A/N & World History

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A/N:  I just wanna set some ground rules in terms of history and how the universes will interact with one another, so bear with me for a bit on this chapter and then we'll go into the introduction. Although you can skip this part, this is just to avoid any confusion on what happened in the past of the world and how the world works in general. 

????: The two Gods have created humans and monsters, the God of Light taking an interest in the monsters and the God of Darkness taking an interest in humans. The two races live in peace, as time goes on slight changes are made to each of the races, humans become more physically powerful while monsters become more magically powerful. However, they both share one thing in common and those are souls, humans used their souls to enhance their power to develop auras and semblances, while monsters use their to enhance their natural magic, allowing it to take physical forms.

????: While humans are easily swayed into rebelling against the Gods, monsters are reluctant but eventually join the cause to maintain the peace between their kind and humankind. The two races are easily wiped out and Salem is left alone, the Gods deciding to leave Remnant. 

????: Humans return and along with Faunus and Monsters. While Faunus are treated as animals, monsters are treated as their namesake and after a brutal war the monsters are driven underground and sealed away, the very last few mages sealing them deep in the Underground. 

Humans soon discover dust and begin to fight back against the grimm, relearning their power of semblances and auras, eventually becoming strong enough to found kingdoms, however they wage war against one another despite the threat of the grimm. Ozma in this time tries to learn how to defeat Salem, learning many things and becoming almost unmatched in combat skill. 

Meanwhile the monsters explore and build cities within the underground and become content with living in the underground, at least until the lost of the princes, Asriel Dreemurr and Chara Dreemurr, this results in the monsters beginning to plan an escape by killing any human who falls down to use their 7 souls.

Finally, a lone man sees the destruction caused by the kingdoms decide to build his own city, a city that wouldn't be limited by petty morals and helping those who can't or wont help themselves, a city where no king or imaginary man in the sky would order others around, no, there would be no kings or Gods, only man.

That man is not alone however as another man sees the destruction and realizes he can no longer pursue his love of science above ground and instead builds a large underground facility far from the kingdoms, the only people he sells his technology to is Atlas but even then he holds onto a certain handheld device for his own personal use.

????: Andrew Ryan founds Rapture and it flourishes until the discovery of ADAM. The substance allows people to seemingly switch semblances and even regenerate without the use of aura, however it unknowingly disables the person natural semblance and aura over time, this isn't discovered until it is too late for most of the population, their DNA and souls changed far too much. 

 Cave Johnson, Founder of Aperture Science Laboratories comes in contact with an illness while experimenting with dust and orders the creation of an AI that could recreate himself so that he may live on. This however is far too late and he dies before it could be finished, his final order was to force his assistant Caroline into taking his place as the AI overseer of his testing facilities. 

????: At Mount Glenn, Frisk a human living at Mount Glenn falls into an opening atop the mountain at the age of 7. Frisk goes on to free to the monsters thanks to their semblance and the monsters arrive in Mount Glenn. Things are uneasy between the two races until Mount Glenn is attacked and the monsters manage to help save the city from falling. This causes the kingdom of Vale to allow the monsters to officially settle in as their own separate kingdom, run by King Asgore Dreemurr and Queen Toriel Dreemurr.

????: After an experiment with the souls of those who died during the battle at Mount Glenn, the monsters are able to revive Chara Dreemurr and Asriel Dreemurr. Many consider it tempting with fate and is a pressing issue between the 5 kingdoms.

????: An unlikely team of hunters make it to Beacon and begin their adventure, successfully passing onto the next year where they decide to form a literature club to bring more people into the hobby that proved to strengthened the girl's bond as a team. 

????: A test subject from Aperture Science Laboratories manages to escape and informs Atlas of the technology it contains and having previously brought and used Aperture technology, Atlas goes to secure Aperture.  

????: Meanwhile, Subject Delta and Eleanor Lamb managed to escape from Rapture, along with Subject Sigma and Dr. Tenenbaum not long after. While Subject Sigma chooses to become a normal man once more, Delta and Eleanor are approached by a silver haired man and offered to attend Beacon to which they accept, which brings along Dr. Tenenbaum and the man behind Sigma, Dr. Porter so the two can keep Delta and Eleanor functioning and in best shape due to their dependence on ADAM and EVE.

A/N: Okay to make things clear, Mountain Glenn never fell thanks to the monsters who were broken free while Mountain Glenn was about to fall, this lead to Vale declaring them as their own separate kingdom out of gratitude and to make up for the crimes their ancestors committed in locking them away.

As for knowledge, Ozpin wasn't aware of the monsters being locked away until Frisk broke them out since his cycle of reincarnations begun after the monsters were sealed away, although he does now about them and had only assumed they weren't brought back with the humans. He is aware of Rapture, but not what happened down there until he got reports of a ship just off the coast of Vale mysteriously popping up along with a big machine standing guard on top. 

Humans use their souls for aura and semblances while monsters use their souls for magic, meaning while monsters are more weaker due to no aura, they can use any of their magic which varies quite differently from monster to monster. Eleanor and Subject Delta, along with any splicer have no aura but are more durable than monsters while having access to a wide variety of abilities.

And finally, souls function the same, monsters attack the soul, humans and grimm attack the body. Humans can't take a regular monster soul but can take a boss monster soul, in this case it would be either Asgore or Toriel, but a monster can take a soul of a human. 

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