IV: Boss Fight Time!

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Everyone was looked toward the source of the noise and was getting ready to attack whatever was coming, with twenty people here, everyone was certain they could take whatever threat came by, Sans didn't even bother waking up and simply looked around before somehow falling back asleep. How he managed to do that despite the rumbling of the ground and the sounds of trees breaking was beyond you, but you almost envied him for that uncanny ability.  

White hair: "Look, there's no sense in dilly-dallying. We already have our objective."

The white haired girl pointed out and for a moment everyone stopped and looked at one another, seemingly unsure about what to do next since they were ready to fight against the grimm. You on the other hand were more than ready to run back to Ozpin and call it a day, this was truly a pointless fight.

Ruby: "She's right. Our mission is to grab an artifact and make it back to the cliffs. There's no point in fighting these things."

Jaune: "Run and live - that's an idea I can get behind!"

Frisk: "They do have a point, we're only putting ourselves in danger here."

Eleanor: "There is no point in wasting our resources." 

Y/N: "Besides, why put in extra effort when we can finally sit back and relax?"

Ruby was the first to break the silence and that seemed to get everyone to start agreeing with one another, you dog piling on just to ensure everyone would start to head back. Seeing so much people agree with the idea, everyone ultimately decided to make a dash toward the cliffs.

Y/N: "Unless you want to become a hedgehog or something else with quills, get in cover now!" 

You called out as you seen the nevermore quickly approaching toward you and your makeshift, your early warning allowing most people to make a beeline for shelter among trees, rocks and what appears to be the ruins of a pathway leading toward an equally ruined tower. As you dove behind a rock and looked back to ensure everyone else was safe, you saw Delta, Eleanor and Undyne hadn't taken cover but both had different reasons as Delta had his back turned and was trying to rush forward with Eleanor running to meet her father, meanwhile Undyne was holding out a spear and was smiling as she readied her spear to seemingly meet the quills head on. 

You thought about trying to step in to help Eleanor and Delta, but you had no alternative, your weapons sure as hell wouldn't be able to fully cover them, your semblance would take too long to get the proper amount of damage in to make any real difference than what Eleanor was currently doing and Undyne was caught up in trying to do something against quills coming her way to notice. All you could do was watch and hope that they'd somehow be able to avoid getting impaled by the quills, but the rapidly approaching quills and distance between one another meant they were more than likely going to be caught dead on. 

However, a sudden wall of bones appeared from the ground and sheltered the two from the quills, standing right behind Delta and in front of the bones was none other than Papyrus, looking quite proud of himself. 


Papyrus declared with a smile as he looked toward the father and daughter who immediately hugged one another before they broke off and looked toward Papyrus. Delta let out another whale like call before giving Papyrus a thumbs up

Eleanor: "Thank you Papyrus, my father also thanks you."

Eleanor told Papyrus, her porthole light turning green to show her appreciation, although how it did so was a question you would eventually want to find out. Now that you thought about the porthole light, how could she even seen through those lights in the first place? Papyrus on the other hand had actual stars in his eyes at the thanks.

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