"If anybody hurts you"

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Crowds and crowds of people huddled in groups trying to get into the Last City. People on cars protesting, with sick children. Thomas and the rest made their way through the crowd. Paige holding Thomas' hand so she wouldn't get lost. The others in a line making their way through the crowd.

"Thomas this doesn't feel right." Paige said standing next to him front and centre. Newt looked around still making his way to Thomas with Jorge. Men with gas masks and guns stared at them slowly moving there way towards them. On edge Newt noticed this wasn't right. From above, a drone. Taking notice of the trackers on the back of the Gladers necks, a signal beamed back to the controls room. A red warning.

 "Open fire

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"Open fire." Janson said looking down at the crowd. "I want them alive but injured." Noticing movement in the window, Paige looked up tilting her head.

"What about your daughter?" The man asked on controls.

"They're all just a means to an end. She can't kill me. I made her. She's just a girl." Janson's voice shook looking at his daughter with Thomas by her side. But looking up at the Ratman, female rage filled up inside Paige. She wanted him dead. He was her father, but he was always a thing standing in the way of her freedom. He was just a hole in the road. Easy to approach, hard to get out of, but has no after math. Just straight on.

"Now." A man said pressing a button on his screen. Wicked opened fire. The crowd separated, screaming and bodies piled up on the floor. The group of Gladers followed Frypan into a nearby parking lot, where then without meeting them have time to get themselves together, two vans pulled in splitting them in taking them into a van. Paige in with Frypan, Newt and Jorge. Thomas with Luca and Brenda.

"You touch Thomas I'll kill you." Paige said looking at one of the men in the gas mask. But in the other car.

"Touch Paige I'll kill you." Thomas said looking at one of the men in the gas mask. After a few minutes of driving, the vans stopped.

"Get out!" The men ordered the group holding guns up at them in both cars. Not wanting to get shot, the six all did as they were told. Seeing Luca and Thomas, Paige held her hands up as she looked at the gun aimed at her. Thomas saw Paige and then the gun aimed at her.

"Shoot her if you dare." Thomas said giving the man a gloomy stare.

"Calm down we're all on the same team here." One of the men said, the same one Newt saw coming closer.

"Same team-. Who the hell are you?" Thomas said putting his arm down looking at the man. But Thomas soon realised he was his age. A boy. A kid. The boy took of his mask letting it fall to the floor. Immediately he also fell to the floor, Paige knelt over him punching his face. All the guns fell on Paige. Running over Newt held her arm giving the boy some time to breathe.

"He killed Chuck." Paige said breathing heavily.

"I know. We were all there." Newt said. The two knelt down beside Galy.

"How are you alive? Minho threw a spear at you." Frypan asked confused.

"He shouldn't be alive! He killed Chuck!" Paige shouted getting lifted up by Newt. "He killed him! Why did you do that? Why did you kill him? He could have lived! He should have lived!" Wanting to punch him too, Thomas stood there looking at Galy hearing what Paige was yelling.

"What do you want Galy?" Thomas asked. "Why did you take us?"

"Them." Galy said pointing over at Luca and Paige stood next to each other.

"Why?" Jorge asked.

"They're Janson's kids. There the key to getting in to Wicked. To tearing it down." Galy said.

"I called dibs on that already you killer." Paige said putting up her hand.

"Why are we the key to getting into Wicked?" Luca asked.

"If you two distract Janson and Ava. We can get into Wicked and destroy it." Galy said.

"And what happens then? To Paige and Luca?" Thomas asked.

"That's for them to decide." Galy said.

"That's for them to decide?" Brenda asked. "What is this a show?"

"Look. You want to live a life with Paige right?" Galy asked looking at Paige. "And you Luca?" He said looking at Brenda.

"How do you know my name?" Luca asked.

"You're all Level 5 fugitives. But you two. You're the main target. The main hope for a cure." Galy said.

"This is no god damn cure." Thomas and Paige said at the same time, same tone.

"That ain't what Wicked think." Galy said. "Where's Minho?"

"Wicked have him. That's why we're here. We're trying to get him back." Newt said.

"We need a way in." Thomas said not wanting Galy's help but knowing they need it.

"They are your way in." Galy said looking at the two siblings.

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