Wicked Vs The Right Arm

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Finally reaching the others, Paige would smile at the group of boys around her.

"Paige..." The women said. "I need to talk to you."

"About what?" Paige asked sipping a cup of coffee.

"Private." The women said. Paige looked at the boys as they all nodded.

"Go. We'll tell Thomas." Minho said taking her cup of coffee.

"Thanks Minho." Paige said as she walked quite a distance. Paige stood in front of the women, in black boots, black jeans, black top, and a black jacket fit to her wrists and hips but pufffy wherever else.

"Do you know?" The women asked.

"Know what?" Paige asked crossing her arms.

"Yo-" The woman was cut off from saying anything else as a bomb was dropped in the middle of the Right Arm base.

"LUCA!" Paige yelled almost about to run but then getting stopped by the women.

"Don't." The women said holding her tightly.

"He's my brother." Paige said looking down at her side. Seeing a gun she grabbed it and ran off towards Minho and the others. "Luca. Grab a gun."

"What are you doing?" Minho asked.

"It's Teresa! She sent Wicked a message, she sent Wicked here!" Thomas said running towards them. Suddenly, Helicopters landed on the ground, men in rows came out.

"Vince!" Harriet yelled throwing him a gun.

"Come get it mother fuckers." Vince whispered opening fire on the men. He knocked down a few with the help of Harriet and Sonya. Looking around, Paige tried to find him. There he was. Behind men.

"Luca." Paige said pointing over at Janson.

"Paige no!" Thomas yelled grabbing her.

"Tommy remember our promise! Save them." Paige smiled running off with Luca.

"We can't just leave her." Minho said.

"We aren't." Thomas said. "We just need to get some place safe." Another bomb was dropped, causing fire to spread and explosions all around. People scattered going into hiding. Taking cover from a box, Paige began shooting the men around Janson. So did Luca. Until there was maximum three around him, Paige and Luca went for it. Fighting each one of them one by one.

"Hey dad." Paige said walking up to him.

"Paige." Janson said nodding. "Luca." Paige smirked as she went to punch him but was punched in the rib cage herself. Seeing Newt and the others in the middle of all this mess trying to help she got up, uppercutting him, he would fall down. On the other hand, Luca kept the other men away by shooting with one of their own guns.

"Guess it's just me and you now." Paige grabbed him by the collar. As Janson was stronger than Paige, he grabbed her instead and threw her body on the ground. "You can fight old man." The next thing she knew her knee went into his balls. Groaning he fell on his back. Standing over him, Paige held the gun at his head her finger on the trigger.

"Give me one reason!" Paige shouted snarling.

"Him." Janson said looking over at Luca. Luca was down, shot by one of the Wicked guards electricity ran through him as he groaned on the floor moving like a fish. Before Paige could realise what happened Janson had gotten up and punched her in the face. Bleeding from the nose, she stayed on the ground. Smirking Janson then kicked Paige causing her to have massive pain in her leg.

"Mother fucker." Paige said groaning.

"Get them in line." Janson said. As soon  as he said this, guards lifted Paige and Luca up. Placing them down at the very front. Civilians were lined up in rows. Thomas and the others had already been caught from an electric bomb. They had lost. Looking up, Paige looked at Teresa stood next to Janson just like she had seen before she blanked out. Realising this she looked over at Thomas who was trying to get out.

"Finally. All of you are in line." Janson said. "Get her up." Of course Janson was pointing at his daughter.

"Of course." Paige said smirking. "The daughter destined to be your downfall." Before she could say anything else Janson punched her in the same exact place as before.

"Leave her alone!!" Thomas yelled standing up.

"What you protective over her or something Thomas?" Janson said as he walked over at Thomas  and punched him too.

"Janson!" Paige said watching the boy she loved getting punched by her dad. "You want to punch someone punch me."

"No. We need her." A voice said coming from an helicopter. Ava Paige.

"Just gets better." Paige muttered. The guards lifted Paige up to Ava's height.

"You want to sacrifice me for the greater good huh Ava?" Paige asked. "And you. You little shit. Your traitor. I never liked you." Paige looked at Teresa with death in her eyes. Almost waiting for something to happen Thomas got ready.

"You know what I need." Ava Paige said.

"There is no god damn cure!" Paige yelled.

"Oh but there is." Janson said.

"Oh shut up. You don't get to talk. Ratman." Paige said annoyed. Chuckling the others Gladers kept their heads down.

"Load her up." Teresa said behind Ava.

"You little-" Paige said before she was pushed to two guards.

"NO ONE TOUCHES HER!" Thomas said getting up with the bomb in his hand. The same bomb Paige had had in her hand before they encountered the Right Arm. "LET HER GO! I SAID LET HER GO!" Janson nodded standing back.

"Thomas don't." Ava Paige yelled over everyone. Everyone watched wishing him to do it. Almost as instinct Paige ran over to Thomas with Luca.

"No one! Touches her! No one!" Thomas said his finger trembling on the trigger.

"Okay. Okay." Ava Paige said calmly. "No one touches her."

"Do it Thomas." Newt said coming up behind him with the others.

"Do it." Minho said.

"We're with you Thomas." Frypan said. Paige looked at them confused, it wasn't a movie it was real life. God. Thomas looked back at Paige who nodded.

"Thomas! Don't!" Janson yelled. Paige put her hand on her gun, touching her a guard took it off. Thomas saw this and turned to the guard with the gun ready to die so he didn't have to go back to Wicked.

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