SS 1: First Day (others)

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A/N: Normally I'd leave these for the end, but it's important here. SS stands for Side Stories and are meant to tell the story of other characters that aren't the reader since these are teams with their own problems to deal with and much like RWBY went on their own adventures without JNPR and vice versa, the reader can't just join every adventure of other characters every single time.

The best way to describe this would be to think of yourselves as Sun and Neptune during the end of volume 2. RWBY did the set up and got it ready, then Sun and Neptune popped in at the end to help. You guys will essentially be Sun and Neptune for certain events that wouldn't make sense for you to be apart of from the beginning.

Anyways, to the topic of this side story, this one will be in a third person and tell the story of the other pairs and how they met, with the exception of team RWBY and JNPR. I'll split it into sections to make it easier to follow and hope you enjoy!


Papyrus landed on the ground and knew his first task was to find Sans, that lazy bones would probably end up sleeping until he could find him. Some times he wondered what his brother would do without him. Papyrus stopped and begun to think, if he was a lazy bones, where would he be?

Sans on the other hand had landed and knew his first task was to find Papyrus, keeping an eye on him was the only reason why he came here in the first place. Sure, Papyrus could handle the grimm was ease and spars shouldn't be a huge problem, but it was the times when he would go against criminals was what got Sans worried. Most of the time, huntsmen didn't need to kill any wrong doers, but there were times when they had no other choice and Papyrus would never kill, no matter how dangerous it was. He saw where his younger brother landed and with a simple short cut, he appeared where his brother would probably look for first, the trees before taking a well earned rest. Teleporting like that isn't easy, you know.


Papyrus called out while running through the trees, figuring Sans would find trees more comfortable to sleep on than just the ground. His guess was proven correct as he spotted the sleeping figure of Sans resting on a tree just not too far off. Papyrus was happy Sans came with him but he questioned how Sans got into this school alongside him, this was for the best of the best after all!


Undyne had hit the ground and was ready to charge full force toward the temple, it wouldn't be that hard with how slow everyone was compared to her, she could probably make it there first! She was captain of the royal guard and one of the best warriors in the underground, this will be easy! She let out a roar and immediately begun sprinting toward the temple, knocking trees, boulders and anything else in the way out of the way.

Mew-Mew landed less than gracefully and was once again mad. First he tried to warn that headmaster this vessel could break if he isn't careful and what does that idiot do?! Throw her off a cliff! Just he waits until she can get her hands around his throat and then they'll see who will be throwing who off a cliff! Mew-Mew begrudgingly got up and begun to stomp her way toward the temple, although oddly enough she thought she could hear something coming her way rather quickly and by the sound it was both fast and strong.

Undyne was so caught up on getting to the temple first then when she saw the familiar sight of Mew-Mew she had already tossed her to the side and probably would've kept going if Mew-Mew didn't start screaming at her.

Mew-Mew: "WHO IS THE IDIOT WHO DECIDED TO JUST THRO- oooh. Um, h-hi Undyne!"

Mew-Mew begun to scream at her unknown assailant in complete anger, the only reason why she didn't grab that idiot's soul and start attacking right away because it was not one of those stupid grimm! Her kindness was repaid with a single throw to the side like garbage! But almost immediately after seeing it was Undyne, Mew-Mew felt her nonexistence heart start beating faster. Sweet, violent Undyne~ Oh how she threw her like that, it reminded her of the good old days of being Undyne's training dummy, how she missed them~

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