The Escape

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This is not what the Gladers expected. Sand. Sand dunes, some large, some small, some high, some small. But one thing troubled Paige. Where was this thing that Janson said they would not escape. If it was just this for miles. They could do it. They just needed to find water.

"Thomas! Thomas!" Teresa shouted. But, Thomas and the others didn't stop to answer her because of the many wicked guards, buggies and lights hunting them down. The wind picked up massively, carrying sand that felt like a cactus if it flew into your eyes.

"Down here!" Newt shouted but barely anyone could hear him because of the sand stone they were in. But without thinking the Gladers wanted to get out of the storm so through a crack in what looked like a ceiling they all ran in. As soon as they ran in, they all fell down. A large sand hill dropped them down onto concrete at the bottom. Breathing heavily, they all managed to get their own way up.

"What's happening?" Teresa asked her voice trembling. "Thomas!"

"It's Wicked!" Paige shouted getting face to face with her. "It's always been Wicked! Now we just saved your life so shut up so we can think of a plan." Teresa scowled at Paige. The new girl had never liked Paige partially because she was friends with all the boys. But also because of how close Thomas and Paige were, specifically Thomas liked Paige over Teresa any day.

"Okay." Thomas said in watching Paige walk to the side. Luca watched his sister carefully.

"We should find clothes and water." Minho said thinking like he did the night in the maze. "Newt, Thomas you guys come with me. We'll look around this place. Everyone else stay around here and find anything you can."

"What's the plan?" Teresa asked.

"I don't know." Thomas shook his head.

"The right arm." Aris muttered.

"The what arm?" Frypan said looking at Aris. All eyes fell on Aris at that moment.

"There people in the mountains. They take inhumans in keep them safe from Wicked." Aris made clear. "I heard Janson saying to a guard. Apparently they have taken down two Wicked bases already. Maybe if we can get to them they can help us."

"Mountain people?" Winston asked almost chuckling.

"It's better than nothing." Newt replied.

"Okay let's go." Minho said.

"Minho. I'll stay with Paige." Thomas said not moving.

"Thomas we need you. You're a runner." Minho said. "If anything goes south we run back here."

"You guys go. I'll stay with her Thomas. Trust me." Newt said nodding. Thomas looked over at Paige who was sat against a box staring ahead.

"Fine." Thomas said. It wasn't fine though. He didn't want to leave her side. Not now. Not ever. "No one touches her." Newt nodded like he was getting orders from Thomas. Whilst all this was happening, Luca walked over to Paige and sat next to her dusting his hands off once he was sat down, from all the dust on the floor.

"So. Sister." Luca said looking at Paige. "It's nice to meet you." Paige looked up slightly at Luca and saw his eyes. They were exactly like hers. So was his smile. It was clear they were siblings.

"Brother." Paige said shaking his hand. "What a messed up family. Huh." Luca laughed. Even his laugh was like Paige's.

"So. Since we just have each other now. Tell me about yourself." Luca said.

"I think we have to help the others." Paige said getting up.

"Wait please. I want to know my sister." Luca said grabbing her arm. Nodding, Paige would sit back down. Looking at the rest of the Gladers split up, she made eye contact with Thomas until he turned round a corner as he ran.

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