Family reunion

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Getting closer and closer to the Last City entrance Paige took a glimpse of the wasteland that she called home for the past year. She knew she was never going to see it again. After all the plan was to sacrifice herself to save Luca and the others. With Paige's blood and face Wicked could win. Find a cure if it was a thing and encourage those to take it.

"Paige whatever you're thinking I'm not leaving your side." Luca said slowing down the car.

"I know." Paige said turning to him. "Just listen to me when the time comes. They don't want you like they want me." Despite Luca being older, Paige understood the situation in greater depth than anyone ever could. The two got out the car looking up at the cameras and machine guns.

"We want to turn ourselves in." Paige said putting her hands up with Luca. "We want to see our father." Knowing that Janson wouldn't dare to come out the Last City touching the raw ground, Paige and Luca got handcuffed and walked into the Last City by guards and guards of men, with their fingers on their triggers.


"What the hell!" Thomas shouted banging on the table. "And you just let her go! We have to go after her!"

"No!" Vince shouted. "We stick to our plan. They distract Wicked whilst we sneak it. It's the only plan."

"Not the only plan." Galy said. "We could haveve used Teresa you know how she feels about Thomas."

"Too bad though. Thomas only has eyes for one girl and it's not Teresa." Frypan said.

"Well now that's not a choice." Thomas said. "We stick with the plan save Minho, Paige and Luca."

"Thomas you know she's probably dead right?" Brenda said calmly.

"She's not dead." Thomas said shaking his head.

"Thomas..." Newt sighed.

"She's not dead." Thomas replied.

Wicked was like a fortress, guards and men everywhere. Cells of immunes on every floor despite the labs and main low floor.

"How many immunes?" Luca asked. Silence.

"Good conversation." Paige said smirking. Luca chuckled  as they went into an elevator right up to the top floor. Bing. Top floor. There he was. Sitting down with a drink in his hand getting others to do his dirty work. What a rat looking disease.

"Son. Daughter." Janson said walking over like he was going to hug them but instead punched them in the gut. Being tied up by the arms the siblings had no defence against their father, only to fall to the floor.

"Wow." Paige said chuckling as she stood back up. "Family reunion is going well."

"Oh yeah." Luca said also getting back up.

"What do you want?" Janson asked confused as why they turned themselves in.

"To see our father." Luca said smirking the same way Paige was.

"Also to kill him." Paige said chuckling. Hearing this Janson threw his glass missing Paige and hitting the floor next to her. "You should go to target lessons. You missed."

"Take them. Separate them. Let him go. She stays." Jason said. Paige looked down knowing this would happen.

"No. It's us or nothing." Luca said getting hurried by back guards. "Paige! No! Paige!"

"I love you Luca. Tell Thomas I love him." Paige said watching her brother get rushed out.

"Take her to the labs. We'll get started straight away." Janson said turning around looking out the large window.

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