XV: Second Club Meeting!

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It was yet another day with the same routine, however today was going to change up now that classes were over as you held the poem you wrote for this club meeting in your hands, looking over the rhymes and making sure it made sense while also ensuring it flowed well. All things you learned after doing a quick crash course on poetry with your scroll and talking to your teachers, Dr. Oobleck surprisingly being the most helpful but then again, the man spoke so insanely fast that it made sense he would know a lot about words. 

With that all taken care of, you walked into the club and to your surprise you seen a new face, Weiss Schnee of all people had decided to join the club and was currently sitting with Natsuki and Chara, the small group sitting where Chara and Natsuki sat last time, they were busy talking and didn't even notice your arrival, no one did except for Monika who gave you a short wave. 

Guess it was time to hang out with the literature club members again, although who should you see this time around? Seemed the groups were more or less the same from last time, Yuri, Ren, Eleanor and Blake hanging out near the books, Sayori, Nora, Frisk and Papyrus by the snacks and drinks, although noticeably there were less snacks and drinks than the first time, previously mentioned Natsuki group in the center and of the class and lastly but not least, Monika, Sans and Delta talking at Dr. Oobleck's desk. 

After a few seconds, you decided to go talk with Monika, see what's up with Weiss suddenly sitting in the Literature Club and finally catch up with Sans and also properly thank Delta for making Natsuki more comfortable with him. That little moment was definitely... Something still. As you approached, the three watchers of the literature club took notice of you and each gave a wave at you.  

Monika: "Hello Y/N, need something?"

Y/N: "Just a quick question, did we get a new member or something? Don't think Weiss was here the first time."

Monika: "You're right! She heard about the literature club from her teammate, Blake and decided to give it a shot! Isn't it exciting? Seems she is adjusting well with Natsuki and Chara."

Monika asked as you reached the teacher's desk where they were sitting, you deciding to stand and lean against the blackboard while asking what exactly is up with Weiss being here, which Monika happily explained and even said she seemed to be getting along with the two member of the literature club she chose to sit with. 

You took a glance toward the little group among the seats and having a relatively quiet talk and enjoying each other's company for the most part, or at least not bored by each other. Except of course Chara but that was just her default expression. Although you really couldn't get over how random that small little group was, at least the three groups had some sort of connection like Yuri, Blake, Eleanor and Ren fit the quiet, calm and smart roles, Sayori, Frisk, Papyrus and Nora fit the loud, energetic and absent minded roles and finally Sans, Monika and Delta at least had the connection of looking out for certain people.

And then there was those three, Chara was borderline emotionless, Weiss was a bit of a snob, Natsuki was a bit abrasive. Chara and Weiss were both rich and looked up upon in their respective homes but as far as you knew, Natsuki was just an average person. Natsuki and Weiss could be rude at times but Chara rarely was intentionally rude, it seemed more like she was just blunt. Natsuki and Chara barely even had anything in common. So why form that little group? 

Y/N: "... Say, I'm not the only one who thinks they don't really look like the type to hang together, right?"

sans: "yup." 

Monika: "It is quite the interesting group..." 

You decided to ask them if they had the same thought as you and sans immediately gave a simple yup without even looking up from a book you didn't even notice him reading. Monika however admitted they were an interesting group with a nervous laughter, probably trying to be polite about them not really making sense as a group. Delta on the other hand only gave you a thumbs up, you decided it meant he agreed with you and once again returned the thumbs up to him. 

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