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The sun beamed down like everyday on this wasteland. The group took shelter near the wall, the thing that stopped Paige from Janson. But night was coming, that was Paige's favourite time. Night. Everything was so calm.

"You know Paige Everdeen you'rere very hard to follow." Newt said sitting down next to her his feet hanging over the edge.

"You think they're torturing him in there?" Paige asked looking straight ahead. Newt looked at her then at the wall.

"Yeah." Newt said sighing. "Getting his blood. A cure whatever the hell that means."

"Yeah." Paige said sniggering.

"Paige..." Newt said. "If we get out and for some reason I don't make it."

"We're all going to make it Newt." Paige said looking at the boy next to her.

"If I don't for whatever reason. Take care of Minho for me. It's just us now. Us four from the original Maze. Before Thomas. I know Galy but he never was one of us." Newt said smiling.

"Newt...." Paige said. "We aren't all going to be together again are we?"

"No." Newt said sighing. "I just want to go back. To the maze. Still having hope we could get out even though we all knew at some point there was no way out."

"Where did the time go Newt?" Paige asked.

"I know. I remember you coming up in the box. The first girl. You ran to that tower as quick as you could. But then as soon as you saw Chuck go in the maze just as it was shutting you flew in." Newt said smiling remembering.

"He should be here. So should Alby. They would have loved this place. Us getting revenge." Paige said smiling.

"I really miss Alby." Newt said.

"I know. Newt. I know." Paige said. Truth is Newt and Paige always looked up to Alby as a father figure, an older brother figure even.

"Listen. If I don't make it. Take this." Newt said giving Paige a piece of paper. "Don't open it until the end. Till you're at the safe haven. Sitting drinking beer or something seeing Thomas and Luca laughing."

"What you say about me?" Thomas asked sitting down next to Newt.

"Oh nothing pal." Newt said getting up. "I'll leave you two alone."

"Thanks Newt." Paige said as she moved up to Thomas putting the piece of paper in her pocket.

"You ready for tomorrow?" Thomas asked looking at Paige beside him.

"Ready to kill my dad? Yeah." Paige smiled nodding.

"Listen if anyone touches you. Tell me. I'll kill then." Thomas said getting protective.

"Yes Tommy." Paige said chuckling.

"Sorry I just hate when you're not in my eye sight. I don't know if you'rere in pain or not." Thomas said.

"Tommy. Would you love me if I was-" Paige couldn't finish her sentence.

"Yes." Thomas said answering before she could even finish. Paige looked at the boy she had fallen deeply for and smiled. He smiled back brightly.

"You love me?" Thomas asked.

"I love you Thomas. Always." Paige said as she leaned in to kiss Thomas. They kissed. Passionately.

"Oi!" Luca said his head popping up from the stairs. "Bed time. In different beds." Paige chuckled getting up with the help of Thomas who was already up.

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