The Right Arm

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Lying down looking unwell Thomas looked down at the girl he had caught feelings for, hoping she would wake up soon. Finding comfort, Thomas would hold her hand tightly in his hands. Slowly, Paige opened her eyes blinking. She was happy the first thing she saw was Thomas looking down at her hands slowly rubbing his thumb on it.

"Hey Tommy...." Paige would whisper smiling. Straight away Thomas would look at her.

"You're okay." Thomas said smiling. "Come on let's get you up."

"Welcome back shank." Minho said smiling.

"Ah good to see you too shitface." Paige said smiling as she stood up with the help of Thomas. Looking at everyone Paige caught eyes with Luca who was coming over to her. As soon as he could he tightly wrapped his arms round her, almost falling into his arms she smiled relieved to be back with her brother.

"You see dad?" Luca asked.

"Nearly shot him in the head." Paige smirked. "Like inches away." Luca nodded smiling as he went back to sit on the couch. Admiring her, Thomas came next to her crossing his arms.

"I need to tell you something Tommy." Paige said. "After. Alone." Thomas looked at Paige and nodded concerned. Overhearing, Teresa looked at Paige, making eye contact Paige made Teresa look away.

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Jorge shouted punching the man from the party in the face. Paige looked over.

"You're going to have to leave my house." The man joked. He wasn't in the best state. It looked like Jorge had been hitting him for hours, for example blood was running down his nose. His left eye completely shut and swelled like he had been in a boxing match. The other eye hanging on for dear life.

"I don't enjoy hurting you." Jorge said standing over the man who was tied up into a chair in the centre of the room.

"Looks like you've been having fun." Newt said looking at Paige. Paige looked at Newt then Thomas and smiled trying not to laugh. "Where is the Right Arm Marcus?"

"Wait this is Marcus?" Paige asked stepping forward.

"Kids smart." Marcus chuckled. "Catches on quick. Are you the brains of the operation?"

"Would run in the family." Frypan muttered. Paige's head titled as she smirked, hitting Frypan in the back of the head not too gently to not hurt him but not to hard to give him a headache.

"Ow." Frypan said looking up at Paige stood behind him as he was sat on the couch.

"Stick to cooking Fry." Paige said nodding. Frypan chuckled. "Good to have you back."

"Guys. You mind." Jorge said.

"Sorry old man." Paige smiled . "I didn't just save your life from my father."

"Your father?" Marcus asked.

"Shut up!" Jorge shouted grabbing Marcus' hair forcing his head to look up at Jorge. "I know you know where the Right Arm are hiding. So you tell me. And I'll make you a deal. You can come with us." Chuckling like a psychopath Marcus replied.

"No thanks I make my own deal. Never miss an opportunity." Marcus chuckled. "Supply and demand. Wicked wants all the humans they can get. I give them that. I get the kids drunk, they pass out, wicked comes in and takes them. Separate the weak from the chav." Marcus looked over at Brenda who looked away. Jorge chuckled.

"I changed my mind I do enjoy hurting you." Jorge kicked the chair back as Marcus chuckled like it was a game. Grabbing his gun, Jorge held Marcus at gun point over his head against the floor. "Talk!"

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