Not Strong Enough

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Paige sat in the passenger seat of the car looking out at the sun turning the grass into wasteland. She could have fixed this. She could have saved the world. She should have done more. Frypan, Newt and Luca sat in the back whilst Thomas drove.

"You going to tell us what you and Vince were talking about last night?" Thomas asked looking at her.

"I'm going to kill Janson. I'm going to kill my father. Maybe finally I can prove that I'm good enough to everyone." Paige said as the car came to a stop. The girl got out the car and looked at the obstacle in front of them. A tunnel.

"She's putting too much pressure on herself." Frypan said.

"Tough. We have to get Minho out." Newt said getting out with everyone else.

"This place is going to be crawling with cranks." Luca said looking inside the tunnel.

"You sure we have to go through here Newt?" Thomas asked.

"Yep." Newt said looking at a map in his hand. "It's the only way to the last city." Looking out at the last city in the distance Paige could wait to get her hands on Janson. And Teresa and god Ava Paige.

"Okay let's go." Paige said getting back into the car.

"Frypan drive." Thomas said throwing him the keys. "You're the best driver out of all of us."

"Finally." Frypan smiled getting into the drivers seat.

"Shotgun." Newt said letting the others in the back.

"Paige I want you in the middle of me and Thomas. If anything happens nothing can get to you in between us." Luca said letting Paige in first. Thomas smiled at Luca as he climbed in the back.

"Okay. Here we go." Frypan said as he started to drive in slowly. Anxiously, Thomas looked into the tunnel as his leg bounced up and down. Paige laid her hand on his knee stopping it, making eye contact they both smiled at each other.

"Fry?" Luca asked. "You can drift right?"

"Do I look like I'm Dominic Toretto? I'm black." Frypan said.

"We're going to die." Newt said sighing.


Trees, leaves crashing onto one another on the branches calmly, creating a sense of home. The sun peaking through in between the trees. On the ground lay a figure, unconscious.  It slowly waking up, Minho sat up looking around confused on where he was. Realising, his face dropped. Overlooking trees, grassland all around, daunting large tall walls covered in vines. The Maze.

"No." Minho whispered to himself. Walking around, there was the usual, hammocks, shelters, smoke from fires, the kitchen with food scattered around. Trees holding everything up. Then suddenly metal clanging from the distance. Minho knew this sound. Looking over the boy saw three other figures crossing someone's name off the wall. Meaning someone was dead.

"Hey!" Minho shouted hoping to get their attention. He did. But there was something weird about them. No faces. I mean really Wicked. Come on. At least but faces on them. Anyways. A twig snapped in the distance, turning sharply, Minho's eyes found a little boy running behind him.

"Hey!" Wait! It's okay! Hey!" Minho ran after him following him into a hut. It wasn't a normal hut though, a long winding hallway, the only source of light being on the walls. What was Wicked doing?

"No." Minho's heart stopped. The sound. The sound he dreaded in his time in the maze. The sound of the maze walls opening. The sound of metal clanging, then the drop. Almost coping the sound of your heart dropping hearing this sound. Minho turned to see doors opening at the end of the tunnel. Next came the sound he was familiar with, very familiar. Metal met metal. A Griever grunting. Another metal on metal sound. It was stepping getting closer. The Griever hissed. Then, panting, Minho ran as quickly as he could. He was in the maze again. Except this time there was barely any turns. Lights flickered. Minho turned down a rare corner, of course a dead end. Then muffled voices.

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