The Scorch Trials

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𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔 : 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐞- 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞

"Thomas..." Paige would whisper. The group had found themselves looking at a large work place.

"What do we do?" Newt asked.

"I-" Thomas was cut off before he could answer that.

"Here we are. Children come with me." A man who wasn't in white uniform. That's a good thing right? He was in normal clothes, a clean dark blue jumper with a leather long jacket down to his boots adding a couple of inches to his height. Pants as black as nothing.

"Who are you?" Paige asked walking closest to him followed by the other Gladers.

"My names Jason. I run this place." The man replied walking off with the survivors following him.

"And what is this place?" Thomas asked.

"A safe place. Away from Wicked. Where you will soon be moving on to greater futures." Jason stopped and smiled saying this.

"That future being?" Paige asked.

"You two ask a lot of questions." Jason said almost laughing.

"Just want to know what you're going to do with us." Thomas replied.

"Nothing." Jason simple answered.

"Right." Paige sniggered.

"Anyways. Let's get rid of that smell." Jason opened a door with a paper key. Paige looked at the key then at Thomas who was watching him do it then looked at Paige. If anything happened that was their way out.

"Let's go." Jason said.

"Looks like a rat." Paige said following Jason. Thomas looked at Minho who was smiling, Thomas just nodded and followed Paige. Lights, gunshots, shouting, screaming followed the Gladers from the outside.

After the Gladers were clean and had a hot shower. Waiting for somewhere to go Paige would look around.

"Mr Janson." Paige said. "More like Ratman."

"Okay let's go." Jason walked into a room where there was a treadmill. Laptops. Science stuff and needles. Minho has to be put on the treadmill which was yet again more running. Whilst, getting his blood taken from his arm. Thomas looked over at Minho then at Paige where she was always getting blood taken out of her arm.

"Just be careful. Yeah?" Paige said looking at the man, who was nodding.

"What they doing to her?" Thomas spoke out loud without realising. The man who was helping Thomas to make sure he was healthy looked over.

"Just taking blood. Like you." The man said. "You protective over her?"

"You could say that." Thomas replied.

When Thomas looked back Paige was sat there. Looking off into the distance. 'Chuck would've been making jokes'.

"Can I go over there?" Thomas asked.

"Thomas?" A man asked standing over him with authority.

"Yeah." Thomas replied putting his sleeve down from the large needle in his arm.

"Come with me." Before Thomas left the room he looked back at Paige who was still staring off into the distance. 'Should have been me' repeated in Paige's mind over and over again.

A couple of minutes later, Thomas would walk out of a room to find the Gladers sat listening to other boys. Seeing Thomas, Minho jumped out of his seat walking quickly over to him.

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