Author's Note; The End

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Yeah, no clickbait here sadly. Declaring this the official end of the story here as I'm moving it on to greater pastures, going to see about making this into a game but even then that game is going to be more of a remake rather than a 1:1 copy of the story, most noticeably in that I plan to end the game at volume 3. While also taking advantage of the fact that it's a game by letting you build your own team comp to a degree. There's more details in my other book, "The Side Projects" if you're that interested in hearing more about the game.

Instead this chapter/author's note is just here to confirm the book is dead. 

I have no plans to revive or continue the series in any way shape or form until after the game is finished at the very most. And even then, that's extremely unlikely to ever happen. That being said, if anyone would like to continue or expand or use the idea, you're more than welcome to do so, I made many, many errors in writing this story, as this was my second official story, first story in the more popular RWBY play writing style.

I will admit, I do cringe at this book, I do feel embarrassed about this book, but I do not feel ashamed of this book. It was a fun exercise and got me into writing as much as I did, it's the first book I made just for myself, my Joker books, my attempt at Rorschach, even my Eleanor book, all came just because I thought to myself. "I can do this better." But this book, was just mine, I didn't make it because I didn't like how someone else handled the story, or that the stories I did like of it died, or even that the stories I was looking for simply did not exist. I wrote this book because I wanted to. I knew from the very beginning it was a mess, I basically tossed every random thing I liked into a blender because I wanted to see how I can mix and merge them together. 

And it was my favorite thing to do. Planning, thinking, working all the lore together into one coherent universe to be shared? It got me excited, ready to explore a world that took elements from all the series I liked and expand on them. Ideas, plots, I'd be writing away and something else would pop into my mind, a small tidbit of lore I forgot and I'd work it into the story for the future, it's why this story I made an effort to explore everything, Side Stories, Flash from the Past, Specials, all of it was just to expand this little universe I had created, it's why none of these elements carried over into other stories, not because I don't like the concept of SS FftP or Specials or that I don't want to expand the other stories, it's just that... To me, this story was more about the world I created and how it changes the plot.

The only other book that comes close to mimicking this? Hidden Roses, my attempt 2 at this concept on a smaller scale because, well, this story is bloated. I'd highly recommend for anyone trying to use this idea, to cut some of the extra character's screen time, let them exist in the background and bring them in only when it makes sense, I fought too hard to give everyone the same screen time in worry that I wasn't expanding as much as I wanted to. An issue that will be fixed in a game.

I've had an absolute joy writing this book, even if some parts make me cringe, even if I wish I had done things differently, I can say with full confidence that I would do it all again exactly the same because it really meant so much to me. 

Now, with the death of my first ever book, you're going to be allowed to peak into my planning process. My messy, scattered, planning process. After this chapter, is one more called Personal Notes, nearly all my books have this unpublished chapter so I can write down potential ideas, potential plot lines, some of which never come to be but due to this book being so old, I only really started to implement the Personal Notes close to the end of the book's life and so most plotlines are set further into the future than what I managed to get to. You'll probably see the personal notes of Laugh if I ever get the motivation to finish that book and give it the proper send off I know everyone is wanting. Trust me lads, even I want that book finished. 

Personal Notes contains the plans I had for the book.

One thing I feel I should note is that I never managed to get to an ending for this book, I never found a little point in time where I went "Yeah, this would make sense for an end." and that is entirely because I followed canon far too much, I was afraid to break from the canon guideline and as such the book probably suffers from that greatly. I would probably make it so that events change so that the Atlas arc ends with everyone managing to barely beat back Salem, containing her somehow, maybe Gaster comes in to send her to void, maybe because of the changes, the group is able to collect all four relics in Atlas with King Asgore brining the Vale relic and Vacuo... Still gets forgotten by me and RT until the next volume, probably. 

Hell maybe the changes happen sooner, maybe Cinder's little group cannot retreat in time and end up captured in Mistral, cutting off Hazel, Cinder, Mercury and Emerald from the Atlas arc and things go a completely different way, maybe Qrow with the backup of the new group take out Tyrian earlier, slowly cutting apart Salem's influence so the Atlas arc plays out different enough to get the crew a win. 

Always remember, canon is a guide, not a line. It only tells you what should normally happen and most fanfics will change something so what normally happens, doesn't happen. 

Thank you all for your support. I'm sorry I didn't finish this story, I'll only update this chapter if anyone decides to take up from where I left off. Any and Everyone is always welcome to "take" my ideas, either it be my joker book or even my more unique stuff like this book. I was inspired by spite for my joker books, maybe you will be the same, maybe you will be inspired in general by my books. Just message me and I'll do what I can to help. 

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