Old tales...

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The sun beamed down on the boy sat down by the clear blue ocean. His mind taking him places. What was it like out there? Will he ever see it? Was it really what his mum and dad told him?

"Newt..." Paige said sitting down next to her son. He had grown since the last time we saw him, into a mature young boy. Ocean blue eyes brown blonde hair like his mother, speaks like his mother, asks like his father but has the mind of his mother. Dangerous.

"Mum." Newt said smiling at her.

"You okay?" Paige asked looking at a mirror almost.

"I was just wondering." Newt paused. "Whats out there? Before you and dad came here?" Paige looked out at the ocean sighing.

"Death. Destruction. Pain. And many of your fathers and my friends died so me and him could get here. So we could have you." Paige said. "Do you know who I named you after?"

"No." Newt said placing with some wet sand from the water.

"Newt, Chuck, Alby Everdeen." Paige said smiling. "I named you after four powerful and kind people. Newt. My best friend since as long as I could remember. He was like a brother to me. Chuck. He uh. He didn't make it out the maze. I tried he was like a son to me. He died looking into mine and Thomas' eyes. But Alby. He was my idol and mentor, a big brother you could call him. He died hoping I could get everyone out that maybe there was a chance."

"Everdeen?" Newt asked.

"My mothers name. Your father couldn't remember his last name because of what Wicked did to us but I remember mine. I would never take your grandfathers name. He was a terrible man. But I don't remember anything about your grandmother. Uncle Luca might know more." Paige smiled.

"What about Teresa?" Newt asked looking over at his sister learning how to shoot a gun with Thomas.

"A girl. I thought I couldn't trust but ended up saving mine and your father's life." Paige said smiling. "So. Don't forget. Many people died so you could live. If I could I would thank them every second of every day, for having you."

"Mum..." Newt smiled looking at her.

"I always thought Teresa was like me. She has the determination of your father. The loyalty of your father and the way of thinking. She's all your dad." Paige said looking at Teresa then at her son. "But you. You're all me Newt."  Newt chuckled as his mum kissed him on the head.


"WAKE UP! HELP ME!" A voice rang in the little Newt's head as he gasped awake. Looking around he saw his father stood by the rock of all those everyone had lost. Gasping and catching his breath he realised his mother was next to his father. His arm wrapped around her holding each other close. His sister Teresa still sleeping; she could sleep through a storm.

"Mum...." Newt said rubbing his eyes then looking at Thomas and Paige. Turning around the couple looked at their younger son and smiled.

"What's wrong Newt?" Paige asked looking down slightly at him.

"I had a dream again. That boy. He said um." Newt looked at Thomas. "Wake up! Help me!"

"Did he say his name yet or did you get a glance of what he looked like?" Thomas asked.

"Blonde stuffy hair, he was slim, and was walking towards me with a limp." Newt said. Paige looked at Thomas.

"Newt." Thomas said.

"Yes dad?" Newt asked looking at his father.

"Not you Newt. The one we named you after." Thomas made clear.

"We have to go. We have to go save Newt." Paige said looking at Thomas.

"I'm with mum dad." Newt said looking at Thomas the same as Paige looked at him.

"We tell Minho and the others then we see what we do from there." Thomas said smiling at Newts name on the rock.

"And if we need to save him who's going to save him?" Newt asked.

"We all do." Thomas and Paige smirked like the all days.


Hours later, everyone was awake doing their duty's to make the island the way it was. Inside the meeting room, Paige, Thomas, Minho, Luca. Jorge, Brenda, Harriet, Vince.

"Newt's out there." Paige said looking around. "He's not dead."

"How do you know that?" Vince asked barely standing anymore.

"Newt said he saw older Newt in his dream." Thomas said. "Calling out for help."

"It's a dream." Vince said sighing. "He died in Thomas' arms."

"You calling my kid a liar Vince?" Thomas asked looking straight at Vince.

"Listen if Newt is out there. How is he alive? I saw his body with a knife directly in his heart." Minho said.

"No one really killed Ava Paige that day." Paige said looking at the table.

"Does that mean Wicked are back?" Teresa asked walking in.

"We don't know." Luca said looking at his niece.

"Should they be listening to this?" Brenda asked.

"Yes. They're part of this family." Paige said as Teresa stood in between her parents. "Listen. If Newt is out there I'm going to find him. If no one wants to come with me fine but I'm going out there to find my friend."

"You think I'm missing out on this. Come on Paige." Minho said smiling.

"What about your kids? They're exactly like you. Stupid. Ruthless. Determined." Vince said.

"Okay." Thomas said walking over to Vince getting face to face with him. "You talk about my wife and children like that you'll be leaving this place earlier than expected."

"Dad." Teresa said watching carefully.

"Listen. Newt is going to want to come." Paige said. "I say we all go. If it's Wicked. They know me and Thomas. They'll want us."

"And what happens then?" Newt asked walking in.

"We fight again." Jorge said. "This time there is more of us than them."

"Paige.." Luca said looking at his sister.

"I know. I know." Paige said. "But he's dead."

"Who?" Brenda asked.

"Our father." Luca said sighing. Paige looked down at her leg with the wound from her father.

"I need some air." Paige said walking out.

"I'll go." Newt said.

"Newt." Thomas said stopping him. "I'll go."


"Paige." Thomas shouting running after her. Paige has come to the water it was the only place she could think.

"If he's alive. He's going to want to kill me. You. Our children." Paige said looking down.

"He's not going to." Thomas said hugging her.

"He nearly did." Paige said calming down.

"What if Wicked aren't back? What if it's just Newt out there? Alone." Thomas said.

"Then how is he back? Someone had to cure him. Only Wicked had that power." Paige said.

"Listen. If Newt is alive. We are going to save him. Our children are ready for this. We have made them ready. We are going to protect them every second. Just like we did with each other." Thomas said putting his forehead against hers.

"I don't want them to have a childhood we have." Paige said.

"Look around. They haven't." Thomas said looking at the safe haven. "We're a family. You're my wife. We stay together." Paige looked up at her husband and smiled.

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