VIII: Classes Start!

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Thankfully all of you had managed to make it to your class on time, Grimm Studies with professor Port. However, Port seemed to only be talking about how great he was back in the day and to say it was boring was a huge understatement as you somehow managed to fall asleep again during his lecture. 

Port: "Ah-heh-hem!"

Port's voice managed to break you out of your slumber and you instantly shoot up, smile on your face and hands placed together like you were ready and paying attention. Your team all were surprised at your sudden jump up and only looked at you oddly for a bit before returning their attention to the professor. 

 Port: "In the end, the Beowolf was no match for my sheer tenacity, and I returned to my village with the beast in captivity and my head held high, celebrated as a hero!"

Your smile had already faded by the time Port begun to resume telling his story of how great he was, you really hoped that he wouldn't be like this for all the courses, there was better stuff to be learning than just how one of the teachers was a good fighter. 

Port: "The moral of this story? A true Huntsman must be honorable!"

Port begun to explain why he told the story that you slept through but it was quite obvious what a huntsmen was supposed to be anyways. Just go out, help people and kill Grimm, easy peasy.

Port: "A true Huntsman must be dependable!"

Port: "A true Huntsman must be strategic, well-educated, and wise!"

Port kept talking about things that should be really basic entry level junk, but then again you did see some bullying already happening in Beacon, more specifically toward the Faunus so maybe it didn't hurt too much to reinforce this idea.

Port: "So, who among you believes themselves to be the embodiment of these traits?"

Port finished up finally after so long by asking if anyone would be so self absorbed that they could be the ideal hunter or huntress. You were certain no one would actually raise their hand since who would want to come across that way toward their classmates?

Weiss: "I do, sir!"

Weiss almost unsurprisingly spoke up while raising her hand in the hand. Go figure, the heiress to the biggest dust company in the world believes herself to be the ideal huntress, probably something to do with her pride and even you could tell she looked so disappointed to not been leader of the team back when it was announced.

Port: "Well, then, let's find out!" 

The professor said before turning everyone's attention toward a trap that was shrouded in darkness and you weren't sure when or who brought it in but the sudden attention made the red eyed beast within begin to move and growl.

Port:  "Step forward, and face your opponent!"

The professor gestured for Weiss to come down and deal with whatever was inside the cage and she stormed off immediately, presumably to get her gear and weapon before taking care of whatever it could be. 

Y/N: "What do you think is in the cage?"

You decided to ask Asriel who was sitting to your right, although the question was more than open for the rest of your team who all sat in the rest of the row, Chara being besides Asriel and Muffet sat on your left. 

Muffet: "Maybe it's a spider grimm." 

Muffet teased you with a giggle and you could only narrow your eyes at her. Although you couldn't help but envision that now and you were terrified of that possibly being a thing you never heard or seen before yet still existing somewhere on Remnant. It seemed to show on your face as you heard a very quiet giggle from Frisk right in the row below you. Et tu Frisk?

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