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"Thomas..." Newt said. "Do it." Ava Paige shook her head not wanting to die or lose all her experiments either. Then suddenly, a loud bang, a truck. Jorge. He was coming for the group, running out the way people scattered. Thomas looked around at everyone running then at a group of men getting ready to shoot, thinking perfectly straight Thomas threw on the bomb into the middle of the group.

"GET DOWN!" Thomas yelled at anyone close by. Falling on the floor, Thomas pressed the trigger for the bomb causing there to be a massive explosion. Through all the mist and smoke, Thomas looked around his ears ringing. Suddenly, Janson was standing over him with a gun, he had punched him down hard enough for Thomas unable to fight back.

"Thomas.." Janson said putting his finger on the trigger. "Thought we could be friends."

"Oh yeah." Thomas said looking up at Janson. Then, Janson fell to the floor groaning, holding his shoulder. Thomas looked back as he saw Paige holding a gun, she had shot him right in the shoulder.

"Paige...." Thomas said getting up.

"Come on Tommy." Paige said looking down at Janson before shooting him in the foot smirking.

"Paige! I'm going to kill you!" Janson shouted. Thomas turned back sharply until Paige stopped him.

"Leave him." Paige said like the roles had been reversed. "We have to get the others out." Thomas looked back at Paige and nodded.

"Okay. Let's go." Thomas said running off with Paige into the grey cloud air. Dodging bullets, electric bullets and armed men, Thomas and Paige ran past Minho to the others hiding behind a box. Minho was covering them with a shotgun in his hand.

"Thomas we have to help him!" Paige yelled over all the screaming and shouting. Thomas looked at Paige communicating with their eyes.

"Thomas." Newt said breaking the silence. Thomas looked at the floor and nodded.

"Fine. Everyone else stay here." Thomas said as he went to grab a tin top from the floor to act like a protection from the bullets. But before Thomas could even get to Minho, he was shot. Groaning Minho looked at the others, begging to save him.

"Minho!" Paige yelled going to run for Minho.

"Paige no!" Luca yelled dragging her back with the help of Thomas.

"We can't just leave him!" Paige shouted.

"We have to!" Thomas shouted back. Wicked dragged Minho's lifeless body back into the helicopter. Janson limped back into the helicopter looking at the group huddled together. Setting off, the group would watch as they took away Minho. Their friend. Their family.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT!" Paige yelled walking to Thomas.

"You were in trouble. And I was protecting you." Thomas said looking at Paige asking for forgiveness. "You asked me to save everyone first.  Newt, Minho, Brenda, Frypan. But I love you too much to let you go. We can get Minho back, I will get him back. But I can't lose you. I would lose myself. And the others need us for guidance." Paige looked at Thomas.

"You love me?" Paige asked surprised.

"Always." Thomas replied looking down at her.

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