Teresa said as she continued to pack her bag. Paige looked at Brenda as she nodded.

"Fine. But you have to remember your training." Paige smiled kissing her daughters head.

"Got it." Teresa said smiling brightly.

"Okay let's go tell the boys." Paige said walking with Brenda and Teresa.
Walking back over to the fire pit which was even brighter as Jorge had added more wood.

"Where's Thomas?" Paige asked looking around. Vince pointed out to the large ship they had come in 7 years ago. "Good luck."

"You not coming Aris?" Brenda asked looking at the boy sat by Vince.

"I'm not going back to that hell again." Aris said looking down.

"Okay." Paige said nodding understanding him. "See you guys soon." Vince watched the girl that had once saved them all walk off. How was the safe haven going to cope without her?


The ship was old, rusty but still ran like a beauty. Like it had being waiting for this moment. White paint peeling off the side, but it had something to it. Maybe the amount of windows it had or the amount of bullet holes it had on it.

"Wow." Teresa said walking onto the boat putting her bag down admiring the boat.

"It's a beauty." Jorge said walking towards them.

"You coming too?" Brenda asked smiling.

"We all are." Jorge said as the girls caught sight on Thomas, Luca, Minho, Galy and Newt.

"Just like the old days?" Paige asked pulling the rope to get the bridge up from where they walked on.

"Just like the old days." Jorge repeated with the same smile 7 years ago.

Hold on Newt. Brace yourself. We're coming. We're coming to take you home.

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